How to make a lighthouse in minecraft

Beacons are a powerful endgame item Minecraft. Their advantage is not only that they act as location markers that can be seen very far away, but they also provide a powerful status effect in a specific area. Because of this, beacons are one of the most popular rare blocks in the game, despite the fact that it takes a long time to mine.


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The game does not explain how to best use and activate beacons. Even after the lighthouse block has been manufactured, creating a foundation for them is quite resource-intensive and expensive. Therefore, it is even more important to know how lighthouses work, where they should ideally be placed, what shape and size should be the foundation for a lighthouse of maximum power.

Updated January 10, 2025. Jacqueline Zalas: Beacons can come in handy when exploring or building in other dimensions. So we've added some information about building in other Minecraft sizes. Now you can learn how to make a lighthouse in Minecraft and become an expert in no time!

How to create a beacon

A player with materials to create a lighthouse in his inventory.

The first step is to make the beacon block itself. You can create as many items as you want in the world as long as you have the materials to do so. Here's exactly what you'll need for one block of beacons:

  • 5x Glass
  • 3x Obsidian
  • 1x Void Star

Glass can be easily purchased sand melting in the furnace. Obsidian is mined using a a diamond pick from a stationary lava surface that has come into contact with water. Both of these are pretty easy to get, but Nether Star is a different story.

How to get the Void Star

The player is in the dark, looking at two dry skeletons in the Void Fortress.

In order to get the Nether Star, you have to defeat Wither who is the boss mob in the game. This in itself is a long process; below, you can check out every step you'll need to complete in order to defeat Vane and obtain the Void Star.

How to get skeleton heads

In order to summon Sukha, you must first have it three heads of dry skeletons, which are a random and rare drop from Wyane skeletons, most commonly found in Void strongholds.

Using the Looting III sword increases the drop chance.

To get these skulls, you can either wander around the Void Fortress or create your own Wither Skeleton Farm. Wither skeletons are three blocks tallso if you're afraid to get too close, you can place blocks to form a barrier. It will be allow to pass under, but Skeletons will not be able to wither.

How to cause wilt

A player looking at Wither's incomplete summoning area.

Once you have three heads of Vane Skeletons, collect four pieces of soul sand usually found in the Valley of Souls Sand biome in Lower. Place the soul sand in a T-shaped, either on the ground or vertically, and place the skeletons' heads on the horizontal top of the T-shape to call Dry.

Definitely clean off any grass that may be under the “arms” of the mold; this will cause the call to fail.

After defeating him, he will release a Void Star that can be immediately turned into a beacon.

How to defeat wilting

The Wither flies around the world in Minecraft.

Dealing with wilting is not an easy task and will require quite a bit of preparation. The bottom line is that you don't have to call it anywhere certainly not near your house or any other structure you particularly like.

We suggest heading to bedrock and create an “arena” where you can fight this boss. Two great options below the portal of exit End, or in the Overworld in the foundation. With bedrock (and shale) surrounding Sukhoi, they have less chance of “breaking out”. This allows you to reduce the damage to your base.

If you're fighting Wither underground, you can too make a small tunnel to go down if you are low on HP. We even offer to place the bed in a long tunnel, which will allow you respawn and return to battle.

One of the best places to fight Sukha is under the End exit portal! We highly recommend heading here with some Dry Skeleton Heads and a Soul Hand, as well as some useful items to help in the fight, such as a strong weapon, some potions, food, and beds (in addition to exploding into the Nether, the beds also explode at the end ).

What are lighthouses made of?

A lighthouse in Minecraft made of four different materials.

The beacon unit itself is not enough to work on its own. For the beacon to work, it must be placed on top of a pyramid-shaped foundation or base made entirely of complete blocks of ore. A beacon block must also have access to the sky, no matter how deep it is placed.

You can make a base from the following types of blocks.

  • Iron ingots
  • Gold bars
  • Diamonds
  • Emeralds
  • Non-terite ingots

If you want to do a cheap lighthousestick with iron. If you have an efficient Villager trading system, you can also use emeralds.

How many blocks do you need for a complete lighthouse?

The four squares in Minecraft that represent each layer of a lighthouse are all made of iron.

To achieve maximum beacon power, ideally it should have four levels, with the beacon located on top, in the center block of a 3×3 area, which is the top layer of the lighthouse foundation.

For a full four-layer pyramid, here's how big each layer should be, as well as how many blocks you'll need.

layer (bottom)

Block dimensions

Blocks are needed

Ore (total for all blocks)

Layer 1




2 layer




Layer 3




Layer 4




In total



You can build a lighthouse with all four layers, or you can make it a little smaller. For example, instead of a 9×9 base, you can have a three-layer beacon with a 7×7 base. Remember that the beacon block is always located above the first layer, above the central block of the 3×3 area.

While the Beacon will also only work with a 3×3 layer to get the secondary status effect, it is recommended to invest and build a four-layer pyramid for maximum benefit.

Powers Lighthouse

The player chooses powers to add to their beacon.

Lighthouses that have three levels or less will only come with base condition effects, this means they only inject one specific power when you are in range. If you've created a fourth level, you'll also be able to choose an additional status effect, making the beacon even more powerful.

To set the beacon power, right click on it to open the interface. In order to start using it, it must be given either netterite ingot, emerald, diamond, gold or iron ingot. This independent of the material used to build the pyramid. This should be done whenever status effects change.

Below you can find all five powers and what they do.





Melee damage increased

A three-level pyramid is required


Increase movement speed

Any size pyramid


Mine is faster

Any size pyramid


Reduced damage taken

A two-level pyramid is required

Jump Boost

Jump higher

A two-level pyramid is required


Restore health

Secondary power with a four-level pyramid

Beacon Range

An image of an active Netherite Beacon in Minecraft.

The range of the beacon depends on its size. The bigger your beacon, the longer the range will be. As expected, the furthest range is the four-layer version of the pyramid.

Here you can check the range of each beacon size. These powers will linger for a few seconds, which also depends on the size; we have also included this information.



Duration (after going out of range)


20 blocks

11 seconds


30 blocks

13 seconds


40 blocks

15 seconds


50 blocks

17 seconds

20 blocks later, we mean 20 blocks in all four corners of the world from the lighthouse. So if you have a beacon with one layer at coordinates X = 0, Y = 0, then the range the beacon will extend from X= -20 to 20 and Y= -20 to 20. It is basically a 40 by 40 piece of land.

This range stretches upwards, p without limitation. This means that if you build your lighthouse on a rock, you will get forces that go up as far as possible.

Effective beacon installation

Instead of having multiple beacons that line up with each other, try to spread them out a bit. For example, if you use beacons for speed or haste, you can spread them out to cover more territory. By the time the lingering effects begin to wear off, you will already be in range of the next beacon.

Of course, if you plan to work in this space, it's best to have the beacon ranges lined up.

Since beacons have no upward limitations, your beacon will be most effective on the foundation! By placing beacons (but not too far apart) you can cover every level of your base with beacon forces.

Options and colors of beacons

A large lighthouse in Minecraft with each beam a different color, made using stained glass.

Beacons also come in a variety of options. For example, if you want to build several lighthouses, they can be placed on the same foundation with minor adjustments in shape and size. In the case of the classics six beacon structure, the size for each layer will be resized as follows



Layer 1


2 layer


Layer 3


Layer 4


This allows you to choose multiple powers at any time. The beacon beam can also be colored placing the stained glass block on top of the lighthouse blockwhich adds a nice element of customization.

Can you move the lighthouse?

Yes! All you have to do is this mine all the blocks and build elsewhere. This is necessary if you are using a beacon during construction and do not have access to others. Instead of setting up multiple beacons, you can just carry one with you.

If you have enough materials, you can even have a craft box that contains all the materials to build one lighthouse. This can also be stored in Ender's chest, allowing you to retrieve it and instantly build a lighthouse.

Can you build a lighthouse in other dimensions?

Nether shows fire and lava from a high angle.

Yes! Beacons can be built both in Nizhny and in Kanka, which might come in handy if you're working on some multidimensional builds like the Nether hub.

It should be noted that a beacon beam can pass through bedrock. This is important to keep in mind if you plan to break through the stone base to build the roof of the Void. Instead of breaking the post by the beamyou can simply place it at the bottom of the Desert and reap the benefits from top to bottom.

There's no End “roof”, but you'll still be able to pop the beacon down into the dimension. It can be used help mine obsidian, destroy End City or build some farm.


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