How to Save in the Kingdom come: Get rid 2

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Kingdom will come: Get rid of 2 This is a deep and complex game. Everything you do in the game has a few extra steps. You rarely know how to do something with only a few buttons. Because the game is so realistic, you will die regularly and often do things you would not be repeated again and again.


When does the kingdom come: Getting rid of going?

Have you never wondered when and where is the kingdom's deliverance? That's what you want to know.

So, keeping in the game is vital, and it's not as easy as in other RPG with the open world. The game does not constantly save for you when you wander around the world. Because everything can happen when you study cities or forests, you want to make sure you never lose more than a few minutes of progress.

How to save

The option of preserving and exiting the menu in the kingdom came: salvation 2.

Are Three ways of preserving In the kingdom come: deliverance 2, some of which are much more useful than others:

  • Save by Savior Schnapps Every time you are not in combat or a cat.
  • Save and throw To the main menu, provided that you are not in combat or catecene.
  • Achieve a key moment in history.

The easiest way to keep Let the games automatically save in key points of history. Usually at the end of the Cutscenes icon will be shown at the bottom right side of the screen, after which the words “saved” will appear in the middle of the screen.

As an alternative you can Suspen the game and select Save and give up Back to the main menu. This is the easiest way to choose exactly when you save when you are outdoors. Because download time is pretty fast, you can throw and go back to where you are in a minute.

The disadvantage of conservation and exit option is that there is only one file dedicated to it, which is corresponded every time you use it.

Finally, Savior Schnapps returns for continuation. This is a consumable potion that allows you to save at any time when leaving the game. For use of this method you must have one in your inventory and it is not easy to get.

How to get the Savior Snaps

Came to save with Savior Schnapps in the Kingdom: Salvation 2.

While you will give one weak Savior Schnapps with the hostess in the first tavern you visit in the Touch region, you will either Buy or produce them If you want more in your inventory.

You can Buy Savior Schnapps in separate suppliersBut the traders in the taverns are the best bet. You can also find them in places like bath houses. The cost changes depending on who you are talking to and your reputation with them, but it is usually 20 to 40 gros. Creating Savior Schnapps is a little more difficult and takes some time.

How to produce savory snaps

Savior Schnapps recipe in the kingdom came: Salvation 2.

You will Given the savior's recipe very early in history. It will be added to your inventory, so you just need to click on it to read and learn. You need the following items to brew potion at alchemy station:

  • One nettle

  • Two Belodon

If you don't have it something, you can, but it's from a pharmacist in Kuttenbury about 180 Groons. The pharmacist is located in the southern part of the city, near the church.

Once you are at alchemy station, Add nettles to wine to the cooker and boil for two turns. Then, Grind Belladon And add it to Kazan. Finally, Boil it on one turn and pour it into a bottle. This will give you the Savior Schnapps, which you can either use immediately, save in your inventory, or sell for neat profit. They are best stored if you need them.


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