The biggest examples of hereditary will, explained


  • Lufi inherited the will of Nicky, Jobi and Roger, embodying their dreams and aspirations.

  • Blackberd carries Xebec freedom, trying to become a tyrannical king as opposed to Lufi.

  • Koby represents the will of Harp, following his footsteps and becoming the future of the Marine Corps.

The inheritance of the will has always been one of the central concepts in One piece History, even before it received immediately, the named name. The idea is that the dreams and ambitions of a person never die, and if they cannot fulfill these aspirations in their lives, they will eventually be passed on to the one who will. Many of the most important characters of the series began their journeys from this aspect of the stories.

Although obviously there are many examples of hereditary, playing a huge role in the development of some character inheritance throughout One piece History.


One piece: the biggest revealed so far in elbef

Although Elbef's arc is still in its infancy, it has already made some huge disclosures that seem to change what we know about the world!

Lufi has inherited the will of Nicky, Jobi and Roger

The most important pirates of their day

The first appearance of the lifu

One pieceSection 1, “Romantic Dawn – Dawn Adventures”

The first appearance of Roger

One pieceSection 1, “Romantic Dawn – Dawn Adventures”

The first mention of joiba

One pieceSection 628, “Spring Harvest”

The most obvious case of hereditary will can be seen in the main character of the series, Monkey D. Lufa. From the first section, the franchise was teasing that the next pirate king would be Lufa, who was an headline that was officially created only one person in front of him; D. Roger's goal, and always teased that they were very similar. This is what is meant very strongly throughout the series, especially when Yamat reads Oden magazine and realizes that real Lufi's dream is really the same as Roger.

I don't want to win anything. I just think the guy with the freedom in all this ocean is the pirate king!

However, when the story continued, it was shown that Lufi was a joiboy transformation and shared the same fruit as him and even Nick before him. Moreover, Lufi is a great liberator, just like Joyba was teased, and the fact that the sun god was known as all over the world; A person who will fight tyranny and become the main site in a new dawn.

Blackbeard has inherited the will of the rock D. Xebec

Evil men who confront the heroes

The first appearance of Blackberd

One pieceChapter 223, “I promise never fight in this city”

The first mention of the rock

One pieceSection 957, “Ultimate”

Conversely, the black beard is regarded as the opposite side of the Lufa coin, which also wants to become a king. But, unlike Lufi, the black beard wants to become a tyrannical king with as much force and control over all others, compared to Lufi, who just wants to become the most free person in the world without wanting to control and not have power over anyone Still. In this sense, the black beard is widely regarded as the second coming of the shameful breeds of D. Xebec.

Fate chose me to conquer this world!

Ever since the pirates on the rocks in One pieceThe fans immediately understood the correlation between their captain and the black beard, as they are both very clear parallels that exist as the greatest enemies for the heroes of their time, that is, Roger and Lufi respectively. This has led to many theories regarding the relationship between them, which vary from the Son of the Black Beard to even the consciousness of the rocks from their common devilish fruit. All that is confirmed is that there is a clear connection between them, and because the black barrage is called the XEBEC spear.


One piece: Elbef's royal family, explained

Elbefa Royal Family is one of the most interesting disclosures made so far in the Elbef, so let's break all our famous members!

Kobe inherited the will of Harpe

The sea hero and his prince

The first appearance of kobi

One pieceSection 2, “this guy,” straw hat luffy “

The first performance of the hp

One pieceSection 92, “Happiness”

Unlike other examples, this is the only one where the interested characters are still alive. Garp is known as one of the greatest infantrymen in the history of the Navy and one of the united assets of the world government, and therefore it can do almost everything he wants, despite the opening of the world. Throughout his life, he tried to promote love for justice in his family so that they could follow his footprints and become the Marines.

What do you think you abducted?! Koby – the future of the Navy! And … he is also my favorite student!

However, while his son and grandson is perhaps the most simple people in the situation, they both broke away from the way he had installed for them. However, Koby eventually enlisted the Military Fleet from his lifetime dreams to become an admiral and was placed under the direct command of Harp, instilling the same values ​​as the maritime hero. Thus, Koby is essentially regarded as a modern version of Garp, and, according to Harp itself, the future of the Marines, which will undoubtedly become one of the largest players in the final war.

One piece You can broadcast on Crunchyroll.


Theory of one work: True, if the fairy tale about laughter depresses

Although many believed that Roger laughed at the fairy tale about the laughter, though it was perhaps much more oppressed.


One piece

The release date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiraki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tookoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yokoda O, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

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