How to satisfactorily complete all stages of level 8

Once you progress to the next levels satisfactorythere will be many moving parts. There will be dozens of production lines for you to manage and plenty of transport to get everything where you need it.


Satisfactory: Level 5 Upgrade Guide

Here's how to unlock every level 5 milestone in Satisfactory.

Level 8 of Satisfactory doesn't have as many fun little things as some of the previous levels, such as Hoverpacks and the improved conveyor systems unlocked at level 7, but it has a lot of engineering and manufacturing stages that will change dramatically as you progress their goals.

Level 8 Milestones

Level 8 in HUB is satisfactory.

Level 8 is one of the strongest levels when it comes to stages; almost everything here is very useful.

Aircraft engineering

Milestone of aviation technology - satisfactory.



  • Radio control unit 50x

  • 100x Alclad aluminum sheet

  • 200x aluminum case

  • Motor 300x

It is certainly the most convenient way to transport resources, Drones will revolutionize everything you do. While other types of transport could carry more material at once, some types are extremely troublesome to set up, either because of the distance or the type of terrain it will be traveling over.

Drones get around this problem by simply flying over all obstacles in their path. Configure one Drone port on each end for each Drone you want to configure, and those troublesome resources become much easier.

Nuclear energy

Milestone of nuclear energy is satisfactory.



  • Supercomputer 50x

  • Heavy modular frame 200x

  • 1000x cable

  • Concrete 2000 times

  • Nuclear power plant

  • Cell with uranium in the case

  • Electromagnetic control rod

  • Uranium fuel rod

  • Magnetic field generator

  • Scanned uranium deposits

The nukes you unlock at level 7 are created from Hazmat suits. This will open up quite a few different things related to the same mechanic as well as a Part of the project to be sent via space elevator.

First of all, this opens up the ability to find uranium with a scanner. Gaining access to uranium will necessary to start working with nuclear energy at all.

Once you get uranium, you become production of uranium fuel rods from uranium shellsand use it to fuel a nuclear power plant.

Advanced aluminum production

The winning stage in the production of aluminum is satisfactory.



  • Radio control unit 50x

  • 200x aluminum case

  • Alclad 400x aluminum sheet

  • 3000x wire

  • Resource Svidravinsky sealant

  • Resource well extractor

  • Empty liquid tank

  • Packaged Nitrogen

  • Heat sink

  • Cooling system

  • Fused modular frame

  • A water resource that can be scanned

  • A scannable crude oil resource

  • Scanned nitrogen resource

Aluminum production is another thing that you just started in the previous level, but at level 8, you get access to a lot more tools.

One of the best bonuses of this milestone is the opportunity get water as a scanned resource. This allows you to find geysers that can serve as water sources away from the water bodies you normally use. This will do much to make water a more readily available resource.

This stage also gives you access to things like Heat sinks, cooling systems, and Fused modular framesvarious crafting/crafting components that you will need for various recipes, some of which are related to nuclear power.

Advanced production

Milestone of advanced production in satisfactory.



  • 50x fused modular frame

  • Supercomputer 100x

  • 1000x steel pipe

  • Miner Mk. 3

  • Turbo engine

  • Thermal propulsion rocket

Leading-Edge Production is one of the smaller Milestones in terms of unlocks, but his influence will be enormous.

This milestone unlocks a Part of the project, Heat engine rocketwhich you will need to send up via the space elevator.

But, An exciting thing coming from Leading-Edge Production is the Miner Mk. 3which you will need Turbo Motor to create. This Miner Mk.3 will improve your resource gathering capabilities, allowing you to upgrade more or less everything you do with improved resources per minute.

Particle enrichment

The particle enrichment milestone is satisfactory.



  • 50x turbo engine

  • 100x fused modular frame

  • 200x cooling system

  • 2500 Quickwire

  • Particle accelerator

  • Nitric acid

  • Packed nitric acid

  • Non-fissionable uranium

  • Plutonium tablet

  • Plutonium cell in the case

  • Plutonium fuel rod

  • Copper powder

  • Pressure Conversion Cube

  • Nuclear paste

Finally, the particle enrichment stage unlocks Particle acceleratorwhich is as impressive as it sounds. This is a building that needed to create a large number of recipes for the late gameincluding some unlocked in this very Milestone, for example Nuclear paste.

A particle accelerator does use a variable amount of energy depending on what you're using to build and how far along it is in the manufacturing cycle. The further in the cycle, the particle accelerator will need more power.

Level 8 Objectives and Tips


For level 8, you'll probably want to prioritize aerospace, advanced aluminum and advanced manufacturing.

Aeronautical Engineering is going to unlock drones and drone ports you'll likely want to set them up as soon as possibleespecially if you want to set up additional resource gathering/transportation nodes.

As for Advanced Aluminum Production, there are some things you'll need to unlock there to fully enjoy nuclear power.

Advanced production and the best miners that come with it are next, and while not strictly necessary, few will want to give up mining additional resources. Better Miners are going to speed up everything you do, provided you have a structure built around it to take advantage of this increased speed.

From there you will freely invest in nuclear energy and particle enrichmentbecause you will have all the necessary tools for this. Ideally you will creating a good supply of nuclear energybecause of the incredible amount of energy that a particle accelerator can require.


Satisfactory: Fundamentals of Automation

Here's how to get started with factory automation at Satisfactory.

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