The scariest scenes from Harry Potter

Key conclusions

  • Voldemort drinking the blood of a unicorn is a terrifying scene early in the series.
  • Harry and Ron's encounter with Aragog and the giant spiders is a terrifying moment.
  • The Dementor attack on the Hogwarts Express is tense, setting a dark tone.

The Harry Potter movies are often cozy, charming and nostalgic, but they can also be scary, especially for younger audiences. As Harry grows older and the Second Wizarding War looms ever closer, Harry Potter books and movies are getting darker.


Harry Potter: The Darkest Things That Ever Happened at Hogwarts

Although Hogwarts is a safe place under normal circumstances, there have been some horrific events in its long history.

It is not surprising that many of the scariest scenes Harry Potter featuring the Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort, but with giant spiders and dementors on the loose, there are plenty of other creepy moments. While adult viewers may not find these scenes scary now, they may remember having trouble falling asleep when they were younger.

6 Voldemort drinks the blood of a unicorn in the forbidden forest

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Voldemort drinks the blood of a unicorn

While the first two films are known for being more magical and child-oriented, they still have scary moments that can also be called creepy. One such moment occurs when Harry and Draco are alone in the Forbidden Forest at night during their detention.

From the ominous music and eerie sounds to the dark forest lit only by moonlight, this scene is full of unease, and young viewers can easily relate to Harry and Draco, both first-years. When they find a hooded figure drinking the blood of a freshly killed unicorn, Draco can hardly be blamed for running away, and first-time viewers have to worry about Harry, who is frozen in terror. The figure is then revealed to be Lord Voldemort, adding even more darkness to the scene and the rest of the film.

5 Harry and Ron meet Aragog

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter_Spider

For those who suffer from arachnophobia, the scene where Harry and Ron meet Aragog and his family of giant spiders is, understandably, one of the scariest moments in the entire series. Even for those without such a particular phobia, the hundreds of giant spiders are still scary, especially when they try to eat Harry and Ron.

Given Ron's own fear of spiders, he is particularly upset, but luckily his family Ford Anglia comes to the rescue. Even then they are not invisible as the Spiders climb onto the car and there is a final jump scare when one spider appears in the window and clings to Ron. Players from The legacy of Hogwarts we are happy to know that the game has an arachnophobia mode, but unfortunately such changes cannot be made in Secret room the movie.

4 Katie Bell is damned

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter Image: Katie Bell

The scary thing about Katie Bell's curse Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince it's that nothing seems to happen and Harry, Ron and Hermione enjoy a nice winter walk back to the castle. They then hear a blood curdling scream.

The camera then pans to Katie before she is tossed up and lifted into the air in a crucifixion position. She lets out another scream, barely audible over the strong wind, and then falls to the ground, writhing. It's definitely one of the most disturbing moments in the series, and it comes out of nowhere.

3 Dementors attack the Hogwarts Express

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

dementor-hand-on-the-train-azkaban harry potter

Terrible Harry Potter moments often occur at the end of films, but quite a few at the beginning Prisoner of AzkabanHarry and the audience have their first encounter with a dementor. These horrible creatures were brilliantly portrayed, and the way they make everything around them colder by draining everyone of their happiness is truly ominous.


Harry Potter: 8 characters scarier than Voldemort

Voldemort may be a terrifying character in the Harry Potter series; however, these symbols were more frightening.

The fact that the golden trio happened to be discussing the escaped assassin Sirius Black, who Harry recently learned might be looking for him, adds to the tension of the scene. Also, Harry hears a woman scream before he passes out, and it's not the last time he hears it in the film. He later realizes that this is the sound of his mother before she died.

2 Nagini attacks at Bathilda Bagshot's house

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1


There are many dark moments in the later films, but one of the scariest scenes has to be Nagini's attack on Bathilda Bagshot's house. With buzzing flies and a creepy old woman in a dark house, the scene fills the audience with dread, even though Bathilda should be an ally.

Hermione then follows the buzzing of flies and finds a room covered in blood. Unbeknownst to Harry upstairs, he witnesses Bathilda's horrendous shriveling, and Nagini, Voldemort's snake, emerges from her. Nagini then attacks, making for an incredibly tense few moments.

1 Return of Voldemort in the graveyard

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry in the Graveyard, Riddle Family Tombstone

Easily one of the scariest Harry Potter scene should be the graveyard scene at the end Goblet of fire. After seemingly winning the Triwizard Cup, Harry's world comes to a halt when Peter Pettigrew kills Cedric Diggory on his master's orders.

If that's not dark enough, along with the creepy graveyard setting, Harry is strapped to a gargoyle and not only has to watch as Voldemort is reborn, but he even plays a part in his return by having his blood forcibly taken from him. The first glimpse of Ralph Fiennes as the Dark Lord is truly terrifying, and then he begins to summon his Death Eaters, who are equally sinister in their outfits. With Harry's death seemingly inevitable, it's easy to see why this whole scene might haunt the dreams of young viewers.

4:31 a.m


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