The oldest scoundrels in Naruto


  • Naruto is a world -renowned anime after the journey of a young ninja who seeks to lead his village.

  • Antagonists such as Obita, Danza, Orochimar, Cocate, Madara and Kaguy add stories and conflicts.

  • The series emphasizes the topics of the victims, betrayal and growth, making it an epic saga that many love.

Naruto It is one of the most famous and favorite anime in the world and manga, which finds international recognition of its huge history, incredible action and an unforgettable protagonist. Created by Masash Kisimoto, Naruto The publication in Shonen Jump began and quickly grew to high popularity, which led to its anime adaptation in the early 2000s. History stems from a kidos young boy who dreams of becoming a leader of his country. Decided in the feudal world, where the ninja is the basis of society, the boy abandoned his people after the loss of mother and father. Naruto works carefully to become a ninja that his village people must respect that he releases him along the way to save his village and the world.


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Naruto It is a brilliant fairy tale about the hardships, loyalty and dedication in which the protagonist fights more than fists, but his heart. Considering more than five hundred episodes, it is highly rated for Naruto's journey, the conflict of history, as well as the friends and enemies he creates along the way. The villains in Naruto There are slums of otherworldly threats arising from ordinary bandits to heavenly creatures. Here are some of the the oldest scoundrels in Naruto.



31 Year

Abite cures the wounds in Naruto

  • Mango's debut: Section 239

  • Anime debut: Episode 32

Initially, OBITO Uchiha was the village of Leaf, forced to the dark path, losing a loved one at the hands of his most trusted ally. Obita, like most works, went through insurmountable injuries that formed it into a terrible enemy.


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The next character manages to avoid confrontation in the dangerous universe of Naruto.

While Abita started like a ninja, his anger and grief used it, forcing him to turn back to the world. Seeking to change the world to his own selfish desires, even if it meant to stop thousands of lives, Abita seemed to stop in his efforts to return the things he lost. At the age of thirty -one, Abita caused events that would change the ninja world forever.


Danzo Shimura

73 years

Stolen in Naruto danza in Naruto

  • Mango's debut: Section 281

  • Anime debut: Episode 32

Danzo Shimura can become one of the most ominous persons in NarutoBeing a smart and tactical line that supports control over many events in the history of the ninja. Since the start of Ninja Dazo's career, he has been known as the rules switch. However, when he became more daring, he received enough reputation to find and head an organization that directly contributed to the village of the Lifting village, engaged in morally gray and unauthorized missions.

Donza is a ruthless strategist who sacrifices its morality for his home, even the leading all clan to the slaughter with fear of the uprising. For almost eight decades, Danza has committed some of the most horrific crimes in the ninja society, not an ounce of remorse.



54 years

Orchimaru raises his hands in Naruto

  • Mango Debut: Section 45

  • Anime debut: episode 27

OROCHIMARU is a character who does not need a leak. The silver leather snake debuted in Naruto In an attempt to take a coup in the village hidden in a letter during Chunin examinations. As a former ninja and legendary Sanin, Orochimar left his respect and title after becoming an isolation ninja and joined Akatsuki.

For a few generations, he used the group's resources to find the perfect body that would introduce it into the most powerful ninja in history. This led to the fact that he abducted, brainwash and care for Saske to become his replacement body, which inevitably intensified and almost cost his life. Due to its research, Orchimar was able to live unnaturally long Naruto spin-off, Bar.



91 years

Cocuz's forehead defender Naruto

  • Mango debut: Section 312

  • Anime debut: episode 71

Initially, Cocuza was a ninja from such agakure, a village hidden waterfall. Unfortunately, he was avoided and imprisoned after a failed mission to eliminate the first Hockey from the Lifting village.

It made the cockita into the life of the robbery ninja, which escaped captivity and began to engage in prohibited art, which gave him powerful abilities and long life. This made it a great tool for Akatsuka, which was treated from the village of Lifting. Being incredibly cold and almost ninja's philosophy, the Caucas was a serious threat to any ninja, almost killing both the Drew and the Yamat team.


Madara is a scrutin

120 years old

Madara with Naruto

  • Mango debut: Section 370

  • Anime debut: episode 130

Madara Knich was the biggest deadly threat to all ninjas and one of the most powerful warriors in history. Like the learning, Madara possessed a great force, skills and unmatched intelligence, which made him equal hashire, God of all ninjas.


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This, the layering of its control over its Sharingan, the endless register of powerful Dutsa and the ability to rewrite your death through the technique of isonogue, makes it an insurmountable threat. Madar Sea has many achievements under the belt and lived an extremely long life, inevitably becomes the main antagonist Naruto: Shippuden After the revival where he tried to put the world under Gendzhuts to provide the world of peace.



+1000 years


  • Mango Debut: Section 1

  • Anime debut: episode 1

Kurama, also known as nine tail fox,-one of the most powerful ginchuric perfume Naruto Anime. For the millennia, Kurama has acted in a huge conflict with people, which gave him a reputation for a thoughtless beast, which would bring nothing but chaos wherever he went.


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These anime -mama is not a simple trail, but they actually made fans grow up to them in the appropriate anime.

With each of his speeches, he was seen, which caused destruction and took away the lives of the people that he grew to hate from his handing. And only if he was sealed inside Naruto Uzumaki, could he witness the other side of humanity, which made him slowly shed a cynical look at the world and go for the better.


Kaguya Otsuski

Near the ancient

Kaguya Otsutsuki using all the killed ash bones in Naruto

  • Mango's debut: Section 679

  • Anime debut: Episode 458

Kaguya – villain in Naruto preceding most events in the world NarutoIncluding the formation of hidden villages. She belonged to the Otsutsuki clan and betrayed her family, becoming the first person who used the powers of the chakra on earth, consuming the fruits of God.

Kaguy became the main threat in the era of an endless war that made her conflict with her own family for accepting power for herself, not to sacrifice. In Naruto: ShippudenKaguya reborn the black germ, and she would again be a threat to the world.



The release date

2002 – 2006




Date hayato



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