Infinity Nikki: How to get Gogglebug

One of the greatest entertainments in Nicky's Infinity collects an incredible variety of adorable and practical crafting materials the game has to offer, from the fluffiest furs to the most ornate bugs and fabrics. All this contributes to Nicky's quest to become the greatest stylist in Miraland, which of course means collecting and making all the best fashion. Much of the player community enjoys this tension, regardless of how easy or difficult it may be to collect some of these materials.

One such item that you luckily don't have to look far for in Infinity Nikki is Gogglebugs. If you need to get your hands on some of these nasty critters, you need to know exactly where to find them.


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How to get Gogglebugs in Infinity Nikki


Gogglebugs are a special type of bug in Infinity Nikki that can be collected from very early on in the game, essentially as soon as you reach Florawish for the first time in Section 1 the main storyline of the quests. However, while they can be found so quickly in your adventures, Gogglebugs are also exclusive to Floralwhich means you won't find them anywhere else in Wishfield.

To find them, head to the waterfront areas of Florawish by Silk Lake and look for groups of daylilies that you can jump on as shown above. Around some of these daylilies you should see bugs gliding along the surface of the water, and they are beetles. As with other bugs in the game, you need to equip yours to catch them Afternoon glow ability gear (or whatever fancy alternatives you have, such as forest flutter) from the ability wheel.

Once you do, wait for one of the Gogglebugs to swim by the lily you're standing on and swing your net to catch it. You will also receive Error detection information for your efforts. Keep in mind that while some of the other bugs in the area, such as Sockos and Chimecadas, also give an essence when caught, Gogglebugs do not. However, if you unlock the corresponding node in the Heart of Infinity Grid (found in the first branch of Bug-Catching Insight), you can get a bonus Bug-Catching Insight. This can be particularly useful when trying to unblock the rest of the Insight nodes on the network.


Also, once you've caught at least one Gogglebug in Florawish, you can use your map's handy tracking feature to pinpoint more locations for them. While playing, open the map and select the book icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Click on the bug icon tab and look for the Gogglebug option (should be in the second row). Select it and your map will automatically find the next closest Gogglebugs location, circled in orange.

If you catch at least 50 Gogglebugs, you can even upgrade your tracker Accurate trackingwhich will find for you all the approximate locations of Gogglebugs all over the map as shown above. In any case, it is highly recommended that you use your tracker to find any type of important crafting material in the Wishfield Wilderness.


Another very useful alternative to collecting Gogglebugs Nicky's Infinity is to use yours Dig in, Pear-Pell feature. This allows you to passively “mine” resources, up to four different ones at the same time. You can collect up to 5 of any qualifying resource by exchanging a small amount of Bling and the items will be available for pickup after 24 hours. A daily Dig, Pear-Pal for any material you might need for clothing sketches is also highly recommended, as it cuts down on the time you'd otherwise have to spend collecting things yourself.

When it comes down to it, another option is to purchase Gogglebugs through the Resonance tab in the game store. Everyone has a price 4 drops of Tranquility Dropletswhich you get by getting duplicates of any gear with 4-star or lower pulls or other ways like the Surprise-o-Matic machine in Florawish. Yes 30 x Gogglebugs are available for purchase from there every month, so spend wisely.

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