Why the latest free Pokemon Scarlet and Violet giveaway is a huge deal

The recent spread of Gen 5 mythic Meloetta via Pokemon is HOME was a big surprise for many Pokemon fans, this event marks the first time in over six years that a Mythical Pokemon has been officially distributed as an Event Pokemon. Many mythical Pokemon from all over the world Pokemon the franchise as a whole has become more accessible to players over the past few years, but the distribution of Meloetta – and a brilliant one at that – is a particularly big deal.


An explanation of all the unreleased Pokemon spotted in the massive leak

A major leak hitting Game Freak and the Pokemon franchise has revealed a lot of information about Pokemon that were canceled years ago.

How to claim this brilliant Meloetta event


This shiny Meloetta was made available on October 16th in what is technically the first ever permanent distribution of in-game events, thanks to the new Pokemon is HOME feature that gives users rewards for completing certain Pokedexes. To get it, players will need to complete the Paldea, Kitakami, and Blueberry Academy Pokedexes. This is quite a challenge in itself for many players, but unfortunately, capturing this shiny Meloetta is even harder than it seems. In reality, players will need to manually transfer every Pokemon in all three Pokedexes Pokemon is HOME. Essentially, players will need to create and transfer an entire living dex, and each Pokemon must be obtained in the Gen 9 games; no transfers from other games are allowed.

A living dex is a fan term that refers to an in-game file that contains one member of each Pokemon species available – essentially a complete biological archive. This means that each member of the evolutionary family is individually conserved.

How this brilliant Meloetta was a first for the franchise

The reward for completing and logging all of these Pokedexes in Pokemon is HOME is attractive, however. What's special about this Meloetta is the fact that until now, the Shiny Meloetta has been completely impossible to obtain through official means since this creature was first introduced in Gen 5 Pokemon games. The last time the Meloetta was even distributed as an event was in August 2018 at that year's World Championships, marking the eleventh and final time that the Meloetta has been distributed through events thus far. Each of these distributions had Meloetta in a shiny lock, with Meloetta's catch Pokemon Scarlet and Violet also unable to spawn shiny.

Prior to this, the only way players could see the shiny Meloetta was by creating it using unofficial third-party software. Meloetta is also an example of Pokemon that absolutely cannot be traded with other players over the Internet. As such, players who artificially created Pokemon have historically avoided doing so with some, such as the shiny Meloetta, as even owning one carried the risk of getting banned from online services in the past.

This Pokemon HOME event could have big implications for the future

Despite its rarity, some may find Shiny Meloetta a rather odd choice of Pokemon to reward players with for replenishing Scarlet and purpledifferent Pokedexes. Melaetta is a 5th generation creature, so some have interpreted this as a hint that Unova-themed events may occur Pokemon secondary names such as Pokemon Go in the near future.

Pokemon Legends: ZA will be the perfect opportunity to spread more mythic games

Although this idea may be a bit of a stretch, it is definitely possible. Perhaps more interesting, however, is the possibility of similar Shiny Mythic Pokemon being distributed in the future as similar Pokedex Completion Rewards. Mythical games such as Victini, Keldeo, Volcanion, and Hoopa are still impossible to obtain legal shiny variants of, making them ideal Pokémon for future events. Gen 6 mythic Pokemon, specifically Volcanion and Hoopa, would be fitting to appear after Pokemon launches Pokemon Legends: ZA next year, which will bring players back to the Kalos region for the first time since then Pokemon X and Y.

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