Some of PlatinumGames' best developers may have left the studio

There are speculations that several high-ranking developers and employees have recently left PlatinumGames. PlatinumGames is a studio best known for its action games. The last game of the studio was Bayonetta Origins: Ceres and the Lost Demonwhich was released back in 2023.

Many gamers were shocked when Hideki Kamiya announced his retirement from PlatinumGames near the end of 2023 after 15 years at the helm. Kamiya was one of the founders of the studio along with Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba and Tatsuya Minami. It looks like Hideki Kamiya isn't the only one leaving Platinum Games, as even more developers left the company last month.


An Okami sequel is in development with Hideki Kamiya and the revived Clover studio

In one of the most shocking announcements of The Game Awards 2024, Okami will get a sequel made by the revived Clover Studio.

As detailed by PlatinumGamesFanboy on the r/PlatinumGamesInc subreddit, many of the studio's veterans have made some changes to their social media profiles. In particular, Kenji Saito, Takahisa Taura, Masaki Yamanaka, and Abe Tinari all removed mentions of PlatinumGames from their Twitter buttons. Specifically, the Site had “PlatinumGames” set as its location, but now it's blank. Abebe Tinari, Director Bayonetta Origins: Ceres and the Lost Demonrecently confirmed that he has left Japan for good.

High-level platinum game developers may have left last month

All of these employees have worked on some of PlatinumGames' most famous games. Saito was the director Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Transformers: DestructionTavra was the director of 2019 Astral chainand Yamanaka was the designer and director Anarchy reigns. JP Kellams, a former employee of PlatinumGames, recently commented on the situation on Twitter, noting that “Platinum really loses its luster sometimes” and that many of the people he used to work with are probably no longer with the studio. There has been no official confirmation of these departures at the moment, so for now it's just speculation and rumours.

Kamiya explained that he left PlatinumGames because he felt the company was moving in a direction that was different from his perspective as a developer. After his departure from PlatinumGames and taking a year without working on any new titles, Kamiya recently announced Clovers, a new studio headed by Capcom. The Game Awards 2024 also announced Kamiya's first new post-platinum project, the long-awaited sequel Okamiteaming up with many former members of Clover Studio to make that happen as well.

Platinum games

Platinum games

Date of establishment
February 1, 2006

Osaka, Osaka, Japan

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