How To Unlock Every Achievement/Trophy In Metal Slug Tactics

Metal Slug Tactics has a lot of Achievements/Trophies to unlock – ninety-three, to be precise. Once you’ve gotten a few runs under your belt, you’ll probably spend much of your time with the game pursuing many of the harder-to-unlock awards, either for the extras that they unlock or just to have more accolades for your collection.


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Hope you brought enough quarters.

Many of the game’s Achievements and Trophies start out hidden, so you may not be able to see the requirements easily. If you’re planning a run to try and get as many as possible in one go, this guide can help.

Standard Achievements/Trophies

From right to left; Marco, Eri, Fio, Tarma, Nadia, Trevor, Ralf, Clark, and Leona in Metal Slug Tactics.

These can be unlocked across any number of runs, regardless of which characters you bring.




Win a run completing exactly two regions, including Sirocco City.


Win a run completing exactly three regions, including Sirocco City.

World Tour

Win a run completing all four regions.


Unlock all four regions by defeating the bosses in Argun Palm Desert, then Herkhanet Tombs.


Win runs with six different characters.


Win runs with eight different characters.

War Machines

Defeat Big Shiee, Aishi Nero, and Dragon Nosuke at least once each.


Unlock all character dialogues (see below)

Rebel Army

Engage Abbas, O’Neill, and Paqar in battle at least once each.

Maximum Alert

Defeat Morden after defeating all three Generals on the same run.


Defeat Morden with maximum available Reinforcements (i.e., with no squad members dying)

Finally Caught You

Win the secret third phase of the boss fight against Morden.

Marco’s Achievements/Trophies

Marco at his workstation in the base in Metal Slug Tactics.





First Battle

Win a run with Marco on your team.

Explosive Leader loadout

Marco is part of the starting team, so you’ll unlock this by default after your first win.


Use 3 Special Actions in one turn as Marco.

Alice Activation ability

Use Sync Attacks to lower Marco’s costs to zero via Determination, then chain three together using Bonus Actions from Efficiency.

Leading The Way

Deal 15 damage in one attack, before Syncs, with Marco.

Tactical Strike ability

Blow up a barrel to deal 99 damage to all adjacent targets.

Leaving The Army

Defeat any boss with both Marco and Tarma on your team.

Marco Dialogue 1

Tarma becomes available after you unlock the Globetrotting Achievement/Trophy.

A Long Career

Have Marco and Ralf deal a combined total of 25 damage or more to a target in one turn.

Marco Dialogue 2

Have them gang up on a boss with their most powerful attacks; Tactical Strike and Vulcan Punch both work well for this.

A Family

With Marco on the team, have Fio use her Overheating ability three times in one turn.

Marco Dialogue 3

Have Marco use Forced March and Get Back Here to keep moving Fio into position so that she can get kill shots with Overheating.


Have three summons in play at the same time with both Marco and Nadia on the team.

Marco Dialogue 4

Have Nadia summon two bots while Marco summons Alice to pilot a vehicle.


Defeat Morden with both Marco and Eri on the team.

Marco Dialogue 5

Marco and Eri are on the starting team, so you’ll unlock this by default after your first win.

Marco Rossi

Unlock all of Marco’s dialogues, then get the true ending with him as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Eri’s Achievements/Trophies

eri at the shooting range on base in metal slug tactics.





Final Curtain

Win a run with Eri on your team.

Hurricane loadout

Eri is part of the starting team, so you’ll unlock this by default after your first win.

Enough To Go Around

Deal damage to five different enemies in one turn with Eri.

Enemy Chaser ability

Use Sync Attacks and Grenade Juggler to hit as many targets as possible.


Eliminate four enemies in a single Special Action as Eri.

Distant Blast ability

Explosive Jump and Grenade Juggler have the most targetable squares.


Start any run with Eri and Marco on the team.

Eri Dialogue 1

Just choose both characters from HQ.

Secret Service

With Eri and Clark on the team, have one character move at least 10 tiles from Special Actions alone in one turn.

Eri Dialogue 2

Given six Adrenaline, Clark can repeatedly use Jump Into Action to easily trigger this award.

The Last Mission

With Eri and Trevor on the team, get at least four Bonus Moves across the entire squad in one turn.

Eri Dialogue 3

Have Eri continuously contribute to frags to trigger Mad Bomber. Marco’s Forced March helps a lot for this, especially once upgraded.


Trigger four Syncs in one turn with both Eri and Leona on the team.

Eri Dialogue 4

Use Leona’s Afterimages and Eris’ area attacks to create lots of Sync opportunities. It’s easiest if you upgrade Leona with Flash.

Personal Code

Defeat Morden with Eri and Fio on the team

Eri Dialogue 5

Fio and Eri are both part of the starting team.

Eri Kasamoto

Unlock all of Eri’s dialogues, then get the true ending with her as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Fio’s Achievements/Trophies

Fio Germi plays an arcade machine at the base in Metal Slug Tactics.





Germi Heiress

Win a run with Fio on your team.

Meticulous loadout

Fio is part of the starting team, so you’ll unlock this by default after your first win.

Grand Master

Use Nudge twice in one turn.

Teleport ability

Nudge grants a Bonus Action at level 3, allowing you to use it multiple times.

Trigger Happy

Fire Fio’s weapon three times in one turn.

Overheating ability

Have Fio fire her primary weapon and contribute to two Sync Attacks.

Family Tradition

Defeat any boss with both Fio and Tarma on your team.

Fio Dialogue 1

Clerical Error

With Fio and Trevor on your team, deal damage with four Special Actions in one turn.

Fio Dialogue 2

Fio’s Overheating and Trevor’s Shinobi are both ideal for this.

Only Daughter

Have Fio and Eri each gain three Bonus Moves on the same turn.

Fio Dialogue 3

Use Overheating to trigger Sync Attacks between Fio and Eri resulting in frags. Fio will get a Bonus Move from Enthusiasm and a Bonus Action from the kill, while Fio gets a Bonus Move from Mad Bomber. Repeat the process two more times.

Healing Hands

With Fio and Clark on the team, move three different units via Special Actions on the same turn.

Fio Dialogue 4

Use Jump Into Action to move Clark, then have him move an enemy with Argentine Backbreaker. Finally, have Fio move a third unit (even herself), using Nudge.


Defeat Morden with both Fio and Leona on the team.

Fio Dialogue 5

Leona is unlocked after winning a run with every other character at least once.

Fio Germi

Unlock all of Fio’s dialogues, then get the true ending with her as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Tarma’s Achievements/Trophies

tarma roving works on his motorcycle at the base between missions in metal slug tactics.





Boot Sequence

Win a run with Tarma on your team

Dopamine Rush loadout


Traffic Jam

Kill three enemies in a single Special Action as Tarma

Killer Pose ability

Use Final Crash amidst a group of weakened foes.


Reach 8 Dodge with Tarma.

Bastion ability

Move as far as you can in one turn, use Slug Kick or High Five, then move as far as you can again on the next turn.


Beat any boss with Tarma and Eri on your team.

Tarma Dialogue 1



With Tarma and Trevor on your team, get four Bonus Actions via Special Actions on the same turn.

Tarma Dialogue 2

Use Trevor’s Flying Blade and Shinobi in combination with Tarma’s Giant Knuckle.

Long Distance

With Tarma and Ralf on your team, hit six enemies with Special Actions on the same turn.

Tarma Dialogue 3

Tarma’s Final Crash and Killer Pose, and Ralf’s Explosive Strike, all have large AoEs.

Travel The World

Win a run with Tarma and Nadia on your team having visited all four regions.

Tarma Dialogue 4


Taking Leave

Defeat Morden with both Marco and Tarma on your team.

Tarma Dialogue 5

You can also unlock Leaving The Army on the same run if you haven’t already.

Tarma Roving

Unlock all of Tarma’s dialogues, then get the true ending with him as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.


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Getting into tactical strategy games can feel daunting at first, but these games can ease new players in while still providing a good challenge.

Nadia’s Achievements/Trophies

nadia cassel arrives after being unlocked in metal slug tactics.





Cover Girl

Win a run with Nadia on your team.

Overload loadout

Watch Your Step!

Deal 9 damage to one enemy in one turn solely from Electric Mines.

Mine Skipping ability

Use Hypertension and Hidden Bomb to create a large cluster of mines, then use Magnetic Rift to teleport an enemy right into the middle of it.

Star Of The Show

Damage five different enemies with Nadia and/or her bots in the same turn.

Feedback Loop ability

Summon both Gunbot and Iron Lizard, then use Coil Blast to damage all enemies adjacent to Nadia or any bot.

Catwalk Darling

Defeat any boss with both Nadia and Marco on your team.

Nadia Dialogue 1


First Assignment

Win a run having visited only two regions, including Sirocco City, with both Nadia and Trevor on your team.

Nadia Dialogue 2

Nadia’s bots make it easier to trigger snake traps in Argun Palm desert.


Keep Iron Lizard alive for four consecutive turns with Nadia and Fio on you team.

Nadia Dialogue 3

Use Nudge and Teleportation to keep Iron Lizard out of danger, especially after using its Magnetic Grab to move enemies around.

Energy To Spare

With Nadia and Ralf on your team, get four Bonus Actions via Special Actions on the same turn.

Nadia Dialogue 4

Deploy as many mines as you can, then repeatedly use Magnetic Rift to get Bonus Actions for Nadia. Ralf can use Overhead and Dynamite Punch to easily get the rest of the requirements.

False Confidence

Defeat Morden with both Nadia and Eri on your team.

Nadia Dialogue 5


Nadia Cassel

Unlock all of Nadia’s dialogues, then get the true ending with her as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Trevor’s Achievements/Trophies

Trevor's unlock screen in Metal Slug Tactics.





Manic Monday

Win a run with Trevor on your team.

Ninja loadout


My Own Little Army

Inflict Mind Control on four enemies in the same turn.

Nanite Cloud ability

Use Nano Knives with Oversized to hit exactly three targets, then use it again on a fourth enemy, or use the Nano weapons in the Perfect Control loadout.

Everywhere At Once

Have Trevor hit four different targets in one turn.

Nanoshroud ability

Use Flying Blade or Shinobi on multiple targets, ideally with the Whirlwind loadout.


With both Trevor and Marco on your team, end a turn with at least five characters (friend or foe) having a status effect.

Trevor Dialogue 1

Use the Ultrasound Strategic Asset to inflict Weak on the entire enemy team.


Finish a run with both Trevor and Tarma on your team, visiting exactly three regions (including Sirocco City).

Trevor Dialogue 2


Security Office

Have Clark apply Sticky Bomb to an enemy, then have an enemy Mind Controlled by Trevor detonate the bomb by killing the target.

Trevor Dialogue 3

Sticky Bomb is applied by the Flying Kamikaze ability.


Have Trevor, Leona, or Afterimages trigger four Syncs total between them in the same turn.

Trevor Dialogue 4

The more Afterimages Leona can create, the better. Trevor can use Shinobi to teleport around the map triggering Synchronizations off of Afterimages and allies.

Exit Strategy

Defeat Morden with both Trevor and Eri on your team.

Trevor Dialogue 5


Trevor Spacey

Unlock all of Trevor’s dialogues, then get the true ending with him as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Ralf’s Achievements/Trophies

ralf playing video games at the base in metal slug tactics.






Win a run with Ralf on your team.

Power Up loadout


Nonstop Action

Get at least two Bonus Actions for Ralf in the same turn.

Power Surge ability

Use Overhead and/or Dynamite Punch twice. The latter only triggers a bonus action if it kills its target.

Human Cannonball

Deal 15 damage in a single Special Action as Ralf.

Jet Uppercut ability

Vulcan Punch converts Dodge into extra damage, and can deal a lot more than 15 when leveled up.

Going Commando

Defeat any boss with both Ralf and Marco on your team.

Ralf Dialogue 1



With both Ralf and Eri on your team, get a total of four Bonus Actions.

Ralf Dialogue 2

Bring Trevor as the third squadmate to get extra Bonus Actions from Flying Blade and Shinobi.

A Sister

End a turn with at least six status effects on enemies, with both Ralf and Trevor on your team.

Ralf Dialogue 3

Use the Ultrasound Strategic Asset to inflict Weak on the entire enemy team.

Charming The Crowd

At least five times during the same battle, have Clark move an enemy adjacent to Ralf, then have Ralf finish them with the resulting Synchronization.

Ralf Dialogue 4

This is fairly easy during the O’Neill boss fight, as enemies keep coming and O’Neill doesn’t get much more powerful if you let the fight drag on.

A Better World

Defeat Morden with both Ralf and Leona on your team.

Ralf Dialogue 5


Ralf Jones

Unlock all of Ralf’s dialogues, then get the true ending with him as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Clark’s Achievements/Trophies

clark doing one-handed pushups in the base in metal slug tactics.





The Warm-Up

Win a run with Clark on your team.

Overtime loadout


It’s Raining Rebels!

Deal 10 damage to a single enemy in one Special Action as Clark.

Flying Kamikaze ability

Defensive Reversal can deal high damage on its own thanks to Burst, while Argentine Backbreaker is good for setting up Sync Attacks.

In My Sights

In a battle that lasts five or more turns, apply and trigger Fragile on at least one enemy each turn.

Little Help ability

Cast Sidestep on everyone and let them get hit by enemies, then be sure to hit those foes before Fragile expires.


With Clark on the team, move at least five enemies onto Nadia’s Electric Mines over the course of a single battle.

Clark Dialogue 1

Fio can help achieve this with Nudge and Teleport, as can Trevor with Flying Blade.


Finish a run with both Clark and Ralf on your team, visiting exactly two regions (including Sirocco City).

Clark Dialogue 2



Trigger five Syncs in one turn with both Clark and Eri on your team.

Clark Dialogue 3

Leona’s Afterimages make her a great third squadmate for this.

At Arm’s Length

End a turn with both Clark and Tarma having their Dodge at five or higher.

Clark Dialogue 4

Follow the steps for Tarma’s Bastion, and have Clark build up four Dodge then use Sidestep.

My Top Priority

Defeat Morden with both Clark and Leona on your team.

Clark Dialogue 5


Clark Still

Unlock all of Clark’s dialogues, then get the true ending with him as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.

Leona’s Achievments/Trophies

leona heidern appears after being unlocked in metal slug tactics.





Just An Illusion

Win a run with Leona on your team.

Team Snipes loadout

This will be the last “win with a character” award you unlock, since you need all the others just to get Leona.


Have three Afterimages on the map at the same time.

Refuel ability

Have Leona participate in as many frags as possible to create more Afterimages.


Have three Afterimages participate in the same Synchronization.

Refraction ability

Use Refuel and Flash to create a large zone where multiple Afterimages can reach enemies.

In The Past

Defeat any boss with both Leona and Eri on your team.

Leona Dialogue 1

Eri is great for triggering Sync attacks, and Leona is great for participating in them.

Cursed Blood

Have Leona and Trevor each gain two Bonus Moves in the same turn.

Leona Dialogue 2

Leona can learn Versatility, which gives her a Bonus Move each time she gets a Bonus Action and Trevor can learn Enthusiasm, which gives him a Bonus Move each time he uses a Special Action. Marco can help with an upgraded Forced March, as well.


Make the same Afterimage attack three times in the same turn with Fio on your team.

Leona Dialogue 3

Use Refuel to make an Afterimage stick around for a turn, then set it up so that it gets to participate in Sync Attacks from all three squadmates.

Too Dangerous

Win a run after visiting every region with both Leona and Marco on your team.

Leona Dialogue 4

Can be unlocked along with Part Of The Team.

Part Of The Team

Defeat Morden with both Leona and Tarma on your team.

Leona Dialogue 5

Can be unlocked along with Too Dangerous.

Leona Heidern

Unlock all of Leona’s dialogues, then get the true ending with her as team leader.


The team leader is always the first character you select at the start of a run.


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