How to unlock your perk class in Path Of Exile 2

Unlocking your Ascendancy subclass in Path of exile 2
slightly different from the first part. You will have to pass a rather difficult test during the campaign in order to fully reveal your potential. But unlike the first game's Labyrinth, the trials you go through in PoE2 are much more complex and based on older league mechanics like Sanctum and Ultimatum.


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If you make it through a fairly tough dungeon and make it out alive, you'll unlock a powerful subclass tree that offers build benefits ranging from new skills to massive bonuses to your damage. Today we're going to take a look at how to unlock your Ascendancy class in Path of Exile 2 and briefly explain how the Ascendancy Trials work.

How to get up

You will gain access to your dominion after completing the “Rise to Power” quest in Acts 2, which you will unlock shortly after reaching the city center. You will be instructed to complete Judgment of the Shechemsa variant of PoE1's Sanctum dungeon, but set up for a low-level PoE2 character. Use the desert map in the center of town to reach the Trial. Once there, use the quest item you get to start the trial. Defeat the boss without dying to claim your new dominance class.

Judgment of the Shechems

Path of Exile 2 Trial of Sekhamas Token Altar

If you've played Path of Exile, this works just like the Sanctum league; you just need to clear one floor.

In essence, the judgment of the Shechems is a dungeon roguelike for one life. You must clear the gauntlet and defeat the final boss without dying or losing Honor. The second condition is important because this rogue-like dungeon is not a simple build check. You will have a new resource to use here: Honor. This acts as a secondary health pool that is tracked throughout your run. When your Honor reaches zero, your run ends immediately.

Fortunately, Trial of the Sekhemas has some unique mechanics to help you beat it. The first notable addition is the inclusion Relicssimilar to Enchantments in Diablo 2, but with their own inventory space. Relics offer powerful bonuses that increase your next run. For your first attempt, you'll receive a starting relic that reduces Honor loss. Don't forget to equip it in your relic altar before you start running.

Path of Exile 2 Trial of the Shrine of Sechem route

The trial of the Shechems is divided into several floors, but for purposes of the Ascension, you just need to kill the boss at the opposite end of the floor. To get there, you have to make your way through a maze of knots. At the end of each chamber will be a map that you can interact with to plot your course. You will be able to move to any adjacent room to your current positionmoving diagonally or horizontally to the right; you can't go back.

Each room will have a main objective indicated by the name of the room. For example, the Hourglass challenge requires you to survive an onslaught of enemies for a certain amount of time, while the Chalice challenge forces you to kill all rare monsters in the area. Here's a rough breakdown of each possible encounter:

Judgment over the cup

Defeat every rare monster in the zone.

The trial of the hourglass

Survive within the specified time. Killing rare monsters shortens the timer.

Ritual court

Eliminate enemies and their portals.

Escape test

Activate the death crystals in the chamber before they explode.

Court in gloves

Move across a set of tiles strewn with traps.

Clearing these rooms will reward you with some kind of bonus, usually a key or holy water fountains. Holy water is the currency you can use to purchase power-ups during your Trial of Sekhemas run. You can purchase these gifts from the merchant who appears in any room marked with a merchant icon, or from Balbala directly at the end of each floor. Since you only need to clear one floor to unlock your dominion, focus on finding the merchant.

Path of Exile 2 Trial of Sekhemas Reward Room

Once you've mapped out your path to the boss, it's time to finish the run. You'll have to face a rather tanky final boss that deals massive Honor damage. The good news is that these challenge bosses are quite slow and have very telegraphed attacks. Go slow, fight at a distance when possible, and use environmental cover to avoid AoE attacks. With enough patience, you'll kill the boss and unlock a reward chamber. Interact with the Altar of Exaltation to select your new subclass.

Once you choose Ascendancy, it it is not possible be changed. If you want to experience the new value of Ascendancy, you will need to create a new character.

You it is possible nevertheless the nodes of the ascendant. Talk to The Hooded One in any central city to honor your assigned passives for a moderate gold fee.


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