Hero Chronicle: Project Olympus is an obscure crossover RPG that ended up on the SNES due to licensing issues.
Robotrek is a customizable turn-based RPG on the SNES that resembles Pokemon with robots.
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistral is an outstanding SNES RPG with unique combat mechanics and dungeon puzzles.
The Super Nintendo has one of the greatest video game libraries of all time. There are games for all genres, from brawlers to shooters and RPGs. Many of these (particularly RPGs) have made their way beyond the SNES via digital ports on online stores like the eShop, and some have even been remastered.
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The best RPGs on the SNES, ranked
The Super Nintendo has some of the best RPGs of all time, and these are the 15 best RPGs on the SNES.
Chrono Triggerfor example, has been ported and improved several times to systems such as the PS1 and Nintendo DS. Unfortunately, not every great game gets a second chance — like SNES classics and hidden gems. The games detailed in this list never officially released on the SNES console, but that doesn't mean they can't be tracked down online. These games will be ranked by quality.
Chronicle of heroes: Project Olymp
A licensed nightmare in a fan game
Developer: Winky Soft
Publisher: Banpresto
Released: November 20, 1992
Platform: SNES
When it comes to crossover RPGs that never made it to the West, Super robot wars takes the cake as dozens of titles are still missing in action. A game that might be even more obscure and engrossed than the SNES Chronicle of heroes: Project Olymp. This turn-based RPG crosses over Ultraman, Gundamand Stone Horseman properties.
Although it was never released in North America, there is an English fan patch for it. Unfortunately, Japanese players haven't been able to find it again, possibly due to licensing issues that seem to always be a problem with licensed games being re-released.
Pokemon with robots

- Released
July 8, 1994
- Developer(s)
- Publisher(s)
Robotrek it's one of the few games Quintet made for Enix on the SNES that wasn't an action RPG. Instead, this game is turn-based and comparable Pokemon. Starring a young mechanic who has a customizable robot to go on adventures with.

Square Or Enix: 8 Best SNES Games, Ranked
Squaresoft and Enix were hot rivals and they both released amazing games on the SNES. These are some of the best choices.
Players can evolve the robot as they progress, giving it new body parts and weapons, as well as new friends. Robotrek never really made a big splash on the RPG scene, but it was released in North America, as were many of the Quintet's games, most of which are also under the SNES.
EVO: Search For Eden
Fight, eat, evolve
EVO: The Quest for Eden

- Released
December 21, 1992
- Publisher(s)
EVO: The Quest for Eden it's one of the most unique games on the SNES. This is a 2D linear role-playing game in which players will go through life and develop. They start out as fish, eating plants, and slowly as they level up, they can start attacking other fish to evolve into bigger hunters.
Players can also choose evolution points when they reach certain criteria, so it's a bit more dynamic than the evolutions found in Pokemon series. Almanic made this game for Enix and they also made a PC game in Japan under the name A 4.6 Billion Year Story: The Theory of Evolution. It shares some elements, but both games are completely different.
Arabian Nights: Desert Spirit King
This is not your ifrit Clive
Developer: Pandora Box
Publisher: Takara
Release date: June 14, 1996. (Japan)
Platform: SNES
Arabian Nights: Desert Spirit King it's like a middle eastern version Inuyasha. A young girl finds a magical ring, and inside is the evil genie Ifrit, who grants one wish. She wants to bring peace to the earth, so this genie reluctantly agrees to help, even though he was sealed away for evil deeds.
The push between the two is great and the story is unlike anything else on the SNES. The gameplay is turn-based, but players can use cards to change the terrain, which can affect enemies or heroes by strengthening or weakening certain traits. It was only released in Japan on the SNES and has not been officially re-released, but there is an English fan translation.
The twisted stories of Spike McFang
A vampire hunter who loves tomatoes
The twisted stories of Spike McFang
The twisted stories of Spike McFang starring a young vampire who chooses to eat tomatoes instead of drinking blood. His goal is to stop other vampires from terrorizing the land, one dungeon and boss fight at a time. Players can attack enemies with a cloak and hat, and there are spell cards to collect. Attacking and defeating enemies will gradually level up Spike, and there's even two-player co-op.
This game was actually a sequel to the TurboGrafx-16 game of the same name Prince Makai Refined, which was not released in the West – neither was the golf game, Super Naxat Openwhich had episodic clips from this series.
Secret Of Evermore
It's not a mana game, but it's worth it
Secret of Evermore

- Released
October 1, 1995
- Developer(s)
Square Enix
- Publisher(s)
Square Enix, Nintendo
Secret of Evermore not tied to art Mana series, but it sounds and looks The secret of mana. It's more like the recently formed North American branch of Square's spiritual sequel the secret of mana which used the same action-packed gameplay with a battery counter and ring-based menu system.

The best SNES RPGs with open world elements
These incredible SNES RPGs, while limited in terms of the open world aspect, still showcase some of the best elements the genre has to offer.
It wasn't even originally released in Japan, and it hasn't been seen officially there until now. It's a wild ride with a young boy and his dog as they travel to another world that feels like a tour through history, from the Roman Empire to a jungle full of dinosaurs, but it's all just one world.
Lufia 2: Rise Of the Sinistrals
A long lost RPG franchise
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistral

- Released
February 24, 1995
Integrity of Art Luffy the franchise remains on the consoles it was released on. The only game that came out was Lufia: The Legend Returns, which was a Game Boy Color RPG that was re-released on the 3DS's eShop – which has since been shut down, so even that game didn't have a happy ending.
From many records, Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistral stands out on the SNES as a peak for many fans. The turn-based combat system had early mechanics like Limit Breaks Final Fantasythere was easy monster hunting and it had similar dungeon puzzles The Legend of Zelda series. It hasn't been re-released yet unless you want to count it as a DS game, Luffy: Curse of the Sinistralswhich felt more like a reimagining than a level-like remake Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

7 Best PS1 JRPGs Without Random Encounters, Ranked
These PS1 games were ahead of the randomized curve.