Last of us, part 2 game, explains why Abby is not muscular in season 2


  • The muscular view of Abby in the last of us part 2 will not be repeated in the HBO series, as the show has different priorities of the story.

  • The show will emphasize the drama about violent action by offering the retreat from the approach of the Abby.

  • The last one of us 2nd season will study the nature of Abby through a more vulnerable physique, presenting the challenge in how its inner force is displayed.

Chapter Naughty Dog Studio Neil Printman commented on the comparison of the physical appearance of Abby between season 2 and show HBO 2 and Last of us, part 2Explaining that her muscular appearance does not play the same role in this version of history. One of Abby's characteristic features Last of us, part 2 This is her sports body, which is the result of the workout she has passed to successfully avenge, which causes curiosity among the fans, why the HBO show would not reflect her in this way.

Last of us, part 2 After his release, she caused a lot of controversy, with great criticism aimed at Abbi's character. In addition to the character's arc and substantiation of her actions, many fans were absolutely upset by her story, appearance and eventually how her actions influenced the fate of Eli. Prepare avenge to avenge, Abby is involved in many physical and tactical training after the death of the father, developing a strongly muscular body that helps her to remove enemies and continue her mission. However, it will not be respected in the adaptation of the show.


Why is the last of the American

Season 2 of the last of us is in an unstable position, as fans of the game series are well aware that the show should get a key story.

Speaking in front of the Entertainment Weekly, Neil Printman and Craig Mazin commented Actress Abby and appearance in Last of us 2 season. Responding to fans of requests for the absence of the character's muscular physique, Printman explained that the Abby's video game had to look so because her game process was to be different from Eli. Abby's mechanics were closer to Joel, and it was important to justify her strength and style.

The last of us is the focus of 2 season will be dramaturgy rather than violence

Printman added that, despite the fact that in the season, 2 will preserve hard moments, the focus in the show is dramaturgy. “There are not many violent acts in the moment,” he said. This does not mean that the show will not have a fair share of action, but the approach will be different from the game. Given how important her physique is for the character arc in the game, it causes the question like Last of us Season 2 will tell Abbi stories.

Craig Mazzin explained that the appearance of Abbie in the show opens the door to study who she was in this more vulnerable body, while creating a challenge how to reflect her strong spirit and formidable character without this feature. It is still unclear how the show will represent the events in relation to the game and whether it will decide some of the basic critics he has received.

As for what is known Last of us 2 season After that there will be more infected people, after great criticism of the season 1. While fans are waiting for the release of 2 season in April 2025, it will be interesting to see this new version of Abby.

The last of us poster 1 season

Last of us

The release date

January 15, 2023




Craig Mazin


Craig Mazin


Neil Printman, Craig Mazin

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