Roblox: Type Soul Codes

Type Soul is a Roblox game set in the world of Bleach, where players must embark upon an incredible journey. The game offers a challenging experience where fans choose their path as Quincy, Hollow, or the popular choice, a Soul Reaper. By completing quests, missions, and PvP battles, players unlock powerful abilities such as Shikai and explore the various divisions of Soul Society.

The game combines strategy, character progression, and intense gameplay to deliver an engaging experience. Below, Roblox players will find all of the latest codes for Type Soul that offer different in-game rewards. So let’s stop talking and dive right into the codes.



Roblox: King Legacy Codes (November 2024)

Roblox players can use this guide to see all the active codes for King Legacy to obtain some free gems, beli, and various other fabulous rewards.

Updated November 1, 2024, by Artur Novichenko: You can rely on this guide to keep you updated on the latest codes. We review them regularly to ensure everything works as intended.

All Type Soul Codes

Roblox Type Soul Codes

Working Type Soul Codes

  • oopswandenexploded – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • youcanrollraresnow – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • noreallythanksfor500m – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • 500mvisitsthankyou – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • letsget500mmore – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • thosewhoknowmango – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • ohsnapwaitsnapignis – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • secretcodethatgives1000rerolls – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • anotherbrickedshutdown – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • sozforbrick – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswellAGAINTWICE – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • newrankedrewards3 – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • nosrepphakudarework – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • amaonetwothreefour – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • avaricecascade – Redeem this code to claim rewards.
  • guesswhosback – Redeem this code to claim rewards.

Expired Type Soul Codes

  • sozformobile – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamapackageone – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • newrankedrewards2 – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • royalisverycool – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • wednesdaypatchesmoreplz – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • newrankedrewards – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ddanielisevil – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • lateupdatesareannoying – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • pointsplease – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryforbank – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamataisentwo – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamasuigetsu – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • pointsplease – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • lateupdatesareannoying – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • stefan10kfollowers – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • rankedplswork – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorrybugs – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • imsorry – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • yippeweekly – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • visionaryrework – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 1kcristi – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • teleportswentdown – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • anextracode – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • mre10kfollowers – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • bloopyhere – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cowoesorry – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • meditation – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • vultures – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryfortheshutdowns – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • helpeduardosmentalsanity – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • itstypesoulfriday – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • apologycode – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • wereached400mvisits – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • angrycanadian – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • veil10k – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamayaren – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • streamericdoa – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • happyfortuneentvariblessing – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • higuys – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • explodeincident – Redeem this code to claim locked Clan Reroll and Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 😉

– Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)

  • tamastrikesagain – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • oops – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cctokenfix – Redeem this code to claim Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll as well as a Locked Clan Reroll
  • mreessay – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • qkidoexpansion – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamacodesareback – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 200klikeswoah – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • myrobloxneedstostopcrashing – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 350mvisitsalright – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • idontdotheseoften – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • bararaqgbincident – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • reallycooloriginalcodename – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • newbosseswow – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cristi10k – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • JEANETTEFOUND – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • doomaroomeneverexisted – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • blazblueincident – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryhopethishelps – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • whereiskendoweapondude – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • latenightbruh – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • latenightfightnight – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cristiqol – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 300mvisits – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • whatdoesheevendo – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tama62121 – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuovarandomcode – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • entvari10k – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • windwake – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamarandomcode – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • timetravellermistake – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thisisnotsigma – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • causethatstheupdateineed – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ermwhatthetypesoul – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • yurrrrlistenman – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thereisnosuchthing – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tweakinpostupdate – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • hellopiety – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • abracadabra – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • hqrsepowered – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • arrogantecristi5k – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 2weekdelaywoah – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • putthesefoolishambitionstorest – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • imnotnamingitthat – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 500kdiscmemberswoo – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 7staredwardnewgate – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • AllAccordingToCake – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • canyougiftmeacinmightyomega – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ineedasacredscrollindemonhuntertm – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • petgod101 – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • code1 – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamaverified – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • Benihimebuff – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • almightyeye – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • breathlesspumpkle – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tsugokusenku – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • somethingrandom – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • canyouwrap – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • mobileflashpd – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • johnboomingg – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • avengerlevelthreat – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • threatneutralized – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • robloxban – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • drakos10k – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuova10k – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • devilgene – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • badquincy – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sundayupdate – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • awesomesauce – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorry4ranked3 – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • quickshutdown – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • woahreal – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • rankedmidseason – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ohwowcool – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • delayedwhoops – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • bloodedged – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuovalovesquincy – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • quincyktillmybonesdecay – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • happyeaster – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • spiritgun – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • doomatearoom – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • eduardobrg – Redeem this code to claim rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • haveagoodday – Redeem this code for Rerolls.
  • slowpace – Redeem this code to 3 Element Rerolls.
  • thehonoredone – Redeem this code to 3 Weapon Rerolls.
  • triplethreat – Redeem this code to 3 Element Reroll.
  • apologyforlate – Redeem this code to 3 Weapon Rerolls.
  • middayfixes – Redeem this code to 1 Locked Element Reroll and 1 Locked Weapon Reroll.
  • 100kfavourites – Redeem this code to claim 1 Shikai Reroll.
  • segundanextupdate – Redeem this code to 2 Locked Weapon Reroll and 2 Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll.
  • 3shikaireroll – Redeem this code to claim 1 Shikai Reroll.
  • shutdownsrry – Redeem this code to claim 1 Elemental Reroll.
  • 55klikes – Redeem this code to claim Blue Pill.
  • tyforfollows – Redeem this code to claim Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll.
  • 35klikes – Redeem this code to claim Blue Pill.
  • 20klikes – Redeem this code to claim Locked Weapon Reroll.
  • 10klikes – Redeem this code to claim Blue Pill.
  • sorryforshutdown – Redeem this code to claim Soul Ticket.

  • How to Redeem Codes for Type Soul

    Roblox Type Soul Codes (2)

    If players want to redeem the aforementioned codes, the process is quite straightforward. Just like in most other Roblox games, everything is done very simply and just requires a few buttons. But if fans still need help with the redemption, they can refer to the step-by-step instructions below:

    • First, it is necessary to launch Type Soul.
    • After that, press Play.
    • If the user is playing for the first time, then they will need to choose a gender and come up with a name.
    • After the player appears in the game, they should find and click or tap on the red button in the form of a gift; it is located on the top left but is semi-transparent, so it can be difficult to see.
    • When the button is pressed, a menu will appear with the Enter Code Here field in which fans must enter the code.
    • To redeem the code, just press Enter.

    Also, keep in mind that each code can be redeemed only once per account.

    How to Play Type Soul

    Roblox Type Soul Codes (5)

    At first glance, Type Soul is a rather complicated anime game. However, if players want to take their first steps and don’t know where to start, this is no longer a problem. As a Lost Soul, players can choose one of three races in the game: Hollow, Quincy, or Soul Reaper. Below they will find some simple steps to take at the beginning of the game to successfully integrate into it:

    Becoming a Hollow

    To become a Hollow, press Ctrl K. But if the players don’t want to be Hollow, then don’t use this button at all.

    Becoming a Quincy

    • As a Lost Soul, look for the Wanda gate located at coordinates xx:10 and xx:40. It has a blue side on the right and a white side on the left.
    • The gate is open for 10 minutes at specific times.
    • Enter the gate and follow the path to find a statue NPC that asks if players worship the king.
    • Interact with this NPC to become a Quincy.

    Becoming a Soul Reaper

    Currently, there are two ways to become a Soul Reaper: purification and a Shinigami Quest.

    • Players can ask a Soul Reaper player to purify them.
    • Keep an eye out for the Shinigami Quest, which may offer an alternative path to becoming a Soul Reaper.

    The Best Roblox Anime Games Like Type Soul

    Roblox Type Soul Codes (4)

    Players looking for a new gaming experience need to look any further. Below they will find the 5 best games similar to Type Soul. Every anime fan will be able to find something for themselves:

    About the Type Soul Developers

    Type Soul was created by a good team of developers. Here are their nicknames:

    • K1LLUAA
    • vvithdraw
    • Khaotxc
    • 4Data
    • drakoooos
    • cartier361

    So far, this is the only game they have made together. Their Roblox group has very few subscribers and information, although the game itself has already collected more than one hundred thousand likes and one hundred and fifty million visits.


    Roblox Corporation

    Roblox Corporation

    September 1, 2006

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