The most memorable quotes in Arcane

Key conclusions

  • Arcane delves into complex character dynamics, such as the conflicted relationships between Kate and Vi, Ecko and Powder, and Victor's evolution.

  • The show portrays subtle themes such as sacrifice for loved ones, the search for redemption and acceptance of technological evolution.

  • Arcane emphasizes the importance of family bonds, togetherness, and growth, emphasizing how relationships and choices shape characters' paths.

Netflix's Arcane tackles complex subjects with nuance, whether it's family relationships and mental illness or existentialism and scientific progress. Set in both Piltover and Zaun, the series focuses on a number of different stories that have moments mixed with drama, action, romance and even comedy.


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Arcane's characters are as intricate and complex as the plot. Each has a unique understanding, culture, perspective and goals that are often different from each other. All of these factors influence the way the characters think and communicate, offering plenty of well-crafted dialogue and quotes.


“Do you really think I needed all the guards at the Hexgates?”

Kate: Season Two, Episode Eight

One of the main conflicts between Kate and V is related to Jinx. As her sister, Vi still has hope for her. However, as the child of one of Jinx's victims, Kate despises her. Although Jinx drives the couple apart, she also brings them closer together.

At that point, Vee believed she was following Kate when she freed Jinx. Unbeknownst to Vee, Kate already knew that she would try to free her sister, so she actively helped her do so. This line shows how much Kate is willing to sacrifice for her relationship with Vee.


“Can we pretend it's the first time?”

Ekko: Season Two, Episode Seven

In the seventh episode of season two, we finally get to see a thriving version of Zaun. While there are many positives to this alternate universe, the highlight is Powder and Ecko's romantic relationship.

The couple seems happy together. This relationship allows Ekko to see Powder/Jinx in a different light. However, this Ekko is new to their relationship, so he understandably wants to take it slow. It makes sense that Ekko would want to “pretend it's his first time” kissing Jinx to make the experience more real for him.


“I'm always with you sister, even if we're universes apart”

Jinx: Season Two, Episode Nine

The line is memorable for two reasons. One of those reasons is that it means that Ecko told Jinx about an alternate universe where her life as Powder couldn't be any different than her life in this universe. Another reason is that Jinx is finally taking her place, fighting alongside her sister.


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Despite the conflicts they have faced against each other, nothing can separate them. No matter what, Jinx and Vee are family. They will always be attached to each other to some extent – even if one of them is no longer alive.


“The wolf has no mercy”

Ambesa: Season One, Episode Eight | Mel: Season Two, Episode Nine

It's been clear since the first season that the Medard family, and the Noxians in general, are a brutal group of warmongers. We first see this in Mel's flashback in season one, in which she remembers Ambesa beheading a POW. Ambesa explains to her that “the wolf has no mercy” and that making tough decisions is the only way to win.

Because of the culture of Noxus, it only makes sense that Ambesa joins the “wolf” and not the “fox”. To Ambesa, Mel embodies “the fox,” especially when she chooses peace over war. However, in season two, Mel defies her mother's expectations.

In the finale, Mel becomes her own version of the wolf after defeating her mother. At this point, Ambesa finally sees her daughter as the leader she truly is. It also shows a possible look at Mel's future in the Arcane universe.


“Evolution has a destination. Not to fight with nature, but to supplant it. The ultimate glorious evolution.”

Viktor: Second season, sixth episode

Since Arcane is based on League of Legends, the writers find moments to reference gameplay and/or in-game dialogue. In the game, one of Victor's main abilities is called Glorious Evolution, which allows him to grow as he kills enemies.


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As it is literally the name of the show, arcane magic is very important in Arcane.

Victor also believes that “only by accepting the glorious evolution of technology can the full potential of humanity be realized.” In season two, we begin to see Victor's glorious revolution come to fruition. His perspective shifted to something more like his version of the game.


“It is not enough to give people what they need to survive. You have to give them what they need to live.”

Ekko: Season One, Episode Nine

Ekko has been a consistent voice of reason throughout both seasons of Arcane, so it's no surprise that he has his share of memorable lines. One of these many lines can be heard in the first season, when Ecko brings Heimerdinger to his hideout in the undergrowth.

Impressed by all he has achieved, Heimerdinger notes that the people here are thriving compared to other parts of Zaun. Ekko's quote at this point shows that his goals for the community go beyond survival. In addition to natural light, fresh air and clean water, the hidden village of Ekko is a safe community space that offers hope to all who live there.


“We lost ourselves. We lost our dream. In pursuit of the great, we failed to do good.”

Victor: First season, ninth episode

Since the beginning of the series, Jace and Victor have sought to use hextech to improve the lives of the citizens of Pilttower, especially those living in the underground city. However, Viktor's attitude towards hextech changes during the season.

He realizes that while their invention has made progress for Piltover and Runeterra as a whole, its purpose has not improved the lives of the less fortunate people living in Zaun. Despite the incredible feat of scientific innovation, Victor sees hextech as creating problems rather than solving them.


“If dangerous ideas did not disturb the imagination, we would never go astray.”

Heimerdinger: Season One, Episode Two

Ever the innovator and scientist, Heimerdinger enjoys seeing new technologies and inventions, but old age has shown him the dangers that often come with these advances. He quickly shuts down anything he sees as a potential threat. However, he still sympathizes with Jace and Victor's quest for progress.


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Although he wants to support and motivate his students, his fears for the future are too great to ignore. Although he appreciates innovation, he will always exercise caution as he has seen powerful technology fall into the wrong hands.


“Is there anything as destructive as a daughter?”

Silco: Season One, Episode Nine

This line has a double meaning. Initially, Silko seems willing to sacrifice Jinx to fulfill his dream of Zaun. He has spent his life striving for Zaun's independence, and now only one thing stands between Silco and his ultimate goal.

However, later in the episode we realize that he actually thought the opposite. While Silko was certainly one of the main antagonists of the first season, his affection for Jinx, his adopted daughter, is undeniable. He would rather protect his daughter than achieve his goal.


“I grew up knowing that I was smaller than them, that my place was down there. I want more powder than that, and I'm willing to fight for it.”

Vi: Season One Episode Two

Like many Zaunites, Vee has always been outspoken about her feelings about Pilttower and the discrimination and neglect faced by residents of the suburban town. Even as a teenager, Vee strives to join the fight for a better future for her sister Powder.

While Wander understands her point of view, he still needs to steer her in a more productive direction. He shows you that there are other ways to find peace. These guidelines are not always followed by Vee, but they help her in some of the conflicts between the upper city and the inner city.

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