The best counters for Doctor Strange in Marvel Rivals


  • Luna Snow can freeze Doctor Strange, preventing him from sliding away and allowing the team to quickly blow him up.
  • Wolverine can knock down flying enemies like Doctor Strange, dealing damage based on the target's maximum health.
  • Venom is resilient with the ability to soften Doctor Strange's attacks, and he can also counter his powerful CC with his Ultimate.

Doctor Strange (or Doctor Strange) became quite a popular hero in Rivals of Marveland players fell in love with his ability to wipe out an entire team with his portals. But the truth is, other players prefer other playstyles and are pretty tired of him ruining their matches. Fortunately, there are several of them ways to deal with Doctor Strange Rivals of Marvel.


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For players who want to challenge the control of the Sorcerer Supreme, here are eight of them best counters for doctor strangefrom the best strategist currently available on the roster to a walking disaster capable of dealing incredible amounts of damage and subduing Strange.

8 Luna Snow

Best heroine for Strange Down cooldown

  • Pros: Fast, lots of CC
  • Cons: bland, easily overwhelmed

Luna Snow quickly became “May” with Rivals of Marveland many players choose this character because of her freezing abilities. It's why Luna is so good at stopping Doctor Strange when he's sitting near objects for long periods of time – especially when he uses his cape to bounce away from melee duelists.


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Luna has the ability to freeze her targets thanks to Absolute Zero, and landing her on Doctor Strange as he slides down after using Cloak of Levitation will take him down pretty quickly. Then, with a coordinated attack, the team is able to blast Strange before he uses his Seraphim Shield to block their attacks.

7 Wolverine

The Best Hero To Ground Strange

  • Pros: fast, durable, can destroy aerial enemies
  • Cons: Difficult to master, difficult to control

To defeat one of the advantages Doctor Strange has access to (his annoying ability to fly), who better to take him down than the beast himself, Wolverine? Logan is a killing machine, and his kit is designed to take down persistent enemies (especially Vanguards). Conveniently, Doctor Strange fits the profile of a resilient yet mobile tank.

Wolverine deals damage based on the target's maximum health, and the more rage he has stored, the higher the percentage. On the other hand, his Feral Leap ability can knock enemies out of the sky, especially when he moves with the Gamma Fastball Team-Up ability, which activates when the Hulk is in a team.

6 Poison

Durable and reliable against CC

  • Pros: Great at melee range, durable, great mitigation
  • Cons: It's a bit slow

Venom is one of the perfect counters for Doctor Strange because he can take a few hits before he's in real danger, and even then using Symbiotic Resilience will turn lost health into temporary hits. Sorcerer Supreme can deal a lot of damage against big targets like Venom and Hulk, but that doesn't matter if players know how to scale it down properly.

On the other hand, Venom's Ultimate Feast of The Abyss gives him “freedom of movement”, which is perfect for countering the powerful CC Eye of Agamotto (Doctor Strange's Ultimate), a huge blast that prevents the movement of every target in the area and lasts for 3 seconds. With Venom, players won't have to worry about that. They just need to max out and crush Strange.

5 Winter soldier

Loaded with tons of CC capabilities

  • Pros: Gain, excellent crowd control, can execute
  • Cons: Soft, vulnerable to overload tactics

Another great character that can stand up to Doctor Strange is the Winter Soldier. Also known as James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, a former assistant to Captain America who specializes in creating opportunities for his team to deal targeted damage to priority targets. Thanks to his many crowd control skills, the Winter Soldier can pick up a floating mage or throw him to the floor with a precise shot from his Tainted Voltage ability.


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As a plus, his ult also marks enemies for punishment, and once they drop below a certain health threshold, they die immediately and regenerate their abilities, and this can be chained indefinitely. Additionally, it lifts the character into the air, avoiding Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamoth and then dropping it on their head for the kill.

4 Black Panther

You can catch Doctor Strange off guard

  • Pros: Extreme mobility, good stalking, can climb walls
  • Cons: Limited kit, single target focus

Black Panther is a great example of a good killer. This melee duelist has an incredibly fast jump that allows him to get close to Doctor Strange and get behind him in a second, making him the most vulnerable to attacks from other players. The King of Wakanda is an expert at flanking and surprise attacks, and since he also has the ability to climb walls, he can survive a portal throw to some extent if the player acts quickly enough.

On the other hand, with his jumping ability, he can jump out of the AoE that Doctor Strange uses to stun everyone when he uses his Ultimate. This gives him the advantage of targeting the good doctor and preventing other opponents from targeting stunned team members.

3 Magic

A true master of portals

  • Pros: Good mobility, good flanker, uses disruption tactics
  • Cons: soft, vulnerable in static condition

Another great flanker that can make Doctor Strange bleed out in seconds is Magic. Due to his high mobility, Magic can avoid being trapped by Strange's Ultimate, and can also leave behind a demonic minion as a gift to attack Sorcerer Supreme. Magik's kit is to jump into the middle of the enemy team, separate strategists from vanguards and duelists, and then move away.

Strange is a ranged vanguard, an amazing combination of crowd control, mitigation and mobility. Magic can counter most of Strange's skills and above all survive long enough to make sure Strange is too busy to wander around putting portals into the ground. She is a true master of portal magic.

2 Star Lord

High mobility, can avoid Strange traps

  • Pros: Extreme Mobility, Good Chaser, Great Ultimate
  • Cons: soft, vulnerable when grounded

Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, is an excellent mid-level duelist who specializes in stalking priority targets, taking them down with a quick barrage of blaster fire and retreating when the going gets tough. He excels at harassing shield-dependent heroes like Doctor Strange, who soon has his Seraphim Shield drained after one encounter with Star-Lord.

On the other hand, the ultimate Star Lord Galactic Legend takes him into the air and allows him to destroy his enemies with tracer blasters while he hovers over the battlefield. This also puts him out of range of the Eye of Agamoth, and his aerial maneuverability can save him if he's caught in one of Strange's doom portals.

1 Hulk

Can knock Doctor Strange down and crush him

  • Pros: Extreme mitigation, good tank, jump ability, single target suppression
  • Cons: Vulnerable in isolation

Hulk is one of the best vanguards to take on Doctor Strange in the current Meta. The Emerald Giant is a ton of pure power and mitigation, being able to knock enemies out of the sky with Incredible Leap and pin them down with Radioactive Lockdown.

When Hulk transforms into Monster Hulk, he gains increased strength and an ability called World Destroyer. He can use it to grab Doctor Strange by the cloak and slam him to the ground for a few seconds, leaving him very vulnerable, if not completely destroying him in the process.

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Rivals of Marvel

Third person shooter



December 6, 2024

NetEase Games

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