How to make money at Brighter Shores

Money is important in Bright shores. You will use it to purchase new professional equipment as well as materials from various sellers around the world. At the beginning of the game, you'll start with almost no money, but luckily you can get it pretty quickly.


Bright shores: 9 tips for beginners

Brighter Shores is a relaxing MMO with a Runescape-like atmosphere. Here you can find tips for beginners to help you get started.

In this guide we are going to take a look at how to make more money in Brighter Shores. In total you will have two main types of currency; silver and copper (which add up to silver). Silver is more expensive, so we're going to look at methods that can earn you silver rather than just a few pieces of copper.

Brighter Shores is currently in early access on Steam, so content is subject to change. We will update these articles as needed.

Sell ​​fish

The player talks to the fishmonger in Brighter Shores.

Fishing it's a great way to make money. You can fish with a fishing spear for almost an infinite amount of time as long as you have enough space in your inventory. We offer fishing for eels or puffer fish in the rivers south of the town square (Eale Street Bridge and Willhope Crossing).

Here you can catch eel and pike, and then head to the fishmonger south of the bridge on Eel Street to sell their catch. The hike here is fairly short from both fishing spots, making for a quick trip.

Once you level up to the fishing spear, you can sell higher level fish to earn even more silver, but this is a good way to get silver early in the game.

Sell ​​equipment

A player in Brighter Shores examines all of his equipment.

After participating in a battle (to increase your guard skill), you will gain experience and gain a chance to get a piece of equipment. There's a chance that the gear that drops is better than what you have, but there's a good chance that it's just plain gear that you don't need.

If it is a supervisor, we strongly advise you to contact the quartermaster and selling your unused gear. This is another way you can earn money without putting much effort into it, as gear comes from upgrading your guard skill in Hopport.

Sell ​​cooked food

A player in Brighter Shores who sells omelets.

Cooking is another profession you can pursue. Cooking with raw ingredients will increase their value, make the dish perfect to sell to earn money.

You may notice that some dishes require you to buy ingredients from a vendor (NPC Kevin), but don't worry about that. If you plan to sell the dish, then you will end up making more money than you spent.

Even something as simple as an omelette (made with eggs only available at Kevin's) will make you more money than you spent.

Complete Chef's Bounties

A player in Brighter Shores is looking for a reward.

Once you reach the ninth level of the chef profession, you will be able to complete Chef Bounties. Basically, these are quests to deliver food to the townspeople. Although you may need to find the ingredients, these mini-quests can reward a good amount of silver.

For example, we were given an award deliver five omelets to the Enchantress. This simple quest just requires you to buy and cook eggs, but he rewarded us with 792 exp (for cooking) as well as 3 silver and 820 copper.

You can accept more than one prize at a time, so if you feel up to it, be sure to accept more than one! Bounties on the Chef Rewards Board change from time to time, so if you have taken all four rewards shown, just wait a bit.

Open chests

A player who loots chests in barracks.

From time to time you can meet boxes inside buildings. These chests can be searched to earn a handful of copper. Looting one chest isn't too much, but the barracks-like room (located on the training ground) has several chests.

Chests are now also reset after a few moments. This means that you can loot from the chest, wait a bit, and then loot from it again. This may be fixed in the future, but for now it functions as a simple infinite money method.

Defeat the enemies

A player in Brighter Shores examines a street louse.

Finally, you can earn money defeating enemies in the world. We mentioned above that enemies occasionally drop equipment. In addition to this, defeating the enemy will always bring money.

It may not be the biggest amount of money at the beginning of the game, but if you plan to farm to build your guardian profession, then the money can really add up.

in general grinding and selling or processing your loot is the best way to make money (especially silver) at Brighter Shores!


Bright shores: how to set up equipment

You can customize equipment in Brighter Shores after completing the Obelisk quest. You can walk through this quest early in the game here.

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