Tales of the Shire, Return to Moria Create a need for one type of LotR game

The Lord of the Rings has mixed results in the world of video games. While Two towers and Return of the King Movie related games are still loved after more than 20 years LEGO Lord of the Rings the games were fun and Monolith's Middle-earth: The Shadow series set the gold standard for franchises, there are tons of them The Lord of the Rings the games between them are mediocre at best.

Unfortunately, the past few years have seen much more bad things The Lord of the Rings games than good. Lord of the Rings: Gollum there was a notorious disaster last year, and at that time Return to Moria wasn't that bad, it wasn't great either. Tales of the Shire is coming to consoles and PC in March 2025, and many fans are hoping it will be a rare diamond in the rough for the series. But regardless of how it ends up, Tales of the Shire and Return to Moria – by their very existence – paved the way for one particular type The Lord of the Rings game


Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim Review.

A beautiful, nostalgic and exciting return to Middle-earth from the director of Ghost in the Shell: Standalone.

Lord of the Rings requires an Elf-centric game

Return to Moria and Tales of the Shire Splitting Two Parts of The Lord of the Rings Trifecta

Last year's The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria may not have been a huge hit with critics, but it focused on the dwarves of Tolkien's fantasy world and focused solely on expanding their knowledge. Set shortly after the defeat of Sauron, Return to Moria sees Gimli lead a band of dwarves to the eponymous Mines of Moria, where they are tasked with reclaiming and rebuilding the ancient fallen city of Khazad-dum. Along the way, players will learn a lot about the history of the dwarves and their long-forgotten clans.

In March 2025 Game Tales of the Shire: A Lord of the Rings we hope will provide the same spotlight to hobbits. Using a cozy game formula, Tales of the Shire can explore the history of Bywater and its hobbit clans and shed a little more light on the origins of the hobbits.

The Dwarves and now the Hobbits have their own video games, there is one ending The Lord of the Rings A fantasy race that deserves its own game is the Elves.

Lord of the Rings elves fit well with different genres

The survival genre suits dwarves very well, and the cozy game genre seems perfect for hobbits. But The Lord of the Rings“Elves are a bit more complex, meaning they can fit a wide range of different video game genres.

The defining feature of The Lord of the RingsElves are their agility and grace. In that case, the Elves would benefit from a stealth game that would allow players to sneak past the Orc front lines in the early days of the War of the Ring. An action-adventure game focused on ranged combat and stylish kills would also work well as an elf alternative, perhaps allowing players to control Legolas as a younger elf.

But The Lord of the RingsElves are much more than just warriors. They were also talented craftsmen, capable of building large and beautiful cities such as Rivendell. Focused on the elf The Lord of the Rings city-builder can highlight this by allowing players to build cities like Rivendell, Meekwood, or even Eregion from scratch.

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