The best side missions to complete as quickly as possible

World STALKER 2 a large one in which players can encounter many things. From numerous groups of enemies looking to loot a human corpse to massive monsters created by radiation, there is no shortage of content for players to enjoy. It also includes many quests that are available in both the main story and side missions that can help players improve their characters before they finish the story.


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Players who ventured to visit the Tornado Anomaly in Yanava will return with the legendary artifact Weird Bolt in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

However, as with any such open-world game, not every side quest will ever be a winner. Sure, there are side missions in this game that are either tedious to complete or just don't have anything that stands out to the players, and they're pretty much just ways to get more experience and maybe extra supplies. However, there are some that are worth your time. This list is here to give players an idea of ​​which side quests to complete as soon as possible.

8 In the name of science

Get really powerful weapons

Stalker 2 - Shcherba

This late game mission will come as players progress the main story is coming to an endbut it's worth the players' time. For this quest to be open to players, they will need to complete the quest for Shcherba called In search of former glorywhich involves bringing project documents to the Controller's scientist.

This quest is worth it because it will give players access to Gauss gun if they make the correct decision to disable the jamming device instead of calibrating it. This weapon deals some of the best damage in the game, as well as excellent penetration, range, and accuracy. This is a useful tool to have with you during the last few missions.

7 Warlock Debtor

Get a great weapon early on

Stalker 2 - Valik

  • Available at the beginning of the game
  • Gives players a great weapon with lots of ammo

Finding side quests that can help the player take a better step forward a huge advantage in the game. Warlock's Debtor is one of them, and once it becomes available, players should finish it immediately. It becomes available when they arrive in Zalissya after completing the tutorial.


Stalker 2: How to get the reporter's hideout at Doug's base

Inside the security base in the Duga region in the game “Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl” is hidden a hideout of journalists, here's how to get there safely.

Completion of the Warlock's mission “The Debtor”.gets players AKM-74Swhich has excellent stats and will deal excellent damage. It also comes with a good amount of ammo, which is a big plus in this game where ammo is scarce in the early stages of the game.

6 Nightingale hunting

Get some good supplies and an artifact

Stalker 2 - Nightingale hunting

  • Can give players some useful collars for the next mission
  • Gives players a useful artifact

The first thing that makes this side quest worthwhile is what it will give players tons of electronic collarswhich will be useful for a future mission in the main storyline. This upcoming mission, Minor Incident, may consist of a tedious section that can be bypassed by purchasing these collars now.

Next, players can get strange sword artifactwhich can be extremely useful. This artifact will reduce bullet damage while the player is standing still. It happens more often than people think and can be the difference between life and death.

5 The lost boys

Early missions with coupons

Stalker 2 - The Lost Boys

There are some nice side quests to complete once the player reaches Zalissyaand that includes this one right here. It's a fairly simple mission that gives players a choice between saving a character or attacking them. Players must save them to get better rewards.


Stalker 2: How to get a suit with high PSI protection

PSI radiation is very dangerous in Stalker 2, and a suit with high PSI protection becomes essential, especially in the Ad Astra Per Aspera mission.

This will give the players Rubber layer planwhich is a useful item and people can also find a hiding place in the Mastiff which will be found throughout the quest.

4 Poppy field

Reap the benefits

Stalker 2 - poppy field

  • An early mission that gives lots of rewards
  • These rewards include a great gun

Being able to get a good weapon early in the game will make the entire game much easier for players. Doing the Poppy Field side quest can do this for people after they do it received an Orthodox icon. Thanks to this, they can complete this side quest to the end.

One of the best rewards for this mission is for UDP users Tactical pistol silencer it can help a lot with stealth, but all players can get Unknown Stalker's AR416a solid assault rifle that boasts an excellent rate of fire.

3 A mysterious case

Bring money

Stalker 2 is a mysterious affair

  • Helps players to get a good amount of money
  • Pretty simple and easy to do

Although modern civilization may have died in the game world, this does not mean that tmoney is not important. There are many merchants around the Zone who can sell useful gear to players as the game progresses.


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Vectors have a very high rate of fire in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, and this is how players can get a special variant of the Riemann SMG.

Mysterious Case is a side mission that can set a man up some decent money to help them purchase better gear from merchants. Available in the Lviv area of ​​the game, this is a fairly simple mission that can yield not only money, but also some supplies and ammunition.

2 Three captains

Get a great sniper rifle

Stalker 2 - three captains

  • A culmination of quests that grant great weapons
  • Sets players up for future success

While this mission will take time to complete once the player is able to reach the end of these quests in Zatonshchynathe wait is worth it. This quest simply asks players to kill a couple of characters — or side with them.

Whichever option a person chooses, he will get Clusterf*** sniper riflewhich has excellent accuracy and rate of fire. This weapon is a great tool for later areas and missions of the game.

1 There is no honor among thieves

More money, less problems

Huron without honor among thieves in STALKER 2 Heart Of Chornobyl

  • A solid chunk of change will be given as a reward
  • Easy to complete

The last mission on this list is here to give players even more money to spend on upgrades and equipment. This includes getting players engaged in warring factionsand the ultimate reward is a nice chunk of change.

This is not a very difficult mission to complete, and reward 2159 coupons too good to refuse. Crediting this will be a nice boost to the player's wallet.

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