Spider-Man 2 Creative Director Discusses Sandbox Opening.

Key conclusions

  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2's launch of Sandman is truly a treat for PS5 owners, showcasing the game's technological advancements as well as its in-game systems.
  • As it turns out, the Sandman fight was decided from the start as a way to show off a big jump in the game.
  • In a new interview with PlayStation, Inomniac Games revealed more about how the combat came to be, giving fans an insight into the creative decisions that go into the game's development.

One of the best moments of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Insomniac's 2023 sequel to the original Marvel's Spider-Man, comes right at the beginning. The Sandman is wreaking havoc on New York City, and Peter and Miles must bring him under control before the Empire State is completely covered in sand.

It's as much an action-packed discovery as it is a game systems tutorial. In the first half hour or so, you'll learn how to swing your net, initiate combos, deploy gadgets, dodge, and implement finishers. It was also a great demonstration of how much Spider-Man 2 has grown both graphically and technologically thanks to the PS5.

As it turns out, according to senior creative director Brian Intihar, the opening of Sandman was decided from the beginning. A wise decision, I must say.


Final Fantasy 7's opening mission remains unsurpassed

27 years later, there's still no intro mission quite like the one that introduces you to Final Fantasy 7.

Sandman was one of the best parts of Spidey 2

In an interview with the PlayStation Blog as part of the Spider-Man 2 PC wide reveal, Intihar discussed a number of details surrounding the game, including that memorable reveal. Sandman was one of the first things we decided on, very early on,” Intihar said. “… Big sequel. Two heroes. What deserves an opening for that? I think Sandman was our thing.”

Given the number of villains used in the first game, as well as the optional sequel about Miles Morales, Sandman definitely makes the most sense as an enemy with enough power and size to start the game.

“We wanted to go big,” Intihar added. “We wanted people to understand right away – and I always joke that that's what it's called Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for good reason, because there are two of them, but for us it was like, within the first 20-30 minutes, we can show people that everything is evening out.''

Insomniac did just that, as Sandman quickly made sure that this game wasn't going to be a regular sequel. Because beyond showcasing the game's technology, Sandman had a lasting impact on the world itself, with many remnants of the battle existing throughout its runtime. Let's hope Intihar has some ideas in mind to kick off the inevitable Spider-Man 3, because Sandman really set the bar high.


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