X Best Cards from Special Limited Set in Digimon card game

A special limited set from the Digimon card game has reprinted several incredible cards that many players were waiting for. Not only this, but also the set also included the introduction of the Scramble cards, which made the fragile decks much more supple and giving the already strong decks to even greater the return mechanic.


Digimon card game: 10 best cards with Special Booster 2.0

Here are the best cards from Special Booster 2.0 in Digimon card game!

While the special limited set was a little small compared to other major enhancement sets, it was welcomed with open hands, not only players looking for reprint but also collectors, because the set included some amazing alternative arts that were previously given To competitors at regional tournaments.


A purple contraction

Takemikazuchi will never die

Purple contraction from a special limited set.

Despite the fact that all Cramble cards are incredible, some are much more useful than the rest. During the format, which was released a special limited set, Takemikazuchi and Showers Line for loogamon was an incredible deck that could OTK any threat in front of them.

Unfortunately, the deck had no protection against the effects of removal, which made it a glass gun. Using Scrambles deck can easily return after losing one stack. As long as you get out of the stack, your opponent is probably losing, but with Crambles you will have a backup plan.



Reprint of a great removal tool

Quantumon alternative art from a special limited set.

The first printed launch of Quantumon was found only in Renaissance Buster, RB1. The set was the first attempt to reprint Bandai. Despite the fact that this made a tone of the early BT01 card available for new players, the set was a little disappointed for the rest. Bandai combined Japanese exclusive LM Set with a Western RB1 release, which is very difficult to pull out some new cards.

Quantumon was one of these cards, and although the card has never seen high competitive results, the map still remains one of the most unique removal styles and would not interfere with a couple of them in the case of a rainy day.


Shingreymon: Destruction mode

Get ready for loops

Shingreymon_ Ruin Mode Alternate Art Dream with Special Limited Set.

ShineGreymon: The Ruin mode has only received one print, and as a secret rare card with EX4, the card was pretty difficult. Fortunately, with a special limited set, players can get hands on this beast card.


Digimon card game: 10 most valuable cards with a special limited set

A special limited set with unlimited potential value.

This dark version of Shingreymon is a great level of Seven Digimon, which can round your list if you need another way to remove smaller bodies from the enemy board. This Mega Digimon can apply a blanket -5000 DP effect on your enemy's queue by disconnecting virtually any newcomer on gaming effects. No longer looking for them.



Treatment for wide boards

Deathxmon alternative art from a special limited set.

Just like Shingreymon, Deathxmon was a secret rarity that a ton of new players couldn't get their hands when they started the game after BT09. Although recently the card has not seen too many games, at any time when meta moves toward a wide board, Deathxmon will come to hit.

This alternative art has been available for regional participants during 2024, but since these types of events are small and far between them, a special limited set is now the best rate for most players.


The yellow contraction

Another layer of protection for great angels

Yellow contraction from a special limited set.

SCRAMBLE cards help virtually any deck with reduced Digivolution and Sustainability for your Digimon stacks. This effect is particularly powerful when your stacks already have a type of protection effect, such as a barrier or alliance for these strong jolts for the game.

Yellow vaccine and other yellow decks, like three large angels, can fully use contractions. Fast digital, additional recursion and faster stacks are all that are needed by yellow decks. Hopefully, if you play against it, their safety has died completely.



For your fragile red stacks Digimon

Red contraction from the LM Special Limited Set.

Red decks are one of Digimon's most fragile deck in the game. They hit hard and they hit it quickly, but it's about it. Now with a red contraction, they can support the backup plan to return after turning and pulling out the victory.


Digimon card game: 10 most valuable cards with Special Booster release 2.0

Release Special Booster 2.0 brought many expensive cards to Digimon card game. These are the most expensive.

Red is already known for the effect of decreased digivolution, so Scrambles is right. If you do not have a training card or gray (X antibodies) in the stack, these shiny new cards will help you easily get. Time to OTK!


Construction of memory nephritis!

More sequence for blue and green

Construction of memory nephritis! from the LM SPECIAL with a limited set

Memory enhancement cards were noticeable for Digimon card game from the beginning. They are an easy way to search for a specific Digimon card and can even earn your memory return in the next turn. Unfortunately, with the revival of the double color, Digimon became difficult to find specific works when they were a different color.

A special limited set included brand new memory enhancement cards with a double color to help your sequence even more. Construction of memory nephritis! Searching for either green or blue Digimon, making imeldromon even more consistent than if -no.



Perhaps miragegaogamon will remain for a while

Blue contraction from the LM Special Limited Set.

Each contraction card is useful in the appropriate color, but there is one that gets the greatest praise over the rest. The Blue Cramble card gets a gold medal from the pile and it is due to one deck. Bugman, which is a miragegoogamon.

The deck is one of the best deck in the Digimon card game, but its one of them is that if you destroy the first stack, it will take some time to deck to find the pieces needed for another. Using Scrambles you can repeat the destroyed pieces and give up the next turn.


Gabumon – Bond Friendship Ace

Kizuna's deck returned

Gabumon - Bond of Discrims Ace from LM Set.

Imurrial: Paladin regime filled a gap that had a lot of blue decks when it came to a seven -year level or ACE cards. But now with Gabumon – Bond of Discersion Ace, or Kabubond Ace, you may have different removal options.

Although both cards can lower deck Digimon your opponent, if properly timed, Gabubond Ace can bring two separate bodies for one Swoop. A paired with the actual deck of Gabubondo, this card can be a real threat.


Shivamon ace

Relax everything!

Shivamon Ace from LM Special Limited Set.

One of the best qualities of green deck is spam a lot of bodies at a rapid pace. Sometimes you will be able to Digiving All Way to the level of five Digimon, but you won't have the next game. With Shivamon Ace you will be able to bring your opponent in the attack without realizing that the unsuspecting Digimon will bite off.


If you connect this card with the Tyrantkabuterimon, all your Digimon will be close to the invincible, as the Swivamona rest effect can well synergize your gigantic errors.


Digimon card game: 10 best cards with Ex7 Digimon Liberator

Use the maximum part of this SHOTO set.

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