A player found a clever storage solution using barrels in Whiterun in Skyrim to avoid using follower weight.
Storing items in random barrels has a risk due to the 30-day respawn timer that resets when entering a cage.
13 years after its release, players are still finding new tips in Skyrim to improve their game strategies and ideas.
A Skyrim player online shared a useful use of some of the barrels outside of Warmaiden's in Whiterun that they used throughout the playthrough. While it is Skyrim the advice is helpful, it comes with one big caveat to note.
More than 13 years have passed since the first release Skyrimand even now players are still coming up with useful tips to get the most out of the game. Skyrim can still be a big challenge even for experienced players, so it's great to see gamers continue to develop their strategies and ideas over the years. Not so long ago another Skyrim the player came up with an ingenious solution to dramatically increase his weight by showing the different things players did to gain an edge in the game.
The Elder Scrolls 6 can do a lot to atone for the sins of Skyrim Civil War
The Elder Scrolls 6 has a chance to correct some of the general gripes against Skyrim's handling of the Civil War storyline.
Redditor Monseigneur_Beee uses barrels out of bounds SkyrimWarmaiden's in Whiterun as free storage. They use the left trunk for hides, skins, and horns, and the right trunk for ores, gems, and various items. It's a smart solution that allows them to avoid using subscriber weight on these items, and they can store their more valuable items in a trunk at home. Since the Warmaiden's are right next to the fast travel point for Whiterun, using these barrels also gives them pretty quick access to their items.
A Skyrim player uses Whiterun barrels as free storage
One user pointed out in a thread that storing items in random barrels in Skyrim riskyas they have a 30 day in-game respawn timer. However, this timer is reset whenever the player enters a cell containing a barrel. In essence, this means that the player must enter Whiterun in Skyrim once every 30 in-game days to ensure their items don't disappear forever. Since Whiterun is sort of the center of the Skyrimit's hard to imagine this ever being a real problem, though it's something any player planning to follow in Monseigneur_Beee's footsteps should be aware of.
While gamers continue to enjoy Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 6 it is one of the upcoming role-playing games that excite gamers the most. The long-awaited sequel was announced back in 2018, and even Bethesda itself would likely admit that it jumped a bit here. News about the title has been very hard to come by over the years, but hopefully with Star field is now largely out of the way, next year may be the time for Bethesda to start talking more openly about The Elder Scrolls 6.