How to get the elixir quickly

Super cell Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer battle strategy where you need a lot of in-game currency to improve your village and train your army. These important currencies include Elixir.

Like gold and gems, elixir is needed to construct buildings and traps; almost all army structures can be placed with elixir. In addition, it is needed to remove obstacles such as trees, trunks, bushes, mushrooms and more. This guide will help you learn how to get Elixir quickly Clash of Clans.


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How to get Elixir fast in Clash Of Clans

Here are some of the fastest ways to earn elixir in the game:

Level up your elixir collectors

Collector of elixirs clash of clans

The fastest way to collect the elixir Clash of Clans this is by upgrading elixir collectors. Like gold mines, these buildings create many elixirs for your village. Just click the “Upgrade” button to increase production and storage. Don't forget to build strong walls around them and train your army to protect this resource from attackers.

End active calls

Elixir clash of clans

There are several stages in the Active Challenges section that give out a lot of free elixirs. To grab this resource, complete the quests and earn enough trial points. Here is a list of stages that reward Elixir:


Points are required




2000 Elixir



4000 Elixir



8000 Elixir



25,000 Elixir



100,000 Elixir



250,000 Elixir



500,000 Elixir



1,000,000 Elixir

Participate in Practice Mode

practice clash of clans mode

Clash of Clans there's a Practice Mode that shows players the latest battle strategies while offering the chance to loot resources like Elixir. Each Town Hall level features one to three practice matches where you learn how to destroy villages with different troops. After you beat the match and collect all the elixir, you need to upgrade the town hall to unlock new challenges.

Raids on goblin villages

Goblin Village Clash of Clans

Another way to get Elixir quickly Clash of Clans this is an attack on goblin villages from the goblin map. To access it, tap the map icon in the lower left corner of the screen and scroll down to the Single Player Battles section. Each victory unlocks new locations for villages, giving you more opportunities to collect elixir.

Join multiplayer battles

star bonus clash of clans

You can also join multiplayer battles to earn a set of elixir. In this mode, you compete against a real player with a Town Hall level or trophy count similar to yours. To start a match, go to the Multiplayer tab from the map icon and spend some gold. If you win five stars in these battles, you will receive a bonus that includes a lot of elixir that can be collected from the treasury in your clan's castle.

Engage in clan wars and clan games

clan wars clash of clans

Clan wars and clan games are a great opportunity to earn a steady flow of elixir. Clan Wars are two-day events where the clan with the most stars wins. However, you will need your clan leader to nominate you as a member to be eligible for rewards. Similarly, Clan Games unlock at the sixth level of the Town Hall and introduce Elixir rewards for completing tasks.

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Clash of Clans


August 2, 2012


Multiplayer online

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