Naruto's characters who were surprisingly strong


  • Borut's rapid lift to power surprised many Naruto fans, dispensing with the expected training arch.

  • A sudden surge of Hinat's strength in the latter: some fans were poorly justified.

  • Characters such as Choji and Konakhamar are exposed to impressive growth, giving up the original perception of weakness.

Naruto It is one of the most popular anime -series if -the, and many still remember it. Baruta: Naruto next generations Continues this legendary fairy tale, allowing viewers to get more opportunities to keep track of their favorite characters in the new history.


Naruto: Best Gaari Fights Rating

Every fight in Gaari's history is not just an opportunity to show their strength; This reflects the evolution of its character.

Emphasis on battles in Naruto means that most characters must reach inappropriate strength levels to beat their enemies. However, in some cases, the characters who seem quite weak can actually become more powerful than most people give them merit. Here are some unlikely Naruto the characters who are on a surprisingly strong.


Baruta Uuumaki

A child who has no struggle somehow becomes incredibly powerful in no time

Baruta Uuumaki

  • Debut: Last: Naruto movie

Baruta – one of the most separate characters in NarutoWith many, given his powers, he is largely dissolved. He became one of the strongest characters in the series, mastering the unique form of Rasengan and using his Johann with great effect.

It is amazing to see how much the competent Baruta is in battle, especially given that most Naruto Fans were not used to seeing how the main character conveyed their strength. Naruto was supposed to be intensively trained every time to improve his strength, while Baruta is so naturally talented that sometimes his strength may seem too comfortable.


Hinata Hyuga

Became funny powerful in the last: Naruto movie

Naruto Hinat Hugo

  • Debut: Enter: Naruto Uuumaki! (Episode 1 Naruto)

While the hina is a competent Byakugan user, it is impossible to deny that it lags behind the rest of the package in terms of great power. She gained all the courage she had to protect Naruto from pain, but after she was overcome, she almost lost her life.

However in the Last: Naruto movieThe hinata becomes powerful enough to fight Naruto against a strong cock cock. This is made for the cool species, even when many people thought that this splash was badly justified and too strange.


Choji Akimichi

Initially seems like a comic help hero before showing what he goes

Choji Akimichi in Naruto

  • Debut: “Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!” (Episode 1 Naruto)

At the beginning of the series it is easy to assume that Choji is just an example of all the jokes and character who loves to eat all the time. However, Kisimoto struck this character interesting, giving him realizing his restrictions, fighting for overcoming them every time.


8 most unforgettable villains in Naruto

Naruto opposed many villains across the franchise, but these characters were just forgotten.

Even after his humiliating defeat at Chunin's exams, Choji rises to the plate several times in intense battles and reveals its impressive force. These moments joy testify and reflect it as a power plant of the Ino-Shika.


Danzo Shimura

The old man literally has some tricks in the sleeve

Danzo Shimura in Naruto

  • Debut: “Kazekage Return” (Episode 32 of Naruto: Shippuden)

For a long time many many Naruto Fans suggested that the members of the Konakh Council better use their brains instead. Donzo himself did not participate in any major battle before the fight against Saske, so it is easy to understand why the audience believed that he had no chance.

However, this when Danza reveals her obsession with Sharingan, saturating his right hand with this eyes to use the powerful ins -gauge technique to survive the deadly blows again and again. He launched a competent battle, but lost after the incorrectly assessing how cruel was Saske, being a challenge to his last breath.



Powerful enough to bring it sensei and knock out many bags of cunning

Mitsuki using sage mode in barut

  • Debut: Baruta: Naruto Movie

Some characters in Bar Funny powerful, and Mitsuki is no exception. Child of Orchimarus is a mysterious figure that was able to access the sage mode at a young age and bring out many powerful ninjas without breaking sweat.

The fact that he could defeat the tire in the fight proves how much the strength of this hero. It's hard to believe that this young shinobi is so strong but Naruto The audience with great surprises was injured.


Konohamaru sarutobi

Brother turns into competent Johon and has numerous powerful duts that count

Konahamar in Baruta

  • Debut: “My name is konohamaru!” (Episode 2 of Naruto)

Konohamaru – one of the most intriguing characters Narutopresented as a privileged brother, who resonates with the uncomfortable attitude of Naruto. This mentoring blooms when Konahamar learns about Razanan and eventually becomes a competent Johnin.


28 the most iconic duo of the best friends in anime

A lot of anime is built on friendships between the main characters, and these characters show how powerful this relationship can be.

Although not having too many moments to shine (forbidding Russia from pain) by the time Bar It came out. This is an unlikely glow, but it's the same thing that people talked about Naruto before its strength.



Appearance can be fooled and he is a great example of this

Haka Naruto who comes out of his crystal mirror to attack Naruto and Saske

  • Debut: Kakashi: Warrior Sharing! (Episode 9 Naruto)

Naruto suggested that Haka was civil when he saw him for the first time, and his delicate person buried the belief that he could become such a vicious warrior. However, during the fight against Zabuza and his disguised partner Naruto eventually finds out that he is fighting a person who helped him during the grueling training.

Kekkei Genkai Haku trap and Naruto, and Saske, exposing them to many vicious attacks that make the latter fall apart. If Naruto did not interrupt at that moment and unlock the powers of the roof, Haka would have come out the winner against these gifted genres.



The loudest Akatsuki member ended up being the reason that the fourth shin of the World War begins

Toby in Naruto

  • Debut: “Return Kazekage” (episode 32 of Naruto: Shippuden)

Akatsuki – one of the worst groups in the series full of the most powerful ninja Naruto. Thus, it was strange to see the character of the comic relief that looked incompetent and unable to defend himself in the battle.

Because of this, it is easy to understand why the viewers were surprised when they realized that this character possesses Sharingan and can easily implement any attack. This created a tone of intrigue in the series, and Kakashi and the audience were shocked when Toby was finally exposed, revealing the Obita as an architect of the Fourth War Shinobi.


Naruto: 8 best villain quotes

Naruto is a series known for their convincing scoundrels, many of whom have left some impressive quotes that reveal a lot about their characters.

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