Why the rumored Switch 2 specs could be a good sign for Splatoon 4

The Nintendo Switch 2 finally arrives after years of rampant speculation. Officially unveiled last month, the Nintendo Switch 2 looks set to build on the huge success of the previous Nintendo Switch.

Among several topics surrounding the Switch 2, one major discussion came in the form of the console's updated hardware. Naturally, the Switch 2 will be more powerful than its predecessor. If it's true that Nintendo's new platform will be much more powerful, that would be a huge boon for one of Nintendo's newest — and most popular — franchises: Splatoon.


Splatoon 4 should break the pattern of franchise life after launch

Splatoon 4 is looking more and more likely as Nintendo teases its next console, and when it arrives, it will need to revisit a large part of Splatoon.

Splatoon could really succeed on the Switch 2

Big multiplayer modes will help Splatoon 4

Among the many Nintendo franchises sure to grace the Switch 2 are Splatoon this seems like a title that has a lot of room to grow on the new platform. One of the most notable areas of growth is multiplayer gameplay, which is arguably the franchise's biggest standout. especially Splatoon can grow on the Switch 2, quite literally, by increasing the number of simultaneous players in multiplayer modes.

currently, SplatoonOnline multiplayer gameplay is limited to eight players, offering players four-on-four matches. If Switch 2 is as powerful as reports indicate, next Splatoon the title can be bigger, offering matches from 16 to 24 players. Potential for eight vs. eight or even 10 vs. 10 matches in the future Splatoon The game will represent a fantastic expansion for Nintendo's premier online multiplayer franchise.

Nintendo is already developing its multiplayer games on the Switch 2

The idea is new Splatoon The Switch 2 game's player growth isn't far-fetched, as another Nintendo franchise already sets the standard. During the official Switch 2 presentation, Nintendo introduced the following title in the Mario Kart franchises, and gameplay footage showed 24 characters racing simultaneously. This is a big jump from the standard 12 players that can race in the latest version of the franchise, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

If Nintendo's goal with the Switch 2 is to increase the gameplay of its many multiplayer games to offer more fun for larger groups, the publisher will surely think hard about Splatoon in this initiative. Perhaps the next entry on the Switch 2 might even add some sort of battle royale mode, offering even bigger matches and creating even more paint-based mayhem. Opportunities for being a fourth major Splatoon the game can look like it's endless on Switch 2.

The Switch 2's new features will help you play Splatoon, multiplayer or not

Even beyond the advantages of multiplayer gameplay, the following Splatoon entry will certainly take advantage of other new features coming with the Switch 2. Early reports and a short part of the Switch 2 trailer indicate that the new Joy-Con controller can be used as a mouse, adding a touch of PC to the already existing mix of console and handheld gameplay. Since the keyboard and mouse setup is popular in shooters, Splatoon will have some added benefits on the Switch 2, even if the next game doesn't radically change multiplayer gameplay.

As it has been three years since the release Splatoon 3Nintendo sure plans to Splatoon 4release as it prepares for the release of the Switch 2. With this new console offering more powerful hardware, this next entry could be a major step forward for the franchise's multiplayer gameplay.

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