The Assassin's Creed Shadows reboot may help in one controversial aspect

Assassin's Creed Shadowsalthough embroiled in ongoing internal issues, Ubisoft is supposedly giving players what they've been asking for for years. While focused on the perspective of the samurai Assassin's Creed may be a long time AC Shadowsthe narrative can deliver something equally satisfying if the developers get it right.

Many fans explain the fall Assassin's Creedcontemporary history to the death of Desmond Miles Assassin's Creed 3claiming that Ubisoft simply didn't know where to take the story after removing the main man. There's probably some truth to that — the modern-day component of the franchise's narrative certainly became less compelling once Desmond was out of the picture — but the story was likely flawed from the start. It should be clear that if Ubisoft ever had a plan in mind Assassin's CreedThe overarching, present-day narrative was abandoned fairly early on in the series, once it became clear that the conclusion of the present-day saga would mean the end of the franchise as a whole. But now it is Assassin's Creed Shadows continues the modern story, has a chance to redeem it in the eyes of these jaded players.


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Assassin's Creed Shadows would do well to reboot its modern narrative

Assassin's Creed Shadows changes modern history

Although Assassin's Creed Mirage omits the modern part of the story, showrunner Marc-Alexis Côté recently confirmed that this tradition will be present in the future Shadows. Speaking at a recent BAFTA event in London, Côté took time to acknowledge the shortcomings of the main modern storyline that essentially served as the only connective tissue between the entries. He highlighted a number of commonly expressed pain points about modern history, including that it is often criticized for being disorientated and overly convoluted.

Looking ahead, Côté said that Ubisoft is looking to “put story back at the center of the player experience,” noting that modern storytelling in Shadows will focus on “deeper themes” viewed through the lens of history. These comments certainly don't shed much light on Ubisoft's plans for this installment Assassin's Creed formula, but Côté's comments suggest that modern history Shadows will be both sharper and less key than those that came before it, which may include some reset; it is possible AC Shadows will take a fundamentally different approach to its modern-day narrative with new characters, conflicts, etc., allowing it to be less important to the historical narrative and more thematically unique.

Why a full reboot would be the best thing for Assassin's Creed Shadows' modern story

Assassin's CreedThe modern story is not a steering wheel – this is evidenced by the above-mentioned statement of Kote. So many alternating current history, especially post-AC3there was an inevitable sense of improvisation, like the series was just experimenting with how best to continue the current plot without making it feel too long. But for a story to be satisfying, it has to go somewhere; it must have a visible end. For many years it felt like the main thing Assassin's Creed the story lacks an architect, and if Ubisoft plans to continue the series indefinitely, which seems to be the case, then it can't be that long.

For Assassin's Creed Shadows changing the franchise will require a tough decision to be made about the current story, and that decision has to somehow involve wiping the slate clean. This aspect of the series' plot can either fade into the background, or it can pose an existential, dramatic threat, but it can't be both. In his current state, he's trying to have his cake and eat it too, so culling is in order.

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