How to get Pesidon Rod and Unlock Poseidon's Temple in Fish

If you first find yourself in the place of Atlantis, you can easily get lost there because it has several units. However, to get to them, players must pass different trials. So in this guide we will tell you how to get Poseidon's core and unlock Poseidon's temple Fish.

Rod Poseidon is a final game tool that is great for agricultural money. But, as the rod with high statistics, it is expensive enough as well as hidden in one of the closed places in this Roblox RPG.


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How to get Poseidon Rod in Fish

The Poseidon Temple in the festival

Rod Poseidon has been added to the game with Atlantis update, so it is obvious you should look for it in the same place. Fortunately, unlocking Atlantis is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if you know where to look for TNT. As soon as you get to the underwater kingdom, you will have to decide the trial of Poseidon's Fish To purchase Poseidon -Strengian for 155555C.

How to unlock the Poseidon Temple in the festival

The Poseidon Temple in the festival

Over the first, of course, you need to find the Poseidon Temple in the complex Atlantis location in Fish. Being in the starting zone, look to find the Poseidon's statue. Go to the statue and immerse yourself in the water to get to the Poseidon temple Fish.

You need to swim along the right wall to find a tunnel leading to a drier part of the temple. But, of course, this is only the beginning, because after leaving the water, the test of Poseidon should be solved.

It consists of two rooms in each of the three pedestals. You should put on them a certain fish. Although every pedestal hints at which fish you have to bring, this puzzle is still quite complicated:

  • The left room – Iceberd shark, a great hammer shark and a Chinese shark
  • Right – Shark Guins, ancient megalodone and great white shark

Fortunately, you don't need to do it yourself. Several players can participate in the solution as the Poseidon Temple will become available to all players on Fish The server. But for your convenience we have collected in the table below everything you need to know to catch the fish you need.

Fish Location Bait Couple Term Weather
Shark with ice weapons Ice Grotto Truffal worm Winter Night Any
A whale shark Hunting on the shark Shrimp Autumn or summer Day Clear
A Great Hammer Shark Hunting on the shark Fish head Spring Day Windy
Guins of the shark Ancient Island Fish head Any Night Any
The big white shark Hunting on the shark Fish head Autumn Any Clear
Ancient megalodone Megalodone hunting Shark's head Any Any Any


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Poseidon's Statistics

If you enter the Poseidon Temple FishYou will notice the core of Poseidon almost immediately. It costs 1555555s $, making it one of the most expensive rods. However, you can easily deal with thousands C $.

  • The speed of the bait: 50%
  • Luck: 165%
  • Control: 0.2
  • Resistance: 40%
  • Max kg: 100 000
  • Ability 1: Your catch has a 5% chance of getting a king's mutation, as well as weight gain about 75-150%.
  • Ability 2: You have a 25% chance of getting an extra reward for $ 75% of the base weight.
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September 1, 2006

Developer (s)

Corporation Roblox

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Corporation Roblox

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