Rocket & Groot Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

Marvel SNAP 2024 ended with Rocket Raccoon & Groot, the game's first dual hero map. This three-cost, three-power duo has a dual ability, allowing it to both steal power from certain enemy cards and move to a different location once per match.


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Prior to Rocket & Groot's release, many believed it would be one of the best cards of the Marvel Rivals season, and fans were eager to add it to their movement, control, and toxicity decks. However, post-release data has shown Doctor Doom 2099 to be the true standout of that season.

Regardless, the following Marvel SNAP the guide provides a blueprint for building a solid, meta-friendly deck around Rocket & Groot, integrating it into an already strong setup.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot (3–3)

Text: You can transfer it once. After your opponent plays a card here, steal 1 power from it.

series: Five (Ultra Rare)

The season: Marvel Rivals

Liberation: January 1, 2025

The best deck for Rocket & Groot

best deck for rocket and groot in marvel snap.

U Marvel SNAPThe current meta, Rocket Raccoon & Groot fits the Silver Surfer lineup perfectly. You can create one such lineup by combining the Rocket and Groot duo with Silver Surfer and the following supporting cards: Nebula, Groot, Gladiator, Negasonic, Rocket Raccoon, Sebastian Shaw, Jean Grey, Luke Cage, and Absorbing Man.




Rocket and Groot



Silver Surfer



Rocket raccoon






Sebastian Shaw






Jean Grey



Luke Cage



Absorbing person









Negasonic Teenage Warhead



An alternate deck for Rocket & Groot is the Scream lineup. If you want to build this synergy, you'll need to stock cards like Kraven, Kingpin, Stagron, Aero, Juggernaut, and Heimdall.

Rocket & Groot Deck Synergies

  • Rocket & Groot are doing damage. You use it to predict and exploit enemy plays and scale them.

  • Three-cost cards (including Rocket & Groot) set the board up for a Silver Surfer drop.

  • Absorbing Man copies the effect of Silver Surfer to double the buff.

  • Jean Gray and Nebula force your enemy to play certain lanes, making it easier to hit them with the Rocket & Groot duo.

  • Sebastian Shaw passively benefits from Silver Surfer's buffs.

  • Luke Cage is your tech card. This prevents enemy counterattacks, such as those led by the Shadow King.

How to play Rocket & Groot effectively

Here are some key points to keep in mind when playing Rocket & Groot decks:

  1. Corner the enemy in one lane. Cards like Nebula and Jean Gray are very important in a Rocket & Groot deck as they encourage or force the opponent to play a certain lane. Take advantage of these abilities to make it easier to slice enemy cards.
  2. Keep in mind the priority of disclosure. Cards that the opponent plays before you reveal Rocket & Groot will avoid power reduction. Watch the disclosure priority before trying to steal the power.
  3. Have a placeholder up your sleeve. You'll probably move Rocket & Groot elsewhere. So prepare another card to replace it if you don't plan to leave this lane.

How to face Rocket & Groot

A motion punisher deck with Creek and Kingpin can be considered the anti-Rocket and Groot. But this is a reliable matchup only if your enemy intends to rely on the mobility of the duo. If you're looking for a solid reaction that can fend off Rocket & Groot, Red Guardian is your best bet.

Some other options to counter are Luke Cage, who protects the powers of your cards, Shadow King, who can restore lost power, and Ajax, who can reduce negative power suffered.

Is Rocket Raccoon & Groot worth it?

Rocket Raccoon and Groot in Marvel Snap and Marvel Rivals.

Sometimes a card can feel bad because it's too niche. But Rocket Raccoon & Groot shows that the opposite can also happen: a card can feel bad because it doesn't fit the niches. The problem with Rocket & Groot is that his potential decks are all over the place, none of them offering significant value.

If you like playing toxic, trash, movement, or control decks, Rocket & Groot could be a good addition to your collection. However, if you prefer to stay on top of the meta and only invest in cards with a clear ROI, then you should skip Rocket & Groot.

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