If Battlefield 6 wants to succeed in the live service, it must be guided by one trend

A lot of things Battlefield 6 what's in store for players has yet to be revealed, but at least it's known to be a live game. Although this term can be controversial, Battlefield 6 opting for a live service could work if DICE learns from past mistakes. The battlefield served as a strong competitor against Call of Dutyand if the franchise wants to continue this rivalry, the key to success in the live service could be a trendy party game.

The The battlefield the franchise has been in a bit of a slump lately. Battlefield 2042 tried to put a new spin on the series, but a lackluster launch kept it from becoming anything big. Now that EA and DICE have their sights set on the future, finding success for other live services could be very important. For now The battlefield prides itself on its realism, the next game could still take this route, but perhaps need more options to keep players engaged, such as Prop Hunt.


A Battlefield fan makes an extremely catchy Chiptune cover of the series

A gamer creates a cover version of the iconic main theme of the Battlefield series and shares his performance online, earning praise from other fans.

Battlefield. Adding party games like Prop Hunt can help achieve the goals of a live service

Prop Hunt is a party mode that's been around for over a decade, but it keeps popping up in popular multiplayer games. Most recently Prop Hunt in Black Ops 6 added fun variety to the many game modes offered. Black Ops 6 still features classic options like Domination and Team Deathmatch, but Prop Hunt offers a fun, casual option that continues to appeal to many gamers.

The objective of Prop Hunt is a simple hide and seek formula. Some players will play as “props” who must hide and blend in with their surroundings while the “hunters” search for hidden players.

A balance between realism and party oriented games

The battlefield's reputation as a more realistic take on the first-person shooter genre would likely make the addition of such a mode quite controversial. However, taking the live service territory more seriously may make options like Prop Hunt necessary. Of course, there will always be avid gamers who prefer to spend hours The battlefieldClassic modes, but there are a lot of players who will also need successive updates that add games like Prop Hunt.

Now that EA and DICE have their sights set on the future, finding success for other live services could be very important.

The Call of Duty the franchise drew inspiration from live service titles such as Fortnite to keep his records as long as possible. From Prop Hunt to limited time skins, Call of DutyUsing some of these features allowed him to stay one step ahead The battlefield in recent years. of course Call of DutyThe twist from more realistic beginnings has been controversial at times, but it still keeps many players coming back to try fresh content. The next one The battlefield most likely won't feature awesome skins like Call of Duty's, but by featuring strong core modes as well as including gameplay options similar to Prop Hunt, it can achieve a solid balance that can provide more consistent players.

Developed in 2012, Prop Hunt was originally created for Counter Strike: Source and then transferred to Maud Harrywhere it became popular.

Battlefield 6 can still make room for unrealistic gameplay

It is important to note that The battlefieldThe power is in realism. However, that doesn't mean there can't still be room for some weirder elements. Disguising players as props and hunting them isn't a realistic scenario, of course, but it's been a hit for most games that have included it. The future The battlefield is in dire straits, and failure to complete the given tasks live can have serious consequences.

While live service models can be controversial, games like Hell divers 2 have shown that this approach can be useful if handled correctly. Battlefield 6The live-action ambition might be risky to try again, but it might also be just what the franchise needs.

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