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How to find a Vinya package
During Section 1 of Art Life Is Strange: Double ExposureSophie's mother, Yasmin, asks to speak with you in her office. When you get there, her assistant Vinh Lang says that she is currently busy. He mentions he's waiting for a package and suggests you pick it up for him while you wait.
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While this is an optional quest that isn't required to progress the story, completing it can give you some advantages later in the game. It's up to you whether you want Vinh to owe you a favor or not, but we've got the details right here so you can make an informed decision.
Updated on November 8, 2024. Connie Watson: We've updated this article to include an important detail we missed before!
How to find a Vinya package
The Vinh package is very easy to find and takes very little time. Just go to mail room down the hall from Yasmin's lobby to Admin and search one of the mailboxes.
Max will say something about this creature the package Vinh wants. You will then be able to pick it up and add it to your inventory.
You will have two chances to give Vin his package: before helping Gwen in the library, and after talking to Yasmin. Once you leave the administration building, you lose your chance.
Should I give Vinny his package or not?
But the main question still remains: should you help vinh or not?
Give Vin his package
If you decide to help Viny and bring him a package, he will do so ask you what you want in exchange. Max will just tell him that he owes her a favor later.
There is two times when you can call in your favor with Vin. The first is in Chapter 2 – Scene 2 when you are trying to access Winnie's phone. You can call in your favor, to which he is obliged and give you a password. Otherwise, you will have to search for the answer.
The second opportunity is in Chapter 3 – Scene 3 while you're trying find information about Maya Okada. One of the people you will talk to is Vinh. Towards the end of the conversation he says that he done giving away free secrets. The game prompts you to give him one of three other secrets in exchange.
If you haven't called in your favor before, you have the opportunity to show it here. However, this will not work because benefit was for Dead World Vinhnot Living World Vinh. After an awkward moment where Vin is very confused, you still have to trade secret for secret.
Don't give Vin his package
If you decide that Vin can get his package on his own, nothing happens. He just won't owe you a favor and this decision does not affect your relationship with Vin at all.
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