What are the daily wishes in infinity?

Would like me to like me to get some cool awards Infinity of nicks Tonight! If you have not yet checked the daily wishes of your Peal-Pal in Infinity Nikki, then you lack in the flow of daily awards for completing a lot of things you already do through natural gameplay!


Infinity Nikki: Tips for Beginners

Who else feels that there is a whim behind each corner?

Let it be the creation of new outfits, collecting items, playing in the mini -game and much more, daily wishes in infinity will always pay with sweet rewards. You will earn things like diamonds, Bling, Mira Exp and even elusive cleanliness threads needed for all your sketches.

Daily wishes provide rewards for simple daily tasks

The desire for someone to play in the mini-game in the infinity nicknames on the Daily Windes menu.

If you were playing one of the most popular Gatcha games, you are most likely familiar with the systems that offer Daily tasks in exchange for rewards in the gameWhat urges players regularly enter to stock up on currencies and prizes for what they naturally do, playing this game for a while. Infinity Nikki is not an exception to this rule, and our daily reward system in this game is called Daily wishes.

Once you got your pear from Dada in Florawish in the earliest parts of the stylist guild game, you get access to many new things! You can check your collection to see how much your wardrobe directory is filled, align your miracle cleaning to make them even stronger, add and interact with your game games and more. One of the biggest things you unlock with a pear-pal, -is daily menu, Wish the bottles with the star on it in the lower right corner Pear-Pal menu.

In this menu you will see Six wishes striked in bottles As you saw on the big Wishtree in Florawish, each of which matches A A simple task Someone asks you to complete. Below are the wishes for this day you will see a brief description of what a desire and who did it (you can recognize some names!).

Where to find a daily wishes menu on your pear in infinity.

You Do not need to take daily wishes In any case, before you can complete these tasks; You may even find that some were completed when you played a little before checking the menu for the day! Click on any bottle to read the details of the wishes made inside.

Also, when checking the task details you can also see How many scores do you earn To the prizes at the top of the screen, with simpler tasks, usually costs 100 points and more challenging tasks that cost 200. You always get the first wish for free only for login only, that is, you only need 400 points that cost daily wishes to earn every daily reward a day.

But it's not just the bonuses to enter – you will Need to finish daily wishes to update your stylistAs well as several courses to prove your skills of this level. Daily wishes seem much easier than courses, but you will need to treat both well, as the modernization of your stylist comes with different useful rewards, such as so much more.

What types of tasks can be daily wishes?

A Icons inside the bottles optional correspond What are you offered to do To complete this daily desire. You will see some that are pretty easy to identify – such as a Momo camera that matches wishes that take images or fabric bolts for the skill of a new outfit – but others are a little more embarrassed, even if you consult with a hint on the hint on the lower part Screen. The numbers listed with the icon As you will see How many subjects you need for this taskWith the tasks of collecting that have higher relevant figures.

When looking at Hint shown below screen Daily Wishes If you have a desired bottle selected, the game will show you important information in several ways. For example, Main goals stand out in the yellow textwith other important information, eg Place or prerequisites Instead included in blue textPaying attention to the most important parts of each desire.

The desire to exchange escalation in infinity.

Wishes will be for a number of different tasks, many of which you will do organically when you progress through the story gradually. Potential daily wishes include things like:

  • Pictures Almost everything around Miranda, sometimes with certain characters or taken in certain places.
  • Create new work clothes From your different sketches, such as the things you have unlocking your whims in the heart of infinity. Usually only one piece of clothing will complete this requirement.
  • Collect specific subjectslike types of plants or creators.
  • The cost of vital energy On any of the deformation spiers, doing things as complex spheres of dark affairs, earning new Euro (or modernization of existing ones), transforming vital energy into resources and more.

    • If he just asks you to spend a certain amount of vital energy, any kingdom will do its thing. If you clarify that you will need to challenge a certain sphere, then no other problems with the sphere of the sphere will note this daily desire.

  • Playing in the mini -game You will find in many cities and cities across Miranda.

You can see the wishes that you cannot yet complete, depending on where you are in terms of the progression of the story and the card exploration. The farther you play in the infinity, the better you are lucky with certain daily wishes.


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Gather the rewards for the executed wishes

A series of remuneration with daily wishes in infinity.

At the top of the screen you will see the appropriate Counter of progression Where you will track your daily progress at will and gather any rewards given for these tasks. Every desire to complete, will get you a number Wish I wishhelping to fill this progress panel before the even greater reward. Usually every wish will fit one reward and you will receive things like:

  • Diamondscurrency that allows you to buy less frequently.
  • Threads clean Use when creating new clothes after receiving their sketch.
  • BlingOne of the most common currencies in Miraland.
  • Peacethat corresponds to your player's progression by increasing the Mira level.

Wishes to update once a day at 4 am, that is, you are good to make checking the standard part of your entrance when you play in infinity Nikki! These tasks are what you will do as long as you play anyway, so always make sure you can capture the rewards for some of them.

Any unintended rewards are lost when daily wishes are dumpedSo don't forget to collect everything you earned before you go out for the day!

ARIA SILVERGALE ARIA outfit requires specific daily materials

Added to the first major update before the Nikki Infinity after launch, we received the Silvergale Aria outfit, the second miracle outfit we've seen so far in the game. The materials it requires, there is completely Extended, and this is largely referred to as a long-term purpose of the final game, but you would need to start saving as soon as possible because one material is exclusive from your wishes.

Silver petals This is the material you are looking for and the daily wish that will give you some of them will always be Seems to be glowing If you see it on the list of daily wishes in infinity. The tasks that reward these silver petals are usually more complex, but each reward you with the only silver petal. You will need ten silver petals to make Aria Miracle Aria Silvergale for the first time, and then ten additional silver petals for any enhancement or color updates that you liked because modernization requires a second outfit.


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