The Last Straw Hat Explained

This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Elbaf Arc.

Key conclusions

  • Vivi hinted at reuniting with the Straw Hat Pirates, potentially becoming the final member of the team.
  • Vivi's connections to Ancient Weapons such as Uranus can strengthen the crew's power against the World Government.
  • Once Vivi joins in, the Straw Hats will be complete and ready for the final battle, which could completely change the dynamic.

The Straw Hat Pirates are a powerhouse team that hails from East Blue One Piece the world This pirate crew is getting stronger and fans know that they are some of the strongest on the sea at the moment, especially after the Wano Country Arc where Luffy defeated Kaido and successfully became one of the four sea emperors.


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The Straw Hat Pirates are strong, but they're certainly not perfect. When Luffy set out on his journey, he set a goal of gathering around 10 crew members. Luffy is now only nine, meaning there is room left on the ship for one last crew member. Of course, fans have always wanted more people to join the team, considering it's one of the most exciting things about One Piece. But for now, one candidate stands out much more than the others, and that person may be the last Straw Hat.

Contenders for The Last Straw Hat in One Piece.

  • Yamato wanted to join the Straw Hats.
  • Vivi is still in the picture

There are many contenders for the place of the last Strawhat. Fans know this because Luffy has made countless friends across the sea, some of whom he isn't even connected to now, but is sure to meet again. At the same time, there are also people that Luffy is waiting to meet or will meet later. Obviously, there are a lot of people who could join the latest saga One Pieceand fans absolutely can't wait to see who that person will become. Out of the many contenders, these are a few that stand out the most.

There's always room for you guys on my ship! – Luffy


Shogun Wano, Momanosuke is definitely a very strong contender for the position of Straw Hat. As fans know, Momo isn't exactly on board with leaving the Strawhat Pirates. But Luffy told him that there was always room for him on the ship and if he ever wanted to join the team, all he had to do was let him know and he would come and get him. Luffy clearly believes that Momo is his little brother and they share a very special bond. Momo is certainly a very good contender to be the last Straw Hat, but his duties as Shogun Wano basically mean he can't join the Straw Hats just yet.


Just like Momo, Yamato is another person that fans can see joining the Straw Hat Pirates. Although Yamato didn't join the Strawhats after Wano, there is absolutely no reason why Yamato can't do so in the future. However, there is an obstacle that may prevent Yamato from joining the crew.

One Piece

This obstacle is Wano's defense. It needs its own deterrent. There is absolutely no one left to defend the country, and that deterrent is none other than Yamato. If Mamanosuke doesn't grow much in terms of strength, Yamato will have to stay in Wano and protect the land. This means Yamato can't rejoin Luffy right now.

Elbaf Giant

Many fans believe that Luffy will take out the last member of the Straw Hat Pirates in Elbaf. With Elbaf being the main arc, it's only natural for fans to assume that this is where the next Strawhat will join the team. However, fans should understand that the Giant is already part of Luffy's fleet. This Giant is none other than Khairudin, now known to fans as Prince Elbaf. Obviously, Khairudin is one of the most important characters from Elbaf, along with Loki, that Luffy will meet. Obviously he's one side of the coin and Loki is the other, and Luffy has already befriended Khairudin and made him part of his fleet. It makes absolutely no sense for Luffy to have a giant join his team with Khairudin around.

These are pretty much all the main contenders that fans know to be the final Straw Hat, and none of them quite fit the bill. However, there is one character that would be a perfect fit and that is none other than Vivi.

Why Vivi is the last straw hat in one piece

Vivi recently sent Luffy a tip

Vivi's position as the last Straw Hat was set in stone right after she was seen temporarily leaving the team. Vivi stayed after the Arabast arc because she wanted to rule her people and help her country recover. Since then, Vivi has grown tremendously as both a ruler and a political leader, while at the same time realizing that now is the time to join Luffy. Because the fans didn't, Kobra was killed by Imu during the Reverie. Vivi cannot now return to Arabasta, which means that her duty to serve as the ruler of Arabasta cannot be fulfilled now.

Will you still call me your friend? – Vivi

Vivi is currently working at the World Economic Journal, but she can't stay there forever. Most recently, in Elbaf, Vivi sent a signal to Luffy, showing him that she was safe and, at the same time, her current location. Obviously, Vivi wants to meet the team, and Oda sets up a meeting with her.


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It's very likely that Vivi is going to join Luffy, potentially in Elbaf or right after the arc. If Vivi rejoins the Straw Hat Pirates, she will stay with them because that is the safest place for her. The only time Vivi can return to Arabasta is after the fall of the World Government, which means Vivi will stay with the team forever from that point on.

This essentially makes Vivi the last Straw Hat, which also makes sense because the Straw Hats promised they would still call Vivi a member of the team when she returned. Essentially, Vivi's position as the tenth Straw Hat is set in stone.

The full force of the Straw Hat Pirates

There is no stopping the Straw Hats at full power

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Once Vivi joins the Straw Hat Pirates, they will finally be able to show their full power. Luffy's crew will finally be complete and they will be ready to take on the World Government. While Vivi may not have been as strong before the timeskip, Oda will have to scale her to match the current Straw Hats, meaning she will be many times stronger. It makes even more sense if Vivi is indeed connected to the Ancient Weapon, specifically Uranus, which is perhaps why Imu is looking for her as well.

Obviously, Vivi's importance to the crew will be paramount, and if she actually controls or has the ability to control the ancient weapon, the Straw Hats will be on a whole other level and will clearly be the biggest threat to the World Government. This will make the final battle with Imu and his minions even more exciting and fans absolutely cannot wait to see it.

One Piece is available to read through Viz Media. Fans can read the series officially and for free on Shonen Jump and Manga Plus. The next One Piece chapter, One Piece 1131, is scheduled for release on November 11, 2024.

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