Towers Of Aghasba: How long to beat

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Towers of Agasbo is an open-world survival game that drops players onto an island surrounded by nothing but territory. In this world, they must use the resources around them to start building a new settlement and rebuild their lives and society. This includes farming, crafting, exploring, and more.

Like many survival games before it, Towers of Agasbo players have a lot to do to properly restore the ecosystem and create a sustainable society to live in. With all there is to do, many would-be players may wonder how many hours they're going to sink into the game.


Towers of Agasba: How to get resin

Resin is required to build the farm village tower in the quest “Building our first village”; here's how to get resin in Towers of Aghasba.

How long to beat the towers of Aghasba

How many hours can players wait?

As in any other open-world survival game, players in the Towers of Agasbo spend many hours rebuilding the neighborhood and properly building the city. This includes tasks such as:

  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Construction of the town
  • Intelligence
  • Discovery of ancient ruins and objects
  • Farming and cooking
  • Fighting
  • Craft

The game isn't necessarily linear either, meaning it doesn't actually have an end. However, it is predicted that it will take players about 40 hours to build a good and prosperous society. However, this is based on each person's playstyle and how much they plan to add to their cities before they can consider it “perfect”. 40 hours is how long it will take most players to have a developed city with no extra frills.


Towers of Aghasba: How to Root

Root is one of the many resources that players can mine in Towers of Aghasba, and it serves a number of important purposes.

Can you 100% Towers of Aghasba?

Is it possible to complete the game?

Considering Towers of Agasbo it's an open-world sandbox, so there is no normal 100% completion mark. It's not a linear story, so there's no real way to 100% complete it. However, the closest you'll get to fully completing the game will be completing tasks like:

When all these tasks are completed, the player can say that they are 100% completed. Towers of Agasbo. Doing all of this can take anything 70 to 120+ hoursdepending on each player's play style. But as said before, the game is a sandbox, so players can do whatever they want and can add many more hours depending on how they want to build and style their settlements. The possibilities are endless and the game will keep fans entertained for hours.

Towers of Agasbo


PC-1 PlayStation-1

Dreamlit Inc.

Dreamlit Inc.

Early access release

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