Road 96 Trophies and Achievements Guide

In your quest to escape across Petra's border into Road 96many NPCs along the way will inform your personal journey and may need your help to get through. As with most games, many of these chapters have special achievements and collectibles that can be found to obtain these achievements.

Some of the trophies are easier to get because they just require you to complete the campaign section, but some others require a bit more effort. You either need to interact with a certain NPC, make certain choices you wouldn't otherwise have, and find all the collectibles. Due to the procedural nature of Art Road 96there's a chance you'll need to play through the game multiple times to unlock all the achievements.


Road 96: Rating of each ability and how to unlock it

Road 96 is a procedural narrative adventure game with a lot of options that can lead to some useful abilities that will help in the rest of the game.

How to unlock all Road 96 achievements and trophies


A total of 12 achievements can be unlocked Road 96and some of them require the passage of certain sections during the passage:

An achievement

How to get

Cat Man

At the entrance to the trailer park in the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” section, talk to the woman and pet the cat on her lap.

Light in the darkness

While sitting next to Zoe in Smells Like Teen Spirit, blow on the fire.

Collect them all

Collect all 18 tapes.

Company founder

Make a donation to any political party by making a call.


Call home using a payphone.

Almost there?

Get to road 96 for the first time.

Stone by stone

Add to the stone stone three times before exiting the cave from road 96. It is to the left of the cave immediately after you enter it.

Road friends

Acquaintance with Zoya.

Help a friend

Help Zoe escape from the police in Fireman.

A difficult choice

Make a difficult decision while crossing the border.

Old professional

Get to road 96 for the sixth time.

Border master

Play the game.

Zoe's storyline is the shortest in the Road 96 with only four instances, and her chapters happen in chronological order, so you should be able to get all the achievements that include her in one playthrough. The main reason you might need to do another playthrough is because some tapes are tied to certain character interactions. It's possible to get them all in one save, but if you just want to progress through the game, you may need to start a new run to get them all.

Also, you can also start a new game+ if you finish and don't find all the collectible tapes. This allows you to play through the chapters you missed on the first playthrough, and you can find the rest of the tapes to get the achievement. Finally, you just need to make sure you make the right decisions to get to the end of each teen's journey without getting arrested (or worse) on the way to the border. After that, you're free to go home and most likely unlock all the trophies.

Road 96 Art tag page cover


August 16, 2021



OpenCritic rating


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