Key conclusions
- Players need a lot of acid to create Tier 3 Aluminum in Once Human, which can be obtained from Stardust-damaged enemies, especially Medusa.
- Several acid farming locations in the game offer different crops per run, with hints about routes, enemies, and defenses.
- The updated map in Way of Winter adds new places to farm in Acid; players can find Acid in familiar areas such as the Monolith of Greed and the Sutherland Chemical Plant.
Once a man players will need a lot Acid create various recipes in the game, including aluminum level 3. This valuable resource can be found by killing most of the Stardust damaged enemies in the game, especially the jellyfish.

Once Human: Every bow, ranking
Bows are rarely the ideal weapon in Once Human, but there are still a few versions worth investing in for players using a ranged build.
Here are eight different zones where Once a man players can get better acid farming in-game with tips on the best routes, enemies, spawn rates, and information on defense events that fans can trigger to get more acid. For security purposes, gamers should carry plenty of ammunition before venturing out to these locations.
Updated on October 22, 2024 by Lucas Simons: With the Way of Winter update, the Once Human map has changed significantly. This doesn't mean that players can no longer play Manibus, as the game allows you to continue working on old maps even in the new season, but it does mean that there new locations for Acid farm in the game. As such, this article has been updated to show the new locations where players can find the Acid in the Way of Winter map.
This article contains minor spoilers for The Way of Winter update.
8 Ancient Ship Farm – Vienna Fjord (Winter Route)
From 20 to 40 units per run
- average Kill Yield: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
- Best route: Center > East > North > West – repeat
- average respawn time: 0:30 (regular) 1:40 (elite)
- Zone Level: 5+
Some things in Once a man changed forever, especially the way players access this valuable resource. Most campsites are filled with corrupted enemies, fireflies and spiders that give large amounts of acid if killed in succession. Revenue per run has almost doubled, and that has had an impact on the state of the game as a whole. For this method of acid farming, players must wander around small campsites starting at Level 5+, in a square pattern from center to east, then north and west, and back to center to start again (counter-clockwise).
This is a good way to get a kill earlier than most players who do it in reverse (clockwise) as the game calculates the respawn rate based on the enemy's distance from the spawn point when they die, so it will benefit farmers who do it's the other way around. Players can keep repeating this process to get 20 to 40 (depending on luck) per run.
7 Wish Land East – Onyx Tundra (Way Of Winter)
From 30 to 60 units per run
- average return per kill: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
- Best route: Center > East > North > West – repeat
- average respawn time: 0:35 (regular) 1:55 (elite)
- Zone level: 16+
Wish Land East can be found in the Onyx Tundra area Winter wayto the northeast of the Great River danger zone. The map is full of level 15-17 rejected enemies, so dealing with them can be frustrating, especially since their spawn rate is shorter than usual.
For this method of farming, players must start in the center of the point of interest and move forward to the parking lot. They must then go east to the compound building, then north and finally west. Players can repeat this pattern counter-clockwise, and they must remember the three elite enemies that are in the central areas between the buildings.
6 Dayton Hospital – Minibus
From 20 to 30 per run
- average Kill Yield: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
- Best route: South> Center> East> North> West – repeat
- average respawn time: 1:55 (regular) 3:55 (elite)
- Zone level: 7
The Dayton Hospital can be found in the northeastern part of the Dayton Wetlands Area. To farm acid in this area, players should start from the southern entrance. Then you need to go to the center, to the site with the fountain, clear the eastern wing of the buildings. After that, players should go north along the parking lot, kill the Elite and go west. Enter the hospital, then rush south, killing the nurses and Elite in the first part of the hospital. Players can then exit through the parking lot and walk to the south entrance.
By repeating this route, players can get an average of 40 to 55 units of acid per run. However, it is important that PvP players approach this route with caution, as there are many buildings that are perfect sniping locations.
5 Sutherland Chemical Plant – Manibus
From 30 to 45 per run
- average Kill Yield: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
- Best route: South> Center> East> North> West – repeat
- average respawn time: 1:55 (regular) 3:55 (elite)
- Zone level: 14
The Sutherland Chemical Plant can be found in the center of the Broken Delta area. When players reach the southern entrance, they should start farming towards the center, kill the Elite in the eastern building, and continue down the pipes, killing the Medusa enemies. They should then go north, following the oil tanks, and enter the main building to the west. Kill the Furnace Elite and then go down south through the western buildings.

Once Human: 5 hardest bosses, ranked
There are 5 main bosses in Once Human and each has a different combat mechanic that the player must face.
If players manage to find the access card to the Sutherland V1 Chemical Plant, they can activate the Refinery event in the main building. The event consists of defending the car against three waves of enemies and elites. After completing the event, fans will receive between 50 and 75 acid among other useful items.
4 Monolith Of Greed Danger Zone – Minibus
From 30 to 50 per run
- average Kill Yield: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
- Best route: South> East> North> West – repeat
- average respawn time: 1:20 (regular) 2:35 (elite)
- Zone level: 10
The Monolith Gaia Danger Zone can be found in the center of the Broken Delta area, on the highest peak. There are two entrances to the complex, north and south, but it is recommended to exit through the south exit and climb up until players reach the Monolith (Dungeon) area. Then they can go back down the way they came.
Along the way, players can find a few elites that fall between 3 and 4 units of Acid (and Gunpowder). This is a good place to get other useful resources, but enemies can rush players as the respawn timers are shorter in this area. It's also a contested area, so farmers will need to keep an eye out for enemy players.
3 Hearst Industries – Minibus
From 20 to 40 per run
- average Kill Yield: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
- Best route: Center > East > North > West – repeat
- average respawn time: 1:55 (regular) 3:55 (elite)
- Zone level: 11
Hearst Industries can be found on the southeast side of the Broken Delta, near the Dayton Wetlands border. This area can be difficult to farm, so players should try to go to the central area near the refinery and move east along the pipes. Kill the elites along the way, then head north to the warehouses.
As players move through the buildings, they should check for other Elites near the entrance to the main warehouse. Moving west and dropping to the center will allow players to repeat the route.
2 Eastern railway hub – Manibus
From 30 to 45 per run
- average Kill Yield: 3 units (Normal) 5 units (Elite)
- Best route: south> center> east – repeat
- average respawn time: 1:55 (regular) 3:55 (elite)
- Zone level: 14
The eastern rail hub is in the northernmost part of the Broken Delta area. Follow the railroad tracks near the south entrance until you reach the central deposit area. Kill all the jellyfish, regular enemies, and elites, then head east to the warehouse. Players should watch out for fog, as it limits their field of vision and makes them vulnerable to ambushes.

Once Human: 7 Hardest Animals to Tame
Taming animals is a test of patience in Once Human, and even the smallest prey can be a major challenge.
Once players are done clearing out the enemies, they should run to the eastern area, kill another elite, and return to the southern entrance. If players have a V1 access card to the eastern rail hub, they can start the Refinery event. As with the Sutherland Chemical Plant event, players will receive between 50 and 75 acid for defeating all waves of enemies.
1 Greywater Industrial Area – Manibus
From 40 to 70 per run
- average Kill Yield: 3 units (Normal) 5 units (Elite)
- Best route: south > center > east – repeat
- average respawn time: 1:45 (regular) 3:25 (elite)
- Zone level: 23
The Greywater industrial area is located in the northern part of the Iron River district and is definitely the most best place to farm Acid Once a man. From the southern entrance, players must go to the center and destroy several enemies. They can then turn east and follow the building line to the warehouse area. Here, players can collect many useful scrap items to help them create their first car.
Clear out common and elite enemies and don't forget about the flying jellyfish enemies hiding among the oil tanks and pipes. Most of these enemies have a higher resource output than other areas and their respawn times are average. But players must be at least level 23 before attempting to craft in this area.

Open world
OpenCritic- Top Critic Rating:75/100
- Released
- July 9, 2024
- Developer(s)
- Star studio
- OpenCritic rating
- Strong