The best equipment in Yakuza Kiwami

Key conclusions

  • Upgrade Kiru's gear to avoid taking too much damage from powerful enemy attacks.
  • Buy a Tour T-shirt from Ebisu Pawn to take down enemies as Kiru falls, adding a fun twist to combat.
  • Purchase dragon mail from the shrine for better defensive stat and bullet resistance, making Kiru's battles easier.

Yakuza Kiwami is a much-needed facelift for Kiryu's first outing as a yakuza, serving as an accurate adaptation of the main story while also adding a ton of fun and cute side content that has become synonymous with the series. Combat is just as cathartic, but players must upgrade their equipment from time to time.


Yakuza Kiwami 2: 10 Funniest Substories, Ranked

The Yakuza series is known for its silly humor, especially in the side stories. These moments in Yakuza: Kiwami 2 demonstrate that spirit the most.

Eventually, the enemies become tougher and equipped with more powerful weapons as the series progresses. If players can't make sure Kiryuu's defense is as high as possible, he can absorb too much damage from certain attacks after a point. Players can stop and heal only so many times before they run out of healing items or the constant pause disrupts the flow of combat.

8 Tour T-shirt

Special Effect: Enemies fall when Kiryu is knocked down

Kazuma punches a bandit in Yakuza Kiwami

  • Price: 30,000 yen
  • Location: Ebisu's pawn in the final

By the time players reach the end Yakuza Kiwamithey must become good enough to avoid the attacks. Dodging and blocking are must-have skills, but there's always the chance that a big enemy or a combo attack will wipe out Kiryu.

Players who pawn in the finale can purchase gear that punishes enemies for insulting Kiryuu in such a brazen manner. The Tour Shirt has decent defensive specs, but the best thing about this outfit is that it knocks enemies off their feet along with Kiru when he loses his footing, making for a fun way to punish enemies for thinking they have an advantage.

7 Wild shirt

Special Effect: Deal damage to enemies that hit Kiriya

Kazuma fights the upstart Yakuza Kiva

  • Price: 60,000 Coliseum points
  • Location: Substory #50 (In Search of Modernity) and the Colosseum in the finale

Easier said than done to avoid damage Yakuza Kiwamiespecially at the end of the game, where the enemies are relentless and boast special weapons. Kiru is sure to land a few hits here and there, but the lack of any limitations when it comes to recovery should ensure that players won't have too much trouble with these enemies.

However, if players want to punish Kira's enemies for even thinking about harming the Dragon of Dojima, they must either complete a certain sub-story or form points in the Colosseum to obtain the Wild Shirt. The percentage of damage dealt to Kir is reflected on the attacker, which leads to some hilarious moments where people can die after taking a wild hit.

6 Dragon shirt

Special Effect: Resistance to many things and extra experience

After several years, Yakuza Kiwami is finally headed to the Nintendo Switch.

  • Price: 10 CP
  • Location: The shrine

Dragon gear makes for some of the best armor players can purchase as long as they have the CP to spare. The shirt is relatively cheaper compared to its counterparts, but the effects it gives players are huge.


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If Kir needs a ton of experience to gain additional skills, then the buff offered by the Dragon Shirt will be a huge bonus. Along with this, players can also enjoy a small resistance to each type of damage, which can make fights manageable when enemies land more complex attacks.

5 Dragon binding

Special Effect: Reduces heat loss from an attack

Yakuza Kiwami. The best upgrades are health and heat

  • Price: 15 KP
  • Location: The shrine

Heat is the driving force for the vast majority Yakuza Kiwamispecial attacks. Unleashing these cinematic attacks is a great time as enemies are forced to understand why Kiru is a beast to be reckoned with.

Kiriyu loses this valuable resource when attacked, but this heat loss can be reduced with a piece of Dragon's Binding equipment. It does a great job of allowing players to wail on their enemies without having to worry about their heat being completely drained by enemies.

4 Shirt on a chain

Special Effect: Resistance to sharp blows

Madima slashes Kira with a blade

  • Price: 800,000 yen
  • Location: Ebisu's pawn in the final

There's no telling the irritation players feel when Kiru is constantly being attacked with blades. Any piece of gear that reduces this frustration is welcome, which is why the expensive chain shirt is so beloved by players.

It's empowering to see Kiryuu be able to stand tall after being cut, instead of falling down every time frustratingly. Equipment like the Chain Shirt is especially important in battles against Majima, who can pull out his Demon Fire Dagger and hurt Kir during Majima's Everywhere encounters.

3 Military jacket

Special Effect: Bullet resistance and double weapon durability

Kazuma fights a thug at Yakuza Kiwami

  • Price: 440,000 yen
  • Location: Ray in Chapter 11

Players who find bladed weapons annoying will be singing a different tune when enemies with weapons start targeting Kiria. If the dodge is ill-timed, one shot is all it takes for Kiru to lose a decent chunk of his health as he falls helplessly to the ground.


The most difficult Yakuza games, ranking

While most Yakuza games give players a fair challenge, that's not the case for every episode of the beloved action series.

With gear like the Military Jacket, weapon damage can be greatly negated, preventing players from experiencing an unwanted game ending. Increased weapon durability is also a welcome bonus.

2 Dragon mail

Special Effect: Bullet resistance and double weapon strength

Weapon Shop at Yakuza Kiwami

  • Price: 15 KP
  • Location: The shrine

If players like the military jacket, but want another version of this gear with better stats, then the dragon mail will be their preference. It boasts the same perks, but has better defensive stats in all departments to help Kira take on the toughest enemies without breaking a sweat.

This item may require a decent chunk of CP to unlock, but players won't mind as long as they can don gear that can comfortably carry them through the end of the action-packed experience. Weapons can no longer stop Kiryu as effectively, and the Dojima Dragon can use powerful weapons to force most enemies to bend to his will.

1 Surko Makoto

Special Effect: Resistance to blades and bullets

Makoto Surcoat in Yakuza Kiwami

  • Price: 999,000 yen
  • Location: Ray in the final

Players who have built up a decent amount of yen can cash it all out in the finale if they head to the weapon shop in Beam. For almost a million yen, they can get the best equipment in the world Yakuza Kiwami per country mile.

Not only does this armor boast impressive defensive stats in all directions, but it's also resistant to two of the most annoying damage types in the game. Kiru will become a beast with this armor, allowing him to slash through enemies without breaking a sweat.

Yakuza Kiwami

August 29, 2017

OpenCritic rating

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