Pokemon GO Reveals New Daily Shadow Raid Plans


  • Shadow Raid Day on January 19 features Ho-Oh, giving players a chance at powerful Fire-type Pokemon.

  • Players can get up to 7 free raids by rotating gyms, and they can teach Shadow Ho-Oh the Sacred Fire move.

  • A $5 ticket increases the Raid Pass limit to 15.

Pokemon GO announced a new Shadow Raid Day featuring Ho-Oh on January 19th. This will be the first event of its kind held Pokemon GO in 2025 and will give trainers a new chance to capture one of the best Fire-type Pokemon available in the augmented reality game.

Shadow Raids were introduced in 2023, giving Pokemon GO a new way for players to get these options after defeating Team GO Rocket. Last year, there was no shortage of events that kept the community engaged, such as the return of Shadow Moltres in January and Shadow Mewtwo in August. Legendary Bird Kanto was added in 2020, and Shadow Mewtwo was added at Pokemon GO Fest in the same year. This time, players should mark their calendars as another powerful creature will soon be back in the game.


A Pokemon GO player catches a super rare variant of Zigzagoon

A Pokemon GO player catches and is surprised to find that he got a super rare Pokemon for various reasons.

Shadow Ho-Oh will be featured in the Pokemon Gois supposed to be Shadow Raid Day, which will take place on January 19th from 14:00 to 17:00 local time. During this period, the pocket monster will appear in five-star raids, with an increased chance of a Shiny Shadow Ho-Oh appearing in one of those battles. Players will get up to five free Pokemon Go Raid Goes past gyms, increasing the limit to seven. They will also be able to use Charged TM to teach Johto Legendary the Charged Attack Sacred Fire, an ability with a power of 130 in training battles and 120 in raids and gyms.

Pokemon GO is bringing back Ho-Oh in the upcoming Shadow Raid Day

  • When: Sunday, January 19, 2025, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM local time

  • Recommended Pokemon: Shadow Oh-Oh

  • Using Charged TM will teach him Charged Attack Sacred Fire

  • A new $5 ticket and $4.99 Ultra Ticket Box will be available

To boost player progress during Ho-Oh's Shadow Raid Day, Niantic will introduce a $5 ticket that increases the raid limit obtained at gyms to 15. The chances of getting Rare Candy XL will be higher, making it a good time to farm it. Pokemon GO item for level 40 monsters. Purchasing the ticket will also grant 50% more XP and 2x more Stardust from raid battles, with all benefits available until 10pm local time on January 19th. The Pokemon GO Online Store will be selling the Ultra Ticket Box for $4.99 with an event ticket and bonus Premium Battle Pass.

The year has just begun, but Pokemon Go already has several events on the calendar to keep the community engaged. Community Day featuring Sprigatito took place on January 5th, and until January 7th players can catch Fidough, one of Pokemon Go will debut in 2025. The community is still awaiting details on other upcoming events, including the Classic Community Day (January 25th) and the Lunar New Year event, which will run from January 29th to February 2nd.

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