How to defeat Vagnas in Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven

Vagnas is the leader of Romance Saga 2: Revenge of the Seventitular antagonists of However, just because he's the main villain doesn't mean you have to save him for last, you can defeat Vagnas pretty early on, even if it means traveling the world. However, regardless of when you fight him, there's one thing you can be sure of: if you show up to this fight unprepared, you're in for a bad time.


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Vagnas is not only a skilled mage who has extremely powerful magic attacks that range from a fire spell that hits the entire party to a powerful light magic spell that will deal a lot of damage to a group of party members. His magic would surely make an unprepared group miserable. This guide will tell you everything you need to know to get to Vagnas, as well as tell you about the fight itself.

Battle of Hakuro Castle

Once Hakuro Castle appears, you'll be ready to fight Vagnas, the leader of the seven. Well, at least you'll be prepared to oppose him. Hakuro Castle appeared after I completed the Sekishusai, Loyal Retainer quest. After the time shift, the quest “Battle of Hakuro Castle” appeared. i the suspect this is how you unlock this dungeon.

After entering Hakuro Castle, turn left, go through the gate and up the stairs. Turn right through the door and go straight down the path until you see a door leading to a battlemented wall. Enter this door and you will find yourself in a huge room. There is a door at the other end of it; go through that door – of course you'll need to get around the guards on either side of it.

Now go down the nearest ladder and run straight south to the next doorway. From here, just head down the stairs and you'll be at a save point and almost ready to face the dungeon's boss: the Black Legion.

Black Legion boss battle

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Boss of the Black Legion.

It's a fight against the Black Legion as well as two Mystics. Rapier's Marionette move is stunningly effective in this fight. Also, while the Black Legion is resistant to most things, it can be broken by paralysis.

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Using the puppet technique on the Black Legion boss.

Watch out for the Mystics as they are capable of using powerful martial arts attacks and dealing extremely powerful blows. I found they used them a lot more when the Black Legion was dead so I would highly recommend removing them the first. However, if you keep stealing their turn with the puppet technique, this battle won't be too much trouble.

After you defeat the Black Legion boss, Vagnas will reveal himself and then immediately flee to his floating castle. That means you'll have to find your way there.

Flying Castle Achievement

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Hiragi's flying car.

Now we'll need to get to Vagnas to his Floating Castle. There are two ways to do this: with Hiragi's flying car or with Iris. The Iris method doesn't make sense if you haven't unlocked them yet, as this is a lengthy quest that will allow you to travel around the world. So instead, we'll look at the Hiragi method. The first thing you will need to do is head to Liangshan and Yuyan. Talk to the citizens with the quest marker.

After you have spoken to the people of Liangshan and Yuyan, head to Somon and talk to Hirago. He will have a new invention that is perfect for this task. Now just head to Chont's Castle and you'll be able to use the Windwaker to reach the floating castle above. But before you head to the castle, you'll want to make sure your party is okay, because you won't be able to leave it once you get there.

If you haven't already paid Hiragu to build Leona's bridge, you need to do that first. Unfortunately, that means coughing up 1,000,000 kroner.

Preparing your party for Wagnas

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Nullifying Vagnas's attack

The Fire Wall spell is very helpful against Wagnashow does it close it Firestorm attack. Make sure you equip him with the fastest party member. To get the Fire Wall spell you will need to find Book of Fire and Earth I in the Steppe. The chest containing the book is near the two stairs (shown on the map) near the center of this area. The spell will need to be researched, so you'll need to do something to pass the time between getting it and facing Vagnas, but having it will make your life a lot easier, so that's what I recommend doing.

In addition, you'll want as many water elemental attacks as possibleas will the fire line. A character with the Firewall spell won't be able to equip water magic, but they will it is possible there are still methods that use the element of water equipped. The great sword has a bunch of those, of course. It's also very useful to have characters immune to fire having a salamander in your party is a smart choice. Having a Ring of Fire handy will also make your life easier. As for weapons, you'll want to have characters that wield swords, spears, axes, and bows.

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Shooting Vagnas with the Falling Phoenix attack.

If you bring a character with a bow, equip the Falling Phoenix technique if you have it. Wagnas is a flying creature, so it will deal massive damage.

Attacks that hit multiple enemies are extremely useful for taking down Animas in the second phase of the battle, especially when those attacks are water-based. Flurry is a great bow attack for hitting multiple enemiesand he has combo attacks with Diamond Dust, which is an excellent ice spell to defeat all enemies on the battlefield.

Battle for the floating castle

Go straight and up the stairs, dodge the living jelly and go out the door. You will now be on the outside path, dodge the dragons and head for the door on the other side. Now go down the hall dodging the slime.

To your right will be a chest with a Vorpal Sword. Be careful, you'll have to fight the mimic to get it.

Keep going down this hall, up the stairs and out the door and you'll be back outside. Turn right and you will go up the stairs. Taking a left through the door will lead you to a chest with gold ore inside. Spin around, go through the door and you'll be in a massive hall, go into the main room and turn left to go up the spiral staircase.

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Optional fight with the blue dragon.

If you go up the stairs and down the spiral steps in the lower right corner, you'll be able to get two chests from the room below. There is another chest in the lower left corner. A spiral staircase in the northern part leads to the 3rd floor. The door on this floor leads to a balcony where there is a treasure chest with crowns. On the next floor, you'll exit through the door and find yourself outside again.

There is a huge dragon here, of course you don't have to fight it. However, if you decide, know that they are it is possible to be stunned. Use this to steal their turn. Also, if you have the Wall of Fire spell on Vagnas, it will also negate that dragon's big attack. From here, go through the door and up the stairs. You'll find Wagnas waiting for you at the top.

Before facing the Wagnas, don't forget to change your gear. He doesn't attack you with physical attacks, he only uses magic, so change your armor and raise your magic defense as high as possible.

Battle with Vagnas boss

The fight against Vagnas has three phases…

  • In the first phase of the fight, you'll just have to deal with Vagnas and his array of magic spells.

  • The second phase will introduce Vagnas' big attack: Fire Storm. It will also see him summon the Blue and Red Animas to fight alongside him.

  • Vagnas's third phase will start using his powerful light magic spell: Sunbeam.

You are going to spend your time hitting the Wagnas with your most powerful greatsword, spear, ax and bow. After you've pushed him hard enough for him to enter his second form, you're going to start nullifying his Firestorm spell with your own Wall of Fire spell.

You'll want to hit Vagnas with a constant stream of water spells whenever his fire line is active, as this will heal him a huge amount at the end of each round. His line of fire will activate after each use of the Firestorm spell.

A firewall spell wears off after the round it was cast on ends, meaning that if you have a character that is the last to act by casting a spell, it will not be active after the start of the next round. So, be extra careful about the queue order.

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. Using team attacks to destroy the Anima.

Vagnas will now start summoning Animas to help him. A Red Anima will sacrifice itself to attack a single ally, while a Blue Anima will sacrifice itself to attack a group of your allies. So, try to take them down before they get a chance to use their sacrificial attacks with group-hitting techniques. If you can't take out all of them, focus on taking out the Blue Anima instead of the Red Anima.

Saving Unite Attack for when Vagnas summons Animas is a smart play, especially if you have great Unite Attacks that hit multiple enemies.

Romantic Saga 2 Revenge of the Seven. The Wagnas use the Sunray attack.

During the last part of the battle, Vagnas will continue to do the same thing as in the first two stages, but he won't start using the Sunbeam spell. So some form of light magic mitigation isn't a bad idea. Light Wall is a solid answer if you have nothing else. Fortunately, by the time Vagnas uses his Sunray attack, he'll be pretty seriously injured. Just keep pressing and it will fall down quickly.

If you made a terrible decision when creating your party and fear you won't be able to defeat Vagnas, you can tell him you were “just leaving” when you first encountered him and he'll teleport you away from the castle, allowing you to change your configuration your party.

the next one

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