How to complete the Infested Clear missions (and why you should do them) in 7 Days to Die

There are several different types of missions that players can choose to complete 7 days to death. Some of them, like the treasure hunt missions, are quite simple. However, there are some tasks that are incredibly difficult to complete. As you progress through the trader levels, you will unlock more difficult missions. Some of the hardest missions in the game are the infected missions. Players can break into a building filled with various undead enemies and take them all out.


The 7 best places to loot in 7 days before you die

Players looking for valuable loot in 7 Days to Die may want to check out the following locations.

Although challenging, these missions are great for earning XP, farming, and getting some nice and sometimes rare rewards. This guide will cover everything you need to know about completing infected missions in 7 days to death.

How to start the Infested Clear mission

Zombie surprise 7 days before death

To start any mission, you will need to visit a trader. There are 5 different traders on the standard map; Rect, Jen, Bob, Hugh and Joe. For the most part, it doesn't matter which trader you talk to. The things that matter are the location and level of the mission. The higher the level of the mission, the more difficult the mission. Also, the biome where the mission takes place plays a role in how tough the enemies will be. For example, a mission done in a forest is much less likely to have a lot of wildlings compared to a mission done in the Wasteland.

Infected missions can be started after you have unlocked level 2 missions. To unlock Tier 2 missions, you need to complete a total of 10 Tier 1 missions. Infected clean missions are much more difficult than standard clean missions. You can expect to encounter more zombies than usual. Not only that, but the zombies tend to be tougher zombies like radiating zombies, cops, and savages. The Tier 6 Pure Infested missions are by far the hardest missions in the game. However, by the time you get access to level 6 missions, you should be well armed and ready to take them on. No matter what level the mission is, the goal for infected clean missions remains the same; eliminate all enemies within a certain area.

Completing the Infested Clear mission

Infected cache in 7 days to die

Once you have arrived at the POI (Point of Interest) where the mission takes place, you will need to activate it by interacting with the marker in front of the building/area. Activating this token means you cannot leave the zone. If you move too far from the POI, the mission will fail. Also, if you die during a mission, it will cause you to spawn outside the mission area, meaning that if you die, you will fail the mission.

Each location in the game requires players to take a certain path. There are multiple trigger points within each POI. A trigger point is an event that occurs once the player crosses a certain threshold in a POI. This can be anything from the floor collapsing to a horde of zombies jumping from above. To avoid this, take an alternate route through the POI. The path required by the game is usually lit by torches, lanterns, or any other type of lighting. If you don't follow the designated path, you'll also avoid accidentally triggering a dangerous trap.

One helpful tip when clearing hazardous areas is to always have a handful of building blocks with you. That way, if you ever fall into a trap, you can quickly get out of it. Alternatively, you can use the blocks to jump up the sides of the building, avoiding the main path and allowing you to catch the zombies by surprise.


7 Days to Death: 7 Tips to Survive the First Few Days

The first few days in a survival game are always a bit difficult, and the same goes for 7 Days To Die. Here are some helpful tips early on.

When it comes to any specific mission, once a zombie is activated, it will appear as a red dot at the top of the screen. The bigger the red dot, the closer the zombie is to you. Using this allows you to track the approximate location of zombies without letting you get stuffed.

When it comes to killing zombies, like almost every other zombie-based video game, the head is their weak point. While a few headshots are usually enough to take out most enemies, there are a few with special abilities to look out for:

Zombie type


How to deal with them


Spit toxic vomit and explode when wounded

Cops usually throw their heads back before spitting out toxic vomit. Use this time to find cover. Always try to keep your distance so you don't end up in the cop's blast zone.


Jump long distances

Listen for the screeching sound. They make this sound just before they jump. When they're around, take some quick headshots


Shout to summon other zombies

Prioritize killing these zombies over other types of zombies to avoid being overwhelmed by tons of zombies.

Destructive zombies

Tape a glowing explosive package to their chest

Don't beat them in the chest. When you do, the explosives will go off. If this happens, run as far as you can.

When you reach the last room during the infected clear mission, you will see many containers for higher level loot. Although you are going to search all the containers, you also have to be careful. Most infected clear missions save the most zombies for the loot room. Once you're inside, chances are you'll be overwhelmed by zombies. Before going into the loot room/area, make sure you are fully healed, your weapon is solid and reloaded, and that you know the exit. One of the key rules of survival is to always be aware of your existence. If things get too dangerous, you'll need to leave quickly.

Once you've cleared all the zombies, the objective of your mission will change and you'll need to report to the trader to claim your reward. Before you leave, don't forget to grab all the valuable loot from the last room. One big difference between a normal clean mission and an infected clean mission is the loot. On top of the standard loot boxes, you'll find an infected stash. This box usually contains enough ammo, magazines, and other quality items to make the mission worthwhile.

Infested Clear Mission Rewards

7 Days to Die Trader Hugh Compound Snow Biome screenshot

When you return to the trader, you will be able to choose your reward. The reward you receive is random. However, the quality/rarity of available rewards depends on several factors:

  • Game scene

  • Mining stage

  • Level selection

  • Choice of skills

Your game scene rises naturally as you play. ​​​​​​While the same goes for your mining stage, there are a few things you can do to increase it. Lucky Looter is a skill that helps level up loot. There is also a treasure hunter mod that increases it even more. As for your level selection, the higher the mission level, the better the rewards.

The last thing you can do to get the best rewards is to put points into the A Daring Adventurer perk. This increases the amount of Dukes you get for completing missions. Additionally, at rank 4, this perk allows the player to choose two rewards instead of one after completing a mission. This is a really must-have perk for those who like to complete missions. The extra dukes help a lot. However, being able to grab two rewards can be incredibly useful, especially if they are rare rewards like Solar Panels, Crucibles, or Legendary Parts.

After you've claimed your rewards, it's always a good idea to sell any junk you picked up during a mission to a trader. Each Duke you sell gives you 1 experience. Although it doesn't seem like much, if you sell items in large quantities, you can get thousands of XP with the click of a button.

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