How to get Galarian Corsola in the Max Out Final Event for Pokemon Go

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Pokemon Go The current season, Max Out, is coming to an end soon and they are sending it off with a brand new event, The final Max Out event. This will be a packed Pokemon Go event that will bring players several bonuses, research, rewards and even a couple of Pokemon Go debuts.


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It will be a five-day event, will take place from Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. local time to Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. local time. Read on to learn more about the latest Pokemon Go event of the Max Out season, including all the details and tips you'll need to finish this season in style!

Pokemon Debut: Galarian Corsola and Cursola

Image of Galarian Carsola of Regileca, Rehydrago, Zatian and Zamazenta around them.

Pokemon Go debuts Galarian Carsola with this event appearing in Pokemon Go for the first time. Also, if you get a Galarian Corsola, you'll have the option of reforging it into a cursor, also made its Pokemon Go debut at the event.

It will require
50 Corsola candies
turn Galarian Corsola into Cursola.

Corsola Candy can be obtained by catching, transferring, or hatching a Corsola, Galarian Corsola, or Cursola.

You will have a chance to get a Galarian Corsola from hatching 7km Eggs obtained throughout the final Max Out event.

Although this will be Galarian Corsola's Pokemon Go debut,
you will have a chance to get its brilliant variation.

Event Bonuses

Pokemon Go Raid Pass with the Pokemon Go logo in the upper right corner.

They will be three different bonuses active throughout the final Max Out event. These three bonuses include:

  • Additional 5000 XP for each successfully completed raid.
  • Eggs hatched during this event will have half the hatch distance.
  • Use it up to 10 Remote Raid Passes daily during this event.


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Wild Encounter Pokemon event

An image of Sobble, Treasure, Gruky, and Drippy in front of Dynamax Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise.

You will also notice a change pokemons that you often find in the wild. This includes several event-themed Pokemon, all of which are featured below.

  • Gruki
  • Treasures
  • Sob
  • Hatena
  • Fallinki
  • Vulu
  • Squovet

Event Raid Pokemon

Red Pokemon Go Raid regalia on top with the Pokemon Go Rising Heroes logo in the corner.

During the final Max Out event, Raids will be filled with different event-themed Pokemonof varying degrees of complexity. Below you can find each of these raid Pokemon, along with the type of raid they will be found in.

Raid Pokemon

Raid level


One star


One star


One star



Holarian Wiesing










Mega Altaria

Mega raid

For the first time, you will have the opportunity to face both
Shining Regileks and Shining Rehydra.

Event eggs

Several different Pokemon Go Eggs and Hatcheries with the Pokemon Go logo at the top.

7 km Yaiki obtained during the Max Out Finale Event will hatch certain event-themed Pokemon, all Galarian variants. Make sure you purchase and hatch these eggs while they're available, giving you a chance to hatch one of the following Pokemon:

  • Galarian Carsola
  • Galarian Ponita
  • Holarian Meowth
  • Galarian Farfetch'd
  • Galarian Slowpoke
  • Halarian Zigzaghun
  • Galarian of Darumak
  • Galarian Yamask
  • Galarain Stanfisk


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Event ticket

An image of a Pokemon Go ticket with a Pokemon Go map as the background.

You will be able to purchase Event ticket for the Max Out Finale Event, unlocking additional bonuses and benefits after purchase. This ticket will be available in the Pokemon Go in-game store for a price $10.00 USDgiving you each of the bonuses below.

  • Additional 5000 XP from successfully completing raids.
  • Five additional free Raid Passes from Pokemon Gyms.
  • Three extra candies when catching Pokemon from five-star raids.
  • One extra Candy XL when catching Pokemon from five-star raids.

Event research

Professor Willow with Pikachu on her shoulder, with Mew and the Pokemon Go logo on her right.

Tasks of field research

There will be a limited time Objectives of field research events available during this event, acquired by spinning various PokeStop Photo Discs. Completing these tasks will reward you with Stardust and themed Pokemon encounters.

You will have the opportunity to purchase Temporary studies for Max Out Finale Event, cost $5.00 USD in the Pokemon Go game store. Those who have purchased this timed study will unlock various tasks to complete, rewarding you with the following:

  • Event themed Pokemon encounters
  • The posture of the avatar on the theme of the event

You will have only
until the end of this event to complete these temporary research tasks.

Don't forget to complete all the tasks and get all the rewards before this event ends.

A collection of challenges

They will be Event collection issues available to all players during the Max Out Finals. You will need to catch and breed event-themed Pokemonrewarding you with:

  • Rare candies
  • XP
  • Pinup silver berries

Events. Demonstration of Pokemon

Three phone screens side by side, each with Squirtle entered into the Pokemon showcase.

They will be Event-themed Pokemon exhibits located at various PokeStops throughout the Max Out finale. These Pokemon Showcases will require you introduce specific Pokémon to the theme of the eventreward those who are either the biggest or the smallest, depending on the competition.

Make sure that
hold on to the different event-themed pokemon you catch
during this event, especially those that are very large or small.

This will help ensure that you always have Pokemon to participate in these showcases.


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