Tetris Forever confirms release date

Key conclusions

  • Tetris Forever will be released on November 12, 2024 and features over 15 Tetris games and over an hour of documentaries.
  • The compilation celebrates the 40th anniversary of Tetris and is part of the Gold Master Series by developer Digital Eclipse.
  • Tetris Forever will be available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Tetris forevercompilation Tetris game from developer Digital Eclipse has set a release date of November 12, 2024. Tetris forever more than 15 classics will be presented Tetris games, brand new Tetris experience and over one hour of documentaries exploring the “unusual but true story of Tetris.”

Announced in August 2024. Tetris forever looks to celebrate '40 exciting years Tetris“, and it's part of the Gold Master Series from developer Digital Eclipse. With this series, Digital Eclipse is working to elevate the level of “games that changed the world,” a description that certainly applies to Tetris. Previous entries in the Gold Master Series include Creation of karateka and Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Storyand all of these titles use what the developer calls an “interactive documentary” approach.


NES Tetris has finally been “beaten” after 34 years

The NES version of Tetris may have been “defeated” after 34 years, as a player managed to mark a historic milestone for the game.

Players who are enthusiastic about applying this approach Tetris can look forward to doing it when Tetris forever out on November 12, 2024. As with previous entries in the Gold Master series, Tetris forever will be available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, giving players the chance to experience the game on multiple platforms.

Tetris Forever includes more than 15 games

According to the developer, Tetris forever includes more than 15 playable classic games Tetris games. At the time of writing, there are 14 classics Tetris games in Tetris forever have been confirmed, and some of the titles that have been revealed have never seen official releases outside of Japan. In addition to classic games, Tetris forever includes Tetris: Time Warpnew Tetris experience in which up to four players “rotate between different eras Tetris.”

Tetris forever it's not just a compilation of gaming experiences, as it also presents material that looks at creation Tetris. This is revealed in documentaries dedicated to “the lifelong friendship and creative partnership between Tetris creator Alexey Pozhitnov and The Tetris Company founder Hank Rogers.” Titles in the Gold Master Series Digital Eclipse are known for containing this type of bonus material, and Tetris foreverThe video features are sure to interest players who want to learn more about the origin Tetris.

Although this origin may be 40 years ago, Tetris remains a popular game with an active community. Some members of this community even reach Tetris milestones that have never been achieved before. Indeed, the cultural phenomenon ie Tetris certainly not over, and Tetris forever this is another opportunity for the title to cement its legacy.

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