Although Geo had the second archon in the main story of Genshin Impact, it was one of the most neglected elements throughout the game. Despite being released years after the game's launch, Dendro has almost as many characters as Geo, making it one of the least populated items in the game.

Genshin Impact: The best weapon for Zhongli
These stick weapon choices will help you get the most out of your Zhongli.
Georeactions in the game are also not unusual, but that does not mean that every character from this element is completely useless. There are still a few characters worth spending your resources on, and this list will help you decide that.
Updated on October 22, 2024 by Sanyam Jain: Zhongli was first released during the 1.1 update, and there was no better character from the Geo element until the 5.1 update. The release of Xilonen in this update turned the tide of the game, making her one of the most sought after characters.
12 Grieving
- weapon – Onion
- Region – Inazuma
Grieving met with the unfortunate fate of being released from
Arataki Ito as a niche supporting character that only really fascinates him. Both his Mastery and Ultimate can provide DEF, Resist, and Geo DMG Bonus, but you need to have one, two, or three geo characters on your team for those buffs, respectively.
With only eight Geo characters in the game, this is quite difficult to achieve. Gora can still be used if you have multiple Geo DPS characters in the party, but he's completely useless without it.
11 Geo traveler
- weapon – A sword
- Region – Unknown
We all switched to Geo Traveler early in the game and used their builds to solve various puzzles in Liyue and climb mountains, but this character doesn't really benefit from it. They deal burst-type damage from their elemental burst and create a field that can block enemies.

Genshin Impact: The best weapon for Geo Traveler
If you've chosen the Geo as the starting item for your Traveler in Genshin Impact, this is a weapon to keep an eye on.
There's also a handy crit boost given to your party via one of their free constellations. However, the lack of interactivity in their kit and low multipliers brought them to the bottom of the ranking, not only in this geographical list, but also in general.
10 Kachina
- weapon – Wooden weapon
- Region – Natlan
Kachina was the first four star released in Natlan's Genshin Impact, and while she can be pretty good for rock climbing with her Nightsoul state, she's pretty weak outside of that. In her Nightsoul state, Kachina can summon Turbo Twirly onto the field, which she can either ride to deal active damage or leave it to deal damage off the field.
Either way, Turbo Twirly's damage is nowhere near as good as other options in the game. The only way to make Kachina worth using in endgame modes is if you get her fourth constellation, as it can boost your active character's DEF, which can be useful for Ito, Albedo, or Kiyori.
9 Noel
- weapon – Claymore
- Region – Mondstadt
Noel she may not have had much screen time during the main Mondstadt story, but she's definitely one of the best Geo characters in the game. Her elemental creates a shield that also has a chance to heal an active party member whenever the barrier takes an attack.
Her Burst fills her Claymore Geo and greatly increases her AoE and DMG. Throughout the duration of this ability, you can deal quite a bit of damage to enemies while keeping your party safe and healing them.
8 Yun Jin
- weapon – Wooden weapon
- Region – Liue
let's figure it out Yun Jin it's the most fun four-star Geo character you'll ever use. While she still has a DEF boost, she doesn't have a lot of other items in her kit that usually make other Geo characters fall. Moreover, her skill can work as a parry mechanic that rewards you for a perfect activation.
Her Elemental Burst gives you 30 charges of increased normal attack DMG, and this counts differently for each party member. To use her properly, you'll want to have at least two Normal Attack DPS characters on your team and as many items as possible.
7 Ningguan
- weapon – Catalyst
- Region – Liue
As Liyue's story came to an end, Genshin players wondered why Ningguan didn't get five stars after seeing her role in the story. She's also one of the few characters to get a skin during the Rite of Lanterns event, and it looks pretty good. Ningguang appears on the Geo DPS field in the game, and is the only four-star Geo character to fill this role.

Genshin Impact: The best team members for Ningguang
Ningguang is a versatile Geo user that works well alongside these other Genshin characters.
She can deal a significant amount of damage with her normal attacks and explosions, and blocks enemy projectiles with her Mastery. This is especially good for monolithic challenges, as you can simply prevent ranged enemies from attacking it.
6 Albedo
- weapon – A sword
- Region – Mondstadt
Albedo unfortunately suffered a dismal treatment from the HoYoverse. It was first released without a matching weapon, and the first synergistic weapon appeared years later. Second, most of this character's lore is limited to time-limited events that new players can no longer access.
However, if you acquired him as a playable character, you can use his abilities as a decent off-field damage in the form of a tower. But the best part of his kit is his ability to use his skill as an elevator and lift both your party members and enemies into the sky.
5 Cheery
- weapon – A sword
- Region – Inazuma
Cheery is an Inazuman citizen who moved to Fontaine to pursue her passion for fashion. She is known for creating beautiful costumes like the one she has for herself
Navia. However, her kit may not be as attractive as her clothes. Her Elemental Skill essentially leaves behind a doll that regularly deals off-field Geo DMG.
This is her main source of DMG, but you can also choose to get Geo Infusion or extra DMG from her doll every time you use a skill. The main problem with her kit is the lackluster Geo reaction, since one of the main reasons for using a DMG dealer off the field is to cause a reaction.
4 Arataki Ito
- weapon – Claymore
- Region – Inazuma
The one and Oni Arataki Itto was also the one and only Geo DPS character in the game at the time of its initial release, automatically reserving that high spot on its roster. What's more, he has quite an individual game that has made him a special place in the hearts of Genshin Impact players.
Ito has a fairly generic playstyle where you use his elemental skill until you get an explosion, then use the buffs that the explosion provides to deal massive damage. However, if you want to make him viable, you'll need to take a group of characters like Goru and Albedo into him.
3 Navia
- weapon – Claymore
- Region – Fontaine
Geo may have been on the decline since the release of Dendro, but Navia recreated it with her beautiful design and amazingly fun set. Even though the players didn't expect much from her since she's Gea, she would fly right past them even if they did because of how she works.
Navia gains a stack of Crystal Sharpnel whenever your party members take a Crystallized Shard, which increases the DMG dealt by her skill. If you use her correctly, you can see Navia dealing over 100,000 DMG per skill, even with only a tier one talent.
2 Zhongli
- weapon – Wooden weapon
- Region – Liue
Finally, the Geo Archon undoubtedly takes the crown as the best Geo character in the game, not only because the bar isn't very high, but because he's one of the best characters in the game overall. Zhongli shield gives his entire party a shield that can tank almost anything in the game.
This shield also lowers all RES types of nearby enemies, making it good for both sustain and buff. His Burst is one of the coolest looking Bursts in the game, and you can petrify small enemies for a few seconds, dealing massive damage to them.
1 Xylonene
- weapon – A sword
- Region – Natlan
Aside from being one of the most unique characters and trailers in Teyvat, Xilonen is also one of the most valuable characters in all of Genshin Impact. Her abilities allow her to have two different playstyles depending on your party members: DPS and Support, with the latter being the preferred choice when it comes to the meta.
Xilonen can provide a whopping 36 percent RES grind on enemies for your party items while also healing the active character. While you can get all of these from her kit itself, you can also get various other buffs by placing the right weapon and artifact sets on her.