The next Pokemon TCG Pocket commercials have been leaked

Key conclusions

  • Six new promo cards prepared for the Wonder Pick and Venusaur ex events.
  • Promotional cards feature fresh artwork and reimaginings of past TCG sets.
  • The Charizard promo will probably come out in January after the Mewtwo promo in December.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket was very ready with additional promo cards. For the first few weeks, Premium Pass players could get themselves a nice Pikachu card, while everyone else could get a Chancy and Meowth promo from the Wonder Pick event and five more from the Lapras ex event.


Pokemon TCG Pocket is unfriendly to my Completionist Pathology

Pokemon TCG Pocket is a Pokemon card game for collectors, but it still doesn't give me what I need.

It now appears that six of the game's next promo cards have been dated for December.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket events for December were dated last week. These included the Wonder Pick event featuring Bulbasaur and Magnemite, as well as the Venusaur ex battle event, which will feature promo packs like the Lapras ex battle event.

As posted on Reddit by user Gastaldaddy, six promotional cards from these two events have already been datominated. The Bulbasaur card from the Wonder Pick event appears to have a new image, while Magnemite is a reimagining of Magnemite from the Wizard's of the Coast Team Rocket set from 2000.

It looks like the Venusaur ex event promos will feature fresh art on existing TCG pocket cards for Jigglypuff, Onix which is reimagined from Lost Thunder, Greninja which comes from the XY promo, and Haunter. The Venusaur ex promo has yet to be leaked, but it will almost certainly be the fifth of the upcoming promo packs.

These six cards follow the Mewtwo card that was leaked as part of TCG Pocket's Premium Pass for December. With the game's developers creating promos for all three Pokémon introduced by Genetic Apex, it seems that Charizard promos will be coming in January.


Experience the fun of collecting Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) cards with Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, the upcoming game for iOS and Android devices from Creatures Inc., the original developers of the Pokémon TCG, and DeNA Co., Ltd.

In this game you will be able to open two boosters for free every day. You can collect digital cards with nostalgic artwork from the past, as well as all-new cards that are exclusive to the Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Stay tuned for new “immersive maps” that will make you feel like you've been thrown into the world of map artwork.

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