MAJOR SPOILERS for Silent Hill 2 ahead.
Silent Hill 2 the players made a discovery about James' dead wife Mary. The finding confirms a long-held opinion of survival horror fans, albeit with a slight deviation from how most Silent Hill 2 fans imagined it.
Silent Hill 2 is a legendary survival horror game, and the Bloober Team will bring the title to a new generation of gamers. While remaking the game as Silent Hill 2 sure to divide some longtime fans, most critical reviews of the title so far have been positive, praising the developers for their attention to detail and faithfulness to the original story. As it turns out, the Bloober team also answered a long-standing question about James Sunderland and his wife Mary.

Some fans of the Silent Hill 2 remake are getting the wrong version of the game
Some fans of the Silent Hill 2 remake who are pre-ordering the highly anticipated title are disappointed to have received the wrong version of the game.
Silent Hill 2 players such as Twitter user Steven_VP1 discovered that Mary's body was in the car that James drove to the town of Silent Hill, which was seen at the beginning of the game. The players discovered that looking at the back seat of James' car, the Bloober team had placed a blanket that covers the shape of a human body on the back seat. Using Unreal Engine 5's camera tools, Steven_VP1 was able to take a closer look at it, revealing that it does indeed look like a body hidden under a blanket.
Was Mary always in James's car?
For years, players have wondered if Mary's body was actually included in the vehicle in the original Silent Hill 2suspecting it to be in the trunk. However, using third-party tools, players would sneak in and peek into the trunk only to find it empty. This makes sense considering no one will be able to see proper gameplay there and minimizing assets as much as possible would help the game run better on the PS2. Between water and rebirth Silent Hill 2 however, in the endings, the players got the feeling that he was there the whole time, even if they weren't allowed to see him.
In 2023, the game developer and designer of the original Silent Hill trilogy, Masahiro Ito, spoke of a long-held belief that James would have put his wife's body in the back seat rather than the trunk. He reasoned that James still loved Mary and wouldn't do something so cold with her remains as put them in the trunk. However, Ito also pointed out that if they made it visible in the Silent Hill 2that would have given the ending away completely, so it was omitted. The Bloober team seems to have taken this into account by making it vague and partially hidden. Players who do not yet know about the truth in Silent Hill 2 they may not notice it at all, and even if they do, they may think nothing of it. Still, those in the know will likely appreciate this nod to the reality of the situation.