There are different factions that inhabit the world Stalker 2 heart of Chernobyland the time comes when the players will have to side with one and not the other. Players will need to make the first of these choices early in the game by giving Ward's sensors to Richter or Captain Zotav. Depending on the player's choices, their progression will change and they will either side with the Ward or side with the mischievous Stalkers.

Stalker 2: What to do if the technician cannot install the update
Here's what to do if players can't upgrade their weapons or gear after seeing the message, the technician can't install that upgrade in Stalker 2.
Vard sensor transmission differences to Richter or Captain Zotav
At the end of “A needle in a haystack” mission, players will receive Ward's sensors from Squint and must decide whether to give them to Richter or Captain Zotav in Stalker 2. Choosing one over the other will change the gameplay for the next few missionsincluding Behind the seven seals'main mission. This choice will essentially allow players to side with either the Ward faction or the Stalkers.
The sections below detail each choice and exactly how it will affect the story Stalker 2 over the next few hours, helping players make the best choices for their playthrough.
What happens when players give Ward sensors to Captain Zotav?
Here are the next few hours of gameplay changes players can expect after transferring Ward's sensors to Captain Zotav in Stalker 2.
- Earn money 1350 coupons from Captain Zotov after handing over the sensors.
- Players can head directly to the Sphere and enter through IPSF outpost; Zotov's contact will open the door for the player. Here, players have a choice as to whether or not to use the stealth approach find the solder or go in arms blazing.
- Exit the Small Zone through the West Checkpoint, which leads to the Chemical Plant region.
- Meet with Colonel Korshunovleader of the Ward faction, and eliminate Black Earth bandits during the mission “Answers Have a Price”.
- Colonel Korshunov and the Ward faction in general look more favorably on Skiff.
What happens when players give Ward's sensors to Richter?
Here are the next few hours of gameplay changes players can expect after transferring Ward's sensors to Richter Stalker 2.
- Earn money 2024 coupons from Richter after handing over the sensors.
- Richter will first send Skiff to Abandoned communication node to gather information on how to enter the Sphere.
- After looting the bodies of the IPSF soldiers and fighting the poltergeist (optional), players will receive a note from a dead soldier from code 2765.
- To enter the sphere, players instead tunnel beneath it through an acid anomaly to access a security door and enter the sphere.
- Exit the Small Zone through the Northern Checkpoint, which leads to the village Garbage edge.
- Meet with Starr, leader of the Spark factionand sneak into a nearby lab while “Answers come at a price“mission.
- Scar and the other members of the Spark faction generally look more favorably on Skiff.
Which choice is better – Zotov or Richter?
There is a sphere highly guarded and full of enemy soldiers that can be difficult to deal with, even on beginner difficulty. So with all the gameplay and progression changes, handing the sensor to Richter or Captain Zotav has its advantages. Also, both choices lead to more or less the same moment in history.
- If you want a hidden black entrance into the Sphere, except for a few skirmishes, and don't mind doing it additional mission enter quietly by feeding the sensor Richter this is the best option.
- On the other hand, if you want head straight for the Sphere to counter Solder, manage to sneak through the main door quietly and deal with the soldiers guarding him if detected by feeding the sensor Captain Zotov this is the best option.