Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a timeless classic that has captivated millions of players since its first release back in 2003. The game offers a great story, good game mechanics for its time and like the others Star Wars games such as A Jedi survivortons of options when it comes to creating lightsabers.

At some point during your walkthrough, you'll run into a bit of a trespassing situation. You'll notice that some small creatures known as Gizka have been mistakenly delivered to your ship and don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. here what to do with Gizka in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.


How to get Kashyyyk Star Map in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Finding star charts on any planet can be tricky. Here's how to get the Kashyyyk Star Map in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

What to do with Gizka in Ebon Hawk

Gizka's random delivery on Ebon Hawk is an unwanted surprise that awaits every player who passes through Knights of the Old Republic history must collide at some point. You'll talk about this with both a Manaan resident named Nubasa and the alien in charge of the delivery, who will say that he can't take the Gizka back as there are specific instructions to leave them on your ship. You have three different ways to deal with the situation. The toughest is this buy Gizka Poison from a vendor on Tatooine and give it to one of the innocent creatures to spread to the rest of the pack. You can have too Nubasain Art Manaan docking area, take them off your hands either by paying him or making him take them for free. Giving them to Nubassa was naturally the better choice up until this point in the game. Finally, if you like the company of curious creatures, you can simply leave them and continue to progress through the story until you reach the end of the game (note that the next paragraph contains spoilers, so read with caution).

Once you've collected all the pieces of the Star Map, you'll travel to a planet called Rakata Prime, also known as Lekhon. Your ship will crash there, and before you know it, Gizka will be out and roaming free, eliminating the infestation problem on your ship. This mission, as well as the one related to getting the Sith armor in Taris, seem to give players a hard time figuring things out, so if you've been confused too, no shame in that.


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The trials of the Sith Academy are very difficult. Here's how to solve the puzzle in Naga Sadow's Tomb and get Master Utar's approval.

Where is Gizka from?

KotOR - Gizka looks at the player

Legend has it that the Gizki call the planet Lekhon (Rakata Prime) home, so they descend from the Black Hawk when it crashes on the mysterious tropical planet. So now you know. Aside from rancors, impressive temples, and the famous Rokatans, Rakata Prime seems to contain a lot more species than the game shows.

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