After completing a match by mining supplies, players gain a lot of experience that counts towards character progression in No more room in hell 2. Game progression is important as it is the main driving force behind the player base investing time into the game. Usually, by gaining XP in games and gaining more levels, players can unlock certain bonuses or weapons in the game. But is there a system of professional development No more room in hell 2?

How to fix junction boxes in No More Room in Hell 2
Here's a quick guide on how to fix No More Room in Hell 2 wire boxes and some tips for players to keep in mind.
Is there a progression system in No More Room in Hell 2?
Yes, it has a progression system No more room in hell 2 which allows players get 2 types of experience points (XP) after the match is over. There are two different types of XP in the game:
Character XP
As the title indicates, Art the XP symbol tied to the current character you are using in the matchup queue. Players gain character experience by gathering supplies, completing secondary and primary objectives, and mining safely.
Accumulating character experience is the primary way to level up a character, which unlocks new skills No more room in hell 2. A new skill slot opens every 5 levels. The game allows players to use 1 of 3 skills per slot. Combining your character's skills will make him more effective in different situations, such as a marksman, melee fighter, or jack-of-all-trades.
However, if your character dies in a match, all character levels, experience and skills will be lost. You will have to start from the beginning with a different character. This is where the account's XP comes into play.
XP account
The second type of experience point, XP accountis permanent and is not lost with your character. Your overall level increases (displayed in the upper right corner of the screen) with each match you play. however, there is no weapon unlock system or achievement system tied to account XP yet.
Since the game is in early access, there are still a few features and systems that have yet to be implemented in terms of progression No more room in hell 2. In the future, players can get new weapons, new reaction types, or even new cards unlocked after reaching a certain amount of XP. But so far it does not give anything.