It feels like both major comic book brands have been trying to take over the live services space for a while now. Recently, DC has been trying to excite its audience Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, while Marvel tried to create their own experience Marvel's Avengers. Although the two ended up disagreeing with the players, that didn't deter Marvel as Rivals of Marvel seemed to explode on stage. And with the huge success of DC Comics, there may be something to prove in the future.
At the moment, Rivals of Marvel it seems to be a massive sensation in the hero market. Players seem to like its cast of characters, monetization is a breath of fresh air, and the game seems to be hitting all the right notes. It remains to be seen if NetEase Games can build on that success, but if they can, DC Comics may need to come up with something quick or they'll be left behind.
Squirrel Girl isn't the only Great Lakes Avenger to shine in Marvel Rivals
Squirrel Girl might be a great addition to the Marvel Rivals roster, but she shouldn't be the only Great Lakes Avenger to join the fun
Marvel Rivals succeeded where DC struggled
DC has had no luck in the Live-Service space
Earlier this year, DC Comics attempted to dominate the live-action space with Rocksteady Studios Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The game was supposed to mark the grand return of the created universe Batman: Arkham series and deliver DC fan experiences. However, it failed to make any impact when it finally launched. Players simply didn't care for the repetitive gameplay, the story was lacking compared to what came before, and they had little reason to return to the seasons after launch.
What was supposed to be DC's big push into live-action ended up falling short of sales expectations, and likely won't have many more seasons after launch beyond what was revealed. Also, DC didn't have any serious modern live services for players to check out. DC Universe online still in development, but this game is definitely in the past. In addition, DC appeared in MultiVersus and there were countless titles for mobile devices, but nothing compared Rivals of Marvel did
Marvel Rivals put Marvel first
right now Rivals of Marvel it seems to be a big hit for Marvel Comics and NetEase Games. Players love the game loop, the characters were fun to control, and the game seemed to be exactly what the hero shooter fans were looking for. It remains to be seen if the studio can continue this hype train with its post-launch content, but if it does, Marvel can build on it for years to come.
Because of its success, Marvel seems to have nailed down the live-action market before DC. He has also struggled with similar ones in the past Marvel's Avengersbut Rivals of Marvel helped right this ship a lot. Players have now gotten a taste of what a superhero shooter and a live-action game based on the comics can be, which means DC will likely have a lot to prove when they try to make another live-action push. So if he wants to make his own mark, he's going to have to deliver something truly ground-breaking.
At this point, there isn't much news on what DC's next attempt at live service will be. Only the players know that The wolf among us 2 and Wonder woman on the horizon, but since the live services market is extremely lucrative, there will likely be another attempt at some point in the future. But if it can not push past the controversy Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and be on a par with Rivals of Marvelthen it may also fail with the audience.