Roblox: Fisch – How to emote and all emote commands

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Most of the time, you only need to fish alone to advance Fish. However, it is still an online game where you can trade and interact with other players. And to diversify communication, you can use Emotes.

Emotes allow players to communicate beyond just in-game chat Roblox experience. And some of these emotes have pretty funny animations. So, in this guide, you will learn how to use Emote and get all Emote commands.


How to get Fortification and Trident from Fisch

Depending on the tool in your hands, it's easier to catch rare species of fish, so here's how to get enhanced fishing rods and trident fishing rods in Roblox's Fisch.

How to evoke emotions in Fisch

Fisch how to use emotions

Unlike most other RPGs, Emotes in Fish are not an obvious feature. You will not be told about them during the lesson, and there is no corresponding button in the HUD of the game. That's because the players have to use in-game chat for Emote Art Fish.

Fortunately, it couldn't be easier, as the feature works from the first minutes of the game. All you need to do to use Emotes is to enter the correct command.

Each emote starts with “/e” characters.

Once completed, you must enter the desired emotion after the space. After that, press the enter button to make your character Emote Fish. It is important to note that some Emotes are short while others are quite long. An example of the latter is the sleep emote, which will remain active until you cancel it. To do this, players simply need to tap anywhere on the screen.


How to get all rods in Fisch

Each Fisch rod has unique stats that can be both positive and negative. Here's how to purchase all the fishing rods available in this Roblox game.

All Emote commands in Fisch

Fisch Gamepasses

Fish has many different Emote commands, but not all of them are available to most players — some are only unlocked after purchasing certain Gamepasses. However, even free emotions enough to enjoy the game. To make it easier for you to use them, a list of all Emote commands in Fish was collected below.

Fisch's default emote

  • /e Chir
  • /e Onion
  • /e Ballin
  • /e Laugh
  • /e wave
  • /e To sit (It has 10 different versions; to use them, type /e sit1, /e sit2, /e sit3, etc.)
  • /e Facepalm
  • /e Love
  • /e Crossed
  • /e dance (/e dance2, /e dance3)
  • /e no
  • /e Showcase (/e Showcase1, /e Showcase, /e Showcase2, /e Showcase3, /e Showcase4)
  • /e Dot
  • /e Crown
  • /e Yes
  • /e Handstand
  • /e Flex
  • /e Skinny
  • Pumpkin
  • /e To clap
  • /e Pray
  • /e Sleep

Gamepass Emotions in Fisch

  • /e Snow (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e String (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Dental floss (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Monkey (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Caramel (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Billy (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Grind (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Mystery (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Shuffle (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Fresh (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Push-ups (Emote Gamepass)
  • /e Rain (Support Gamepass)


September 1, 2006

Roblox Corporation

Roblox Corporation

T is for teenagers

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