How to unlock the mess hall, fast travel Citadelle Des Morts

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Black Ops 6 Zombies will be a great experience for die-hard zombie fans, providing hours of content for players. While many fans may still jump into both Terminus and Liberty Falls, Citadelle Des Morts allows players to battle the undead in a ruined medieval castle in Reloaded Season 1 and beyond.

There are many secrets to unlock in Citadelle Des Morts, starting with the main quest “Easter Egg” and ending with several smaller Easter Eggs. One unexpected secret, however, has to do with the bell tower located at the spawn point of the map, which is tied to a rather peculiar side easter egg. Here how to complete the belfry easter egg on Citadelle Des Morts.


Black Ops 6 Zombies: Citadelle Des Morts Knight Chess Piece Easter Egg Guide

Completing the chess puzzle in Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 rewards players with a Guardian Knight to aid them in battle.

How to unlock the Fast Travel Dining Room

how to open the castle on Citadelle Des Morts

The first step of the Easter Egg will give players a challenge Rampart gun repair on Village Walls to unlock the ability to fast travel to the dining hall. Astute players may notice that when turning the cannon towards the lock and firing it to open the main entrance, the lever used to rotate the cannon will break.

To repair it, players will need to collect two items. The first is the crank itself, which will fly to the City Square. When players move to the extreme southern side of the Town Squarethey will find the crank sitting in the banana box. Remember to hold the interaction button near the crank to pick it up.

The next item is a blowtorch that you can found in the dining room. When the players head to the dining room and look in the right corner area is simple under Vulture Aidthey will find a blowtorch among several wooden crates. Interact with this blowtorch to pick it up.

How to unlock Fast Travel Citadelle Des Morts Dining Room

Now that both items are collected, players can return to the Rampart cannon and hold the interaction button next to it to place the grip back on the gun. From here, players can turn the cannon in the direction of the castle to quickly reach the dining hall, however, they must make sure to turn it back towards the Town Square to complete the next Easter Egg stage.


Black Ops 6 Zombies: Citadelle Des Morts Music Guide Egg Egg

Want to slay the undead in style? Then Citadelle Des Morts Music's Easter Egg performance might be just what you need.

How to complete the Citadelle Des Morts Bell Tower Easter Egg

To complete the belfry easter egg, players must quickly drive to the Town Square 100 times using the repaired Rampart Cannon. Using the Rampart cannon will cost 500 essence, which means players will have to spend a total of 50,000 Essence just to fulfill this easter egg.

Usually, when the Bramport cannon is moved to the town square, the players are lifted to the roof of the tavern. However, during the hundredth trip, players will be thrown onto the belfry on the south side of the spawn. Once this happens, the bell will ring continuously, drawing of all zombies in the area above it for a minute. Since the belfry functions like a dulcimer monkey, so will the tower throw two dulcimer monkeys for players to add to their tactical slot.

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October 25, 2024

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